By Leo Knighton Tallarico
As I begin to write this forecast on the eve of Pluto going Direct and only a few days before the Total Lunar Eclipse Full Blood Moon in Aries; it feels as if there is a time bomb waiting to go off.
On the surface all is well, especially here in Southern France. It is breathtakingly beautiful here in the land where the Cathars were massacred by the Catholic church and French government in the 13th century.
While many passively accepted the authority of the government and church, those who were considered heretics, like the Cathars, were feared by the powers that had so much control of people’s lives.
The Cathars had many beliefs similar to the Catholic Church, but they believed spirituality could be achieved without help from the church, and they had as many women “priests” as men.
Love was what was considered most Godly, and they led very simple lives. believing in the consciousness of Christ for all to embody.
They were completely wiped out, a genocide, and most all the records of their life and faith were destroyed.
Mary Magdalene is also a very strong presence here, with churches and monuments honoring her and her spiritual mastery.
There are many who believe she was married to Jesus and that they had children. There is also the belief that there is a bloodline that was developed from there, that may still live.
There is so much we do not know of the truth of our human journey and its origins. Church, government, military, secret service, and now Corporate interests conspire to program the herd in order to keep the world as it is, under their control- thus keeping their power, privilege and wealth.
But nature and the Universe are the ultimate power of this world, though the illusion shows up differently.
Now as we move through a transition from the Pisces to the Aquarian Age, the power of transformation is gaining in speed and strength and more and more Truths will come to the surface.
The 18+ months from the Cardinal Grand Cross in April 2014 to the Total Lunar Eclipse Full Blood Moon on September 27 2015 have opened up a Grand Portal of new consciousness of Truth and Love.
We have been very intensely processing our ghosts and demons from the past, releasing these blocks to our receiving the new energies.
Now after this Total Lunar Eclipse, we re ready to embrace more fully our journey forward into new personal and collective global lives.
Pluto this week has been opening us to face our demons and release them as best we can. Suppressed and hidden elements from our personal and collective unconscious are streaming through so we can be as present as possible for our real lives.
Here in southern France we went into caves where “heretics” hid from the authorities; we took a boat ride down an underground river; we explored even deeper caves where cro-magnon man wrote and drew on walls thousands and thousands of years ago.
This trip inside the body of Mother Earth coordinated well with Pluto’s current underworld penetration.
We often see our spiritual journey as one connected to the heavens up above. But it is also a spiritual journey deep into the Earth, where we reconnect with our Earthly heritage, our natural instincts and passions, and our deepest joining together in soulful community with all souls and all creatures.
Now as our stock market and economy begin their downward journey, we also begin our collective journey to knowing we are all in the same family with the same concerns and suffering.
The turn at the Autumn Equinox is toward more dark and yin energies as always; Pluto brings us into the realms of our deepest soulful feelings; and the Total Lunar Eclipse Full Blood Moon reminds us that life is powerful and unpredictable force of transformation now.
The unpredictable mystery of the Great Feminine is picking up strength now as we move through the Full Moon Eclipse this week, and it will help open up more the Grand Portal which will bring us powerful world events that continue to show us the way forward into a New World and Paradigm.
The Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Aries is on Sunday the 27th at 10:51 PM EDT.
Sun in Libra and Moon in Aries for this Eclipse bring us Questions: of conflict or peace?; Mine or Ours; Stand Up or Be Passive; Push Forward or Take it Easy; Fight or Make Peace will be themes of the Eclipse.
Being True to oneself is most important at this eclipse but that needs to be balanced with a need to listen to others and make relationship as important as being true to Self. Neither side should be “compromised”. Instead a win/win must be found for this Full Moon Eclipse to truly be honored.
In the global arena, watch for events to unfold in the Middle East, especially with Israel, as the 4 Blood Moons in a row have all been on Jewish holidays.
Some have predicted a messiah is coming as a result, while others are talking of doomsday.
I am pretty sure I will be writing to you next week, and another doomsday scenario will be doomed.
Nevertheless, this passage must be taken seriously, as it is an important turning point and crossroads in human affairs on Earth.
Most importantly on a personal level, is how your consciousness will be on the other side of this 18 month transition we have been going through.
Will you have allegiance to the old paradigm and its fear based programming or will you still believe you live in a meaningful world with Love and Truth leading the way.
Do you still believe we can attain a Diversity in Unity world, aligned with the frequencies of an Age of Aquarius.
A further breakdown of the old economy and increasing world conflict will be the illusions that one must avoid taking to heart.
By illusion I do not mean that these difficult events will not be real. What I do mean is that they and the powers of the old paradigm do not govern the Universe and your soul. You do not need to allow fear and panic to take over.
Yes we may feel fear with events, but we can balance that with our pure connections to heart and source.
These world events, and the fear they engender cannot take your soul without your approval.
You are in charge of the quality of your soul and spirit and mind and the beliefs and attitudes you buy into. Often we cannot control the events that come into our lives, but we can control how we react to those events.
The Cathars, as they made their final retreat to Montsegur where thy were slaughtered, chose to die instead of give oath to government and church.
If they can do that, each of us can have faith too in God/Goddess/Universe/Soul/Spirit/Freedom.
In an Aquarian Age, we do not have to choose between material world and spiritual world. We can honor both, but we must take the veil of programming off our eyes so we can see the light.
The next two weeks after the Total Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon will be mainly for processing what has been happening in our emotions, souls, minds and lives
And Mercury will still be Retrograde until Friday October 9, when it goes back Direct.
Then on October 12, the New Moon in Libra will signal an end to Eclipse Season and a slow movement forward into a new chapter in our personal and collective lives.
We will have taken another huge step forward toward the Age of Aquarius, which will be waiting for us to arrive after December 2020.
Till next week,