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Aquarius New Moon, Imbolc, Chinese New Year, and Revolution

by Leo Knighton Tallarico

We enter the last few days of the current  lunar cycle, which began on January 4 at the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Capricorn.  The eclipse season, which began before the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon on the winter solstice 2010- is coming to an end.  Jupiter in early Aries  has just triggered the cardinal t-square formation from the summer of 2010.  The big events that were predicted to change America and the world this season have erupted in Tucson and most especially in Egypt.

The doors have widely opened, and enormous waves of transformational  change are flooding into our consciousness and world.   Barriers are being broken down and energies of liberation are being awakened.  What is happening in Egypt is part of a vast swelling of transformational change in the Middle East.  The old power structure of the USA, Israel, and dictator lead Arab regimes is falling.  Liberation is growing in Tunisia, Algeria, Lebanon, and Egypt. Other Arab states will follow, as dominoes continue to drop.

As the Middle East transforms itself, so does the power structure of the whole world.  China, India, Brazil, and Iran are growing world powers.  The old days of the Soviet Union and the USA running the world together have long ended.  The days of the USA being the sole superpower of the world have dying embers barely burning.

The Aquarian Age is about freedom and liberation from oppressive dictators, governments, and global corporations.  The Aquarian Age is about equality and rights and powers to the people, to the citizens of the world.   What is happening in Egypt, no matter how far it goes this round, is part of that transition into a new paradigm and age on Earth.

The internet and our social networks like twitter and facebook, even with their faults, are an integral link in the chain that brings us all together, all over the world in Freedom.  That is why the government of Egypt is shutting down the internet, twitter and facebook and cell phone texting.  These are the modern tools of the people to gather together, to make plans, to liberate.

We have only just begun the change this this year 2011. As we told you in previous writings, 2010 was getting used to the change, seeing the doors open and then close again, the old leaving us, but the new not showing the way yet.  2011, as in Egypt, the doors swing widely open into big change.

But the Powers that Be will not let go of their power base so easily.  As they are doing in Egypt, they will use their power to try to stop the change.  How far will they go?   Will they get more ruthless, and kill the liberators?   Will they put many more in jail and prisons?

Remember that the Lunar Eclipse happening on the winter solstice gave us a signature for the winter to be full of big changes. These winter changes have not ended, even though the Eclipse season is beginning to end now. Jupiter in early Aries is also still triggering the cardinal t-square from the summer of 2010.

And in the spring and summer of 2011, Uranus in early Aries will also trigger that T-Square.  Then is June and July, a relatively rare 3 eclipses in a row will occur: one on June 1, a Solar Eclipse in Gemini; a Lunar Eclipse on June 15 in Sagittarius; and a most powerful Cardinal Solar Eclipse Grand Cross in Cancer.

There is no break from the changes this year.   So get ready to change the patterns and habits in your life that keep your mind and heart locked and chained.   Get ready to let go of old relationships, jobs, homes, and situations that hold you back from actualizing your authentic self and purpose filled life.

Astrology Forecast for January 30-February 5

This week begins with a continued darkening of the moon Sunday- Wednesday. Moods often are down then also.

But on Wednesday February 2 at 9:31 PM EST there is a New Moon in Aquarius, Imbolc and a Chinese New Year of the Rabbit– New Beginnings.

The Aquarian New Moon puts a spotlight on group activities, greater social consciousness, internet activities, mass communications, detached thinking, inventiveness, individualism, and generally outside the box thinking and acting.   Revolutionary activities are also highlighted, as Uranus is the “ruling” planet of Aquarius.  Mars is conjunct that New Moon, so activities for freedom and individual rights are stronger. So is group activity toward a common cause.

That means the revolutionary activities in Egypt should still be in the spotlight and other revolutionary movements may ignite then also. This revolution began while the Sun was in Aquarius, and as the Moon joins that Sun in Aquarius, that forms the New Moon in Aquarius.

Imbolc is a yearly turning point. It is approximately half way between the winter solstice and spring equinox.   It brings the feeling of turning back toward the light, an anticipation of spring.    Spiritual people often go through rites of initiation at Imbolc.  The Catholic church celebrates this time as Candlemas.  Modern culture calls this time of year Groundhogs Day, with the Groundhog finding or not finding its shadow- legend says determines when spring will come.

Chinese New Year of the Rabbit – It is said that  “in the Year of the Rabbit, the wish-granting aspect of the Sun and the Moon combined is multiplied.  The Moon is YIN and this is the Yin of Heaven, signifying magic.  Thus on each of the Full Moon nights of this year, go out into your garden to gaze into the Full Moon and visualize plenty of Moon dust and Moon glow flowing into you, filling your whole body with bright white light and granting you fearlessness, love and courage.  This will not only strengthen your inner “Chi” energy, it will also bring wisdom into your life.”

You should begin to feel your self waking up more now, and feeling the breezes of fresh energies coming through you and your life.   Changes are inevitable now, and will be growing stronger every day.  Do your best to let go of “how it used to be”. Those days are passing now, and it is essential you get used to “taking the ride” now.

See you next week,


Please feel free to find more writings and my services on my website.You can get an astrological session with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life.  Please write for more info. I have a new radio show on the air on December 4 at 1 PM EST. It can be accessed after the live event also.

Leo Knighton Tallarico is a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for over 25 years.

He predicted the Iraq War of 2003- in early 2001 when Bush first took office; predicted the 9-11 attacks with an article “The Tower”, written in June 2001.  He predicted Obama and McCain would get the presidential nominations in november 2007, when both were low in the polls; and correctly predicted the current economic downturn before it occurred.

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