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Beginning Eclipse Season and Astrology Forecast January 14-20.

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

A portal opens this week to initiate Winter Eclipse Season 2018.   Though the first actual Eclipse is a couple weeks away, the New Moon in Capricorn January 16 marks the energetic opening of Eclipse Season.

These last few weeks have been rather difficult for many as the recent prevalence of Capricorn/Scorpio energies has tended to drop people into what is real and needs to be processed or acted upon.  There has been little room for escape or distraction.

And energies have been kept down and inward as we have been in the 4th quarter part of the lunar cycle this last week.

But you will have more energy to move actively forward after January 16 at 9:17 PM EST. at the Capricorn New Moon.

As all planets are also going Direct now, that adds to the ability to move forward; this continues until March 8 when Jupiter goes Retrograde.

This New Moon in Capricorn is the  first New Moon since Uranus went Direct on January 2,  which began the movement of All Planets Direct.

So this is a significant New Moon, especially so as it begins Eclipse Season.

New Moons always bring energy for starts, new beginnings, action and movement.   And as the Full Moon brings climax and/or some resolution to what begins at the New Moon, one can see how the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on January 31 is an extension of the lunar cycle begun at the New Moon in Capricorn this week.

So what begins for you or begins in the world this week, after the New Moon in Capricorn, will give indication of what Eclipse Season will tend to bring.

Capricorn is the sign “ruled” by Saturn, and as such signifies “It is Time”.  There is really  nowhere else to go when it is time.  Saturn is considered by some the hand of fate.   Whether that fate is determined by some force outside ourselves, or is meant to be by  karmic “what goes around comes around” reality is open to one’s interpretation.

Capricorn is also the best sign for making a certain goal, organizing plans to accomplish that goal, and having the discipline to carry out that plan.

Capricorn is used best if the plan is carried out step by step, more methodically than impulsively.

You are ready now to make real your dreams and ideals, your goals and desires.  Only you can stop that train from beginning its journey now. Just keep in mind that the plan will take time to fully unfold and manifest- no  quick fixes.

In the greater world look for clues as to what this eclipse season will bring. Look for hints in the stock market and economy, look for signs of what will  happen in the Middle East and Korea.

That does not mean to focus on those events, but from a detached place to recognize what may happen in the 3D world, as some call it.

Your focus is best placed on your soul’s journey and the bigger picture of what is transforming in your life and in the world.

Those likely chaotic events coming to the world are part of the process that will take us to our new world and Age of Aquarius.

Donald Trump is in the world to be a catalyst for great change and transformation.  His presence is taking us outside old boxes and awakening us to what has been wrong in our world and country.

He represents much of what needs to change, and how we need to stand up for what we believe, no matter the pressure to give in.

Ultimately we are learning to connect the opposites, and connect the dots in the Universe to find meaning in all situations.

Dark and light, male and female, yin and yang, homosexual and heterosexual, all meant to be connected though inherently so different. This is the core of Diversity within Unity, a call phrase for the Age of Aquarius.

So  if you let hate run your attitude you are severing the threads that connect.  That does not mean being all nice and sweet. Of course you need the passion to fight for what you believe and what you are;  but just like in a good family you keep the thread of connection inside yourself no matter how estranged or angry you become.

Though it is hard to see sometimes, we are all members of the  human family, even though  you may be among those who are beginning to mutate into being a more evolved version.

If we keep the US versus THEM paradigm, we will eventually destroy ourselves and the planet, as weapons of mass destruction are spreading all over the globe.

Finding what unites us, even though so different, will bring sanity and  peace to the world.

Do we need to be taken to the edge before we collectively wake up?  Soon we will know the answer.

Just before the New Moon in Capricorn, energies will already become more active, as Uranus squares Venus and the Sun, while Jupiter makes an intense sextile to Pluto.

Uranus is strong Saturday and Sunday and Jupiter/Pluto Monday and Tuesday.  That means surprises, and wake up  calls (Uranus), and intense stirring of passions (Jupiter/Pluto).

Remember that Eclipse Season is beginning now, getting us ready for the actual eclipses.  Eclipses shake things up out of same-old, same-old, and tend to bring breakdowns of the old habits and patterns, and/or breakthroughs into new realms, new vistas and dimensions.

Have you noticed the increased focus on extraterrestrial and UFO’s in the mainstream of society lately?  That egg is just starting to crack open now.

We will of course give greater attention to Eclipse Season now.  In that regard please check out this video forecast I just created:

It is time for the intensity of transformation to increase. It is time to be even more committed to your Higher Self and the path into a New Age. Pressures to be fearful and/or hateful will get even stronger this Eclipse Season.  Stand up for what you believe in, but do not make hated enemy. It keeps the old paradigm alive.

Trump will tighten up his defenses as pressure on him increases. There is no telling what he will do when backed into the corner of possible impeachment or otherwise attempts to “dethrone” him.

Sure seems like his soul has been here before (emperor, king) and so have we been here before with dictators, kings, queens, etc

The Age of Aquarius makes necessity for “we the people” to be responsible for the world and human family, not a team of the privileged few who abuse power to take what they want from the Earth and our human family. That paradigm is getting ready to die; and not just the few, indeed all of us have been playing its game for hundreds of years.

We all are responsible for the creation and perpetuation of that old paradigm, and we all are responsible for co-creating the new paradigm.

Till next week when we look more closely at Trump’s chart for coming events.


My 2018 astrological forecasts begin this week with a video forecast:

A podcast will be broadcast soon after that and then a radio show podcast sometime later.

If you want transformational guidance with astrology readings and counseling, contact me at

If you want astrological perspective and/or counseling for your relationship, please write to me at

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