By Leo Knighton Tallarico
This week Scorpio energies stay strong while we take the waxing ride up to a Full Moon in Taurus on Friday/Saturday October 27/28.
The Scorpionic secrets from the Kennedy files were opened last week, but only partially. This partial opening of those files of course stimulates conspiracy feelings.
It is pretty obvious, in my estimation, that the Powers That Be (whether we consider that as the Deep State or Military/Industrial Complex or New World Order or Illuminati or whatever ), intend to keep control of lives and of the Paradigm that has been programmed into the herd of humanity. People knowing the truth hurts their cause.
However, as the portals to the Age of Aquarius keep opening, breakdowns of the Order will happen more and more often. As they do, the Order will want to get more and more oppressive and dominating of our lives.
Look at Catalonia. It is pushing for independence from Spain. And thus Spain took violent control over Catalonia.
Now the Civil War there has begun.
And here in the USA a culture war revealed itself so much more during the last Eclipse Season. Those who praised Trump during the Presidential Election process last year, like White Supremicists, were part of an a hateful conflict in Charlottesville during that last Eclipse Season.
It is obvious that this Culture War is dividing the USA in a large way, and it will get much more inflamed next year. And then chaotic change versus dominating Order will become a more intense conflict.
Let me peer just a bit into 2018. Of course I will put out a more comprehensive written forecast, as well as YouTube and audio forecasts in early 2018.
There will be another Eclipse Season in January/February 2018. Whatever was begun during Eclipse Season in July-September 2017 will break open to a whole new level then.
In the global scene, besides the Charlottesville incident, North Korea and the USA began engaging in a dangerous war of words with one another. That is now destined to break open into a major conflict. And the culture war inside the USA will also get more heated, especially so as Trump is now destined to be challenged in a major way next year.
People within the government and outside the government will seek to have him overthrown from the Presidency.
And next year the stock market and economy will also face major downfalls. So you can see how the Order will be threatened in a big way next year, so it will then seek to keep things under strict control to maintain its power.
Much of the turmoil next year will be triggered during the January/February Eclipse season, the highlight being a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aquarius on February 15. That Eclipse will be almost exactly conjunct the USA natal Moon in Aquarius, and opposite Trump’s natal Mars and Ascendant in Leo.
Whatever in your life opened up during the July-September time period last year, will be burst more forward in January-March 2018.
Our world is transforming in a major way. It must if we are to enter an Age of Aquarius.
It is not easy to let go of old paradigms or ways of life, even if they are painful, self denying, and have made us unhappy and stuck. The old and familiar give us a sense of security and safety even if they were not either secure of safe. Many years ago when I quit cigarettes, I felt like I was saying goodbye to an old friend (one that was killing me).
We need to let go of the old and familiar in a very big way now, inside ourselves especially. We need to each empower ourselves in ways we never have before. In doing so, we can stand up for ourselves and for what we believe in.
Look at how women are standing up against abuse of power now. Look how African Americans are standing up (or taking a knee) against oppression now. Do you also see how this is part of the current culture war?
If this becomes more a war between liberal and conservative viewpoints instead of standing up for what one believes, we move into that culture war which will continue to divide us in an unhealthy way.
Conservatives are not the enemy, liberals are not the enemy. It is in the essence of the Universe’s natural seasons of life, to let go and release that which is not aligned with where we are evolving. That movement requires no enemies.
And a consciousness of Diversity within Unity is aligned with that Age of Aquarius. And conservative viewpoints are part of that new age. But bigotry, hatred, and discrimination are not part of that age; and so conservative viewpoints and white men, for instance, can be very much a part of this new age. If you judge, discriminate, and hate based on a category of people, you have become one of the biased, prejudicial people you have disliked.
Expect a big breakdown of old security systems next year, in the world and in our personal lives.
This week we are moving toward a Full Moon in Taurus, which is at 1:23 AM EDT Saturday November 4.
That means the Sun will be in Scorpio exactly opposite the Moon in Taurus.
Taurus stands for solid, calm unaffected stability. Scorpio possesses intense passionate emotions. So these two opposite energy fields clash, but can make relationship with one another in the best expression of this Full Moon.
You may mainly stand for calm stability, and if so be prepared to let in more intense energies around this Full Moon in Taurus.
Or you may be really intense and passionate yourself around this Full Moon, and if so do not expect everyone to meet you there. Be prepared for people who might put up a wall to protect themselves from what they experience as too much intensity to handle.
You may feel you need to decide between these two opposite ways of being inside your self: letting out your deepest empowered truth, or instead keeping it inside in a safe way.
Taurus Full Moons can also bring about “tugs of war”, as both signs can be rather stubborn.
But this Full Moon in Scorpio/Taurus can also become a very nice mixture of passionate soulful feelings (Scorpio) within a solid physical structure or body (Taurus).
So sex can be very enjoyable with that combination.
Earlier this week, on October 31, it is Halloween in many cultures, which meaningfully coincides with the ancient natural yearly turning point Samhain.
It is half way between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice. Halloween got its inspiration from Samhain as Samhain has been known as the time of year when the veils between worlds is the thinnest.
The world of the dead is more open to be seen. Connecting with those in your life who died is more possible now, and many say ghosts can be more easily experienced at this time of year. So it is easy to see how Halloween came about.
Till next week
The webinar is only 3 weeks away now. Registration will save you a place. The Transformation Astrology Webinar will be on Saturday November 18 at 1 PM Eastern Standard USA Time. It will last until 5 or 6 PM EST. It costs $95, payable through PayPal. We will look at our global world’s transformation, as well as our individual transformation of consciousness for the Age of Aquarius. We will look at individual participants’ natal charts and also look at some of the most transformational times of individuals’ soul journeys. That way we can put into meaningful astrological perspective some of the most difficult times of your life, so everything can be seen as happening for the reason of your growth, your evolution, and your purpose this incarnation. Concentration will be on transformational planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Contact me at for more info or to register for the Webinar.
If you want a deep soul based, psychologically and spiritually based astrology session, please contact me at for more information.
If you want perspective and/or counseling about your relationship please write to me at
This was my last video about After the Total Solar Eclipse;
Please enjoy my latest video on Life after the Total Solar Eclipse: