by Leo Knighton Tallarico
The winds are shifting this coming week and picking up strength, bringing us the beginning of Autumn Eclipse Season 2014.
We may begin to experience or at least feel these winds of change as early as Sunday when Mars squares Neptune. Then on Monday September 22 at 10:29 PM EDT is the Autumn Equinox.
This year’s Autumn Equinox is more powerful then usual and promises a most intense Autumn season ahead. That is so because Pluto will be changing directions from Retrograde to Direct less than two hours before the Equinox.
That means that Pluto’s energy and meaning will be a big part of what is felt and experienced surrounding the time of the Equinox.
Autumn Equinox is like the sunset time of the year, as the Sun is just beginning to come down for the year. Light and dark minutes are equal at the Autumn Equinox, but right after that moment of equality dark minutes begin to increase as light minutes begin to wane.
The Yin energies get stronger, and colder darker times ahead can be felt. And of course this is not just felt physically, as the holistic world we are in lets us know it is time to begin to feel more deeply emotionally and spiritually as well.
Since the Autumn Equinox also means that the Sun is moving into Libra for a month, we become more socially conscious and more relationship conscious at this time. Our yang motivations to focus more on our self and our personal needs and personal growth are beginning to shift.
Now we realize and appreciate our needs to love and be loved, to make connection, to live more outside our personal bubble. We may also, as is aligned with the coming darker and colder days, realize we need others in our life to feel truly warm and safe.
This year the Autumn Equinox may bring us to feel this shift more intensely and deeply, as Pluto is in the spotlight of our awareness.
Pluto, Guardian of the Underworld, brings up in a powerful way the “darker” feelings, thoughts, and secrets. It sometimes quite powerfully or explosively brings up emotions or issues that we have suppressed and even repressed.
In relationship to others that means we may speak our minds in a more direct way, emotionally letting out that which we have previously held in.
In that process we are speaking our truth and hence empowering ourselves. We may also be pushing the buttons of someone else and causing them to also say things in a more primal and direct manner.
This may cause a very intense and meaningful discussion that clears the air and either brings about a healing or more animosity toward one another. Sometimes there is also a letting go of someone who is not right for you anymore.
In the greater world there is a possibility of a powerful world event around this time; but if not now, Pluto being a part of the signature of Autumn 2014 promises us that important world events will happen definitely during the season at some time. The Middle East is still in the spotlight for potential events with Iraq and Syria, Islamic State and Israel.
This is a dark moon time early this week, bringing a New Moon in Libra on September 24 at 2:14 AM EDT.
After the lunar crescent is seen in the sky on the 25th, the energies of the New Moon in Libra truly take form. That means that words and intentions become more about “us” and “you” than “me” and ‘mine”.
It becomes easier to find connections in all sorts of ways; and desires for beauty, refinement, and social graces get stronger. Make sure, however, “not to give up the baby along with the bathwater”. That means you do not want to accommodate others so much that you are forgetting about your own needs.
Work things out with others now and truly listen, but make sure you balance that with standing your ground around your own integrity. Pluto changing directions could cause some eruptions of “negative” emotions as part of the process of trying to work things out. Libra usually brings more peace and harmony, but Pluto will bring more intensity than the usual Libra time of year.
Remember that Autumn Eclipse Season begins this week and it is just the beginning of a most powerful season ahead. There will be much movement soon in many ways.
Stuck energies do not stand much of a chance, old patterns will be challenged, new ways of thinking and acting will be breaking through.
You are in a New Chapter of your life, and whatever is in your life that does not fit into this new phase will need to be let go. You may try to hold on, but that will only bring more pain and misery.
Though it may feel unsafe or insecure to let go, just allow your self to feel what it would be like to keep the status quo. Would you feel trapped? Would your heart and spirit be dimmed?
If what you are holding onto represents a disrespecting of your self, are you ready now to respect and love your self more by letting go of the old person or job or home or belief?
This could be a very important time this season to liberate your self from that which has chained your heart and soul and free spirit. It is time to move on.
To add to the shifting tides, Mercury will go Retrograde on October 4. Then on October 8 is the first of two eclipses: A New Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Aries. This Eclipse makes a powerful T-square with Uranus and Pluto, bringing huge waves of healing and transformation.
Then on October 23 is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio. That Lunar cycle will take us to the New Moon in Sagittarius on November 22, a time when Autumn Eclipse Season comes to an end.
The new Autumn Eclipse Season Forecast is ready to view .
See you next week,
You can get an astrological consultation with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life. Please write for more info..
Please feel free to find more writings and my services on my website.
Leo Knighton Tallarico has been a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for 29 years