By Leo Knighton Tallarico
That Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Gemini really shook things up, bringing, for some, a large dose of intense energy, not easy to deal with. Many also have spoken about how they have been limited in the amount of time they are able to sleep.
We are just in the beginning stages of this current Eclipse Season. We still have a Solar Eclipse New Moon in expansive Sagittarius coming up on December 14.
Of course we have on December 21 Winter Solstice, and on that day a turning point into the Age of Aquarius- Jupiter conjunct Saturn at 0+ degrees of Aquarius
In addition we have a very powerful Mars conjunct Pluto transit on December 23.. That aspect triggers the natal USA “Mercury opposite Pluto” aspect of the USA natal chart from July 4, 1776.
There are more aspects coming to the USA birth chart, and the most important will be the Pluto Return, happening now, but not exact until 2022.
This natal USA Pluto in its second house, shows up now and in relatively recent times, as the Military Industrial Complex; the Complex that holds up the Empire. That Complex is and will continue to be threatened as we go deeper into the Age of Aquarius
That Complex is meant to be transformed now, as can be seen by the Pluto Return, its first return in the USA chart because Pluto has an approximate 250 year cycle. And this past year( 2020) has had Saturn and Jupiter, on their way to meeting exactly, making conjunction with that natal USA Pluto.
And Mars in Aries will soon influence the powerful Transformation we all find ourselves in, as it makes exact square with that second house USA natal Pluto on New Year’s Eve.
And in between all this planetary action, comes Winter Solstice holding a very important Jupiter conjunct Saturn in very early Aquarius on December 21.
And keep in mind the Holidays are squeezed into all this planetary action.
We will digest and talk about all this over the next several weeks in my usual Perspectives from the Sky forecast you are reading now.
But we will have a new forum to communicate the depth of transformational change we are in the middle of now. That forum is part of the network of Oneness Radio. The show has its opening next Saturday December 12 at 1 PM Mountain Time.
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We will “broadcast” every other Saturday into the future. Of course astrology is at top of the list of subject matter. But also of importance on the show will be looking closely at issues about extraterrestrials/UFO; social consciousness issues; world events; human rights, gender issues, metaphysical issues, consciousness studies and more.
This week we move into the 4th and last quarter of the lunar cycle, one begun at the New Moon in Scorpio on November 14.
The 4th quarter Moon begins on Monday December 7 at 7:37 PM EST. It ends at the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14. That day brings powerful new beginnings as Chiron goes Direct the day after on the 15th.
So this week we move deeper down into our bodies and souls. From there we can bring all energies and thoughts together from recent days, so we can see where we are at now before the powerful new beginnings on December 14 at the Solar Eclipse.
Out in the world, it is obvious that Biden won the election. Trump’s fans will not give up easily. Many far-right Christians and others will not accept this. Violence is likely. General Flynn, who Trump recently pardoned out of jail, has openly said that Trump should declare Martial Law and keep his presidency. Believe me there are many others that think and feel that way.
This week , with the Moon in the last quarter of its monthly cycle, we prepare for the New Moon in Sagittarius.
If there are any big shifts in violence it is likely to happen during the time of the cycle begun at the December 14 Solar Eclipse New Moon in Sagittarius, which is closely opposite the USA natal Mars in Gemini.
That lunar cycle lasts until January 13 at a Capricorn New Moon. Jupiter square Uranus is soon afterward and is especially powerful as Uranus will have just gone back Direct a couple days before that.
That is also a time when something could happen, especially so as the Presidential Inauguration is on January 20.
Much is likely to happen between now and then. As always it is imperative to stay connected to your Soul Self and the Universe. You will then be in the right place at the right time for whatever your best self requires.
Till next week
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