By Leo Knighton Tallarico
As we passed through the New Moon in Aquarius this last week, we effectively put an end to Winter Eclipse Season 2019.
This coming week, still “climbing upward” through the waxing half of the current lunar cycle, we experience a powerful and liberating planetary combination of Mars conjunct Uranus at the last degree of Aries (29+ degrees).
Last week, after the Aquarius New Moon on the 4th, the first winds of this Mars/Uranus conjunction were blowing in.
Events, that are a direct result of the recent eclipses, will be ready to enter our world, both personal and collective. The next few months will be filled up with important and life changing wake-up calls and motivations to push our lives forward.
The Mars/Uranus conjunction, which we began experiencing last week, brought many difficulties in relationships. Mars/Uranus in Aries is very independence minded, action oriented, and motivates one to be true to Self sometimes at all costs.
Any boxes you are in, especially boxes that have severely limited your independence and freedom, will want to break open. Action that you have been putting off will be triggered for movement forward. Relationships that have tried your patience and your ability to retain compassion, will be severely tested.
Desires for liberation and “breaking out” will open up more in each of us.
And any boxes you have been pushed into or pushed yourself into will be cracking open.
This Uranus/Mars conjunction is exact on the 12th, overnight into the 13th; but its effects will be felt all week long.
You may be challenged to be empathetic in relationships, as this Mars/Uranus conjunction tends toward the needs of Self more than “others”.
Co-dependence and relationship patterns that enable people to stay stuck, will be threatened as well.
This conjunction happens at 29+ degrees of Aries, so it triggers by trine the important Total Solar Eclipse (that travelled across the USA) in August 2017.
Remember the passion for war between North Korea and the USA then? Remember the violence in Charlottesville Virginia that month, violence that felt like the American Civil War in the late 1800’s? This had a strong racial element to it, with marches by KKK and neo nazi’s.
Now this month there is a second meeting between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un; and Virginia has been facing racial issues with its Governor this month.
But there is another conflict going on that is not directly related to those issues, but is beginning to have the same passion for war. It is not so much with North Korea yet, but with Venezuela now.
Venezuela has the world’s largest supply of oil reserves and is a weak country militarily. It is now in the crosshairs of the USA military as it is going through a coup attempt against its elected President Maduro.
The USA and some European countries are firmly backing the opposition leader who has already declared himself the new president. This is obviously an attempt to control Venezuela, as was previously done in many countries by the USA and other colonialist nations.
And most recently Iraq, Syria, and Libya have been invaded or helped to destabilize by the USA.
Phony reasons for invasion are made up, like WMDs in Iraq, chemical attacks by Syrian government in Syria, etc.
Now some countries will claim to be saviors for the Venezuela people. Many new leaders in the USA see this old pattern coming back up again and want no part of the regime change that is being set up by the USA and some western countries.
Besides the Total Solar Eclipse button being pushed by the Mars/Uranus conjunction this week, the USA natal Mars at 21+ degrees of Gemini is being opposed by Jupiter in Sagittarius now.
Important USA military and police actions have occurred when the USA Mars is activated. And the assassinations of JFK and MLK both happened when that USA natal Mars was triggered.
Remember that the USA Military and Economic Empire is in the process of huge transformation now and through the early 2020’s.
In fact the USA natal Pluto in its 2nd house at almost 28 degrees of Capricorn (which symbolically is the Military/Industrial complex) is being activated by the square of the Mars/Uranus conjunction in Aries this week.
Israel, Syria, and North Korean planets are being activated by that Mars/Uranus conjunction now too. And Venezuela’s Jupiter and Pluto are being triggered by the Jupiter transit this week.
In May/June this year Jupiter, accompanied by Mars in Gemini, will again hit that same 21+ degree of Gemini.
Whatever happens this week, and overall in February, will give us strong clues of what will happen in the near future to the Military/Industrial Complex of the USA.
This means big transformation in this New Chapter of life, on the way to the Age of Aquarius.
Alexandra Ocasio-Cortex, who is growing by leaps and bounds after being elected to the USA House of Representatives, is attempting with others to present a New Deal for the future USA.
She and other House leaders put out a new Green Deal, which shows the potential for combating Climate Change, providing health and education for all Americans. And part of the solution is presented as higher taxes for the wealthiest of people.
Some inclusion of Socialism in the USA is said to be needed to make the New Green Deal work.
And it is no mere coincidence that Venezuela is categorized as being a socialist country, as we prepare to tear it down.
Europe already has health care for all, and we in the USA already have “socialistic” programs like Medicare, and government funded public schools, police departments and fire departments.
Transformation is expanding and accelerating. In December 2020, at the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at 0+ degrees of Aquarius, we will find an open portal to the Age of Aquarius.
This is only a month or so past the Presidential Election in November 2020.
Much will change before then, in our world and in our personal lives.
This week there is the Mars/Uranus conjunction, then the next day Mars leaves Aries and enters Taurus, where it will stay till late March.
Mars in Taurus will make what has been opening up for us real, grounded, and solid. It brings the energy of manifestation.
Let the energies of liberation, truth telling, independence, and self-concern into your life strongly this week. But stay aware of your relationships too. Do not “throw the baby out with the bath water”.
Do your best to preserve healthy relationships. Instead of abandoning those relationships, try instead letting go of the old dynamics and patterns that have been harming your relationships.
We are ready now to go forward toward our new normal, having lost sight of the old normal. It has been difficult for many lately- being in this kind of purgatory or limbo.
But now energies are accelerating for real change and movement forward. Hitch a ride.
See you next week,
Check out this beginning of new radio show/ podcast:
Check out the introduction to my new podcast/radio show:
The first actual podcast will be in early February.
Here is video from before Eclipse Season:
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