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All In This Together and Astrology Forecast May 14-20.

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

As we move past the Wesak Scorpio Full Moon from May 10, we experience the waning half of the lunar cycle that was begun at the Taurus New Moon on April 26.

This current lunar cycle ends at the Gemini New Moon on May 25.

So now as we move downward with the waning Moon, we process all that has been happening since April 26.

The 4th and last quarter of the Taurus lunar cycle happens on Thursday May 18, with the Moon in Aquarius.

Even more processing energy is then available, as well as needs to finish things up, and use more of our detached thinking abilities (Moon in Aquarius).

Moving out of concentration on the physical plane and into more mental concentration will continue as the Sun moves into Gemini on May 20, and then with the New Moon in Gemini on May 25.

Until then the trend is still toward nature, our bodies, the Earth, as well as security, money, physical pleasures and physical resources.

This time concentrating on the physical plane grounds us and grounds our recent ideas, intentions, and visions.

We have slowed down and it has been easier to stay present and pay attention to our surroundings.

Possessions are also important for Taurus and they will hold on for dear life to what they want to keep in their lives, including people.

As we move into Gemini energies and experience, we will find it easier to let go and be more flexible, especially mentally.

Gemini is a mutable air sign, and just using that as a metaphor can give you a sense of what that means.

Everything is lighter and one is more open to thoughts, ideas, information, and communications that stream in and out.  Changing one’s mind is easier to do during Gemini times.

Donald Trump is a Sun in Gemini and it is obvious how often he changes his mind and policies.

For instance he had stated clearly before he was elected that the USA should not intervene in other countries’ affairs like we did in Iraq and Libya. He said we should not fight Syria, but instead put all our concentration on the Islamic State.

Then he decides to bomb Syria when he receives uncollaborated information that Syria used chemical weapons against its own people.

We will not be able to know what he will do next on most any issue, as his ideas will keep changing.  His ethics are totally situational, as they are for many Geminis.

There is not a tendency toward firm foundational mental structures composed of firm ideas and principles.  Instead their minds are changeable and fluid.

Of course this mental fluidity can be great for fast thinking, and tends to be open minded to new ideas and ways of perceiving things.

But it also can be clever at turning and spinning words deceptively.  It may not always be conscious of the fact that it is lying or deceiving.

And of course this open mind will be valuable when new information becomes available, like with Extraterrestrials or Star People, or with investigations into cases that were previously and apparently solved and carved in the stone of set opinion.

But in Trump’s case, his narcissism may need him to spin toward what is favorable to his image of himself and to what he wants to believe, and what he wants us to believe.

He is not a “normal” Gemini, but instead a flawed and unbalanced one.  When someone is flawed or deeply traumatized or with mental and emotional imbalance; they will respond in the worst way of what a sign can be.

For instance Leo is a sign of heartfelt, authentic creative expression. It shines a light of hope and happiness.  That is at its best.

At its worst Leo is totally self centered, dominating, and even narcissistic. It places a high priority on its image and popularity.

Bill Clinton, a Sun in Leo, is a good example of someone who expresses both the highest and lowest potential of what a Leo can be.

Donald Trump has Leo as his rising sign, and his Mars is in Leo conjunct that Ascendent.

When the August Total Solar Eclipse New Moon erupts in August this year, Trump’s Leo tendencies will be heightened because that Eclipse is closely conjunct both his Mars and Rising sign .

His aggressively defensive ego (Mars in Leo) will be triggered by some world event and/or person. And he will then very likely overreact to the situation causing some major experience and drama.

The USA, Israel, North Korea, and Syria will also have important natal planets very closely triggered by that eclipse. This August will be a very important turning point month for world affairs.

We are all so closely connected in so many ways now to peoples all over the world with mass transportation, international commerce, and international communication systems that relatively recently includes social media too.

Just yesterday 99 countries were affected by someone who hacked Microsoft software. Hospital systems and other important systems suffered as a result.  Real innocent people were also greatly affected as a result of this hack.

There will be more events that awaken us more to the fact that we are all so closely connected to one another in this world.

While we have connected so well through media and commerce and other ways, in human to human relations we have not done so well.

Too many of us still make foe or enemy of those who are different: different nation, race, sexual orientation, gender, political affiliation, or religion.

We have a long way to go before we deeply acknowlege we are all of the same family here on Earth.

What will it take for us to evolve to this place of Diversity within Unity, the consciousness needed to enter the Age of Aquarius?

Will we experience an even more devastating computer failure, one that breaks down our usual ways to survive and thrive every day? How about a World War?  Maybe mass communication from some person or group who wants to take over the world or who tell us they are a Savior(s)?  Or maybe a worldwide seen Visitation from other dimensions or planets?

We are quite a ways from having enough people in Age of Aquarius consciousness.   Will the December 2020 date I see as a marking point in our journey to an Age of Aquarius show us enough people in that consciousness to give us hope we have entered the gateway?

This week, however, will be rather tame in comparison to those aforementioned potential events.

Use this week to ground your self and your life, to maybe bring more together what has been your past.   You can then be in better position to more completely embrace this New Chapter of our personal and collective lives on Planet Earth.

This is an important year in our evolution.

Till next week,


There is a video of my recent talk at the Enlightenment Expo that my friend Jonne Trees has recorded:

The subject is about navigating the planetary changes this year.

Please take a look at the video David Lonebear Sanipass and I created recently-

If you need any help with your relationship now, I have done couples’ counseling for many years. Do you need to identify and work out old patterns? Do you need to decide whether to stay or go?  I use the astrological model to help in the counseling process. We can use Skype if outside New England. Write me at if interested.

Please check out my forecast for 2017-

And if you would like your own personal forecast for 2017, please contact me at

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