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Writer's pictureLeo Knighton Tallarico

Chaos and Order and Astrology Forecast July 14-20

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Capricorn hits exactly on Tuesday July 16 at 5:38 PM EDT. 

As this is a full moon, the Sun in Cancer is opposite the Full Moon in Capricorn at 24+ degrees of each sign.  Pluto at 21+degrees of Capricorn is conjunct the moon and opposite the Sun.

So this a powerful full moon eclipse.  You can begin to feel or experience a full moon of any kind usually about 3 days before the full moon and up to 3 days after the full moon.

This Full Moon Eclipse has the Sun in water sign Cancer and the Moon in earth sign Capricorn.

Capricorn makes boundaries, rules, and strict definitions more solidly than any sign, while Cancer can spread its energies, moods, and watery feelings without any desire for boundaries, rules or strict definitions

Just take a look at the issues that are already coming into view in anticipation of the Cancer/Capricorn Full Moon Eclipse.

As I write this, a Hurricane is close to making landfall in Louisiana. Its explosive power will bring huge waves of water onto the land, as people try to limit the damage it creates.

And for Sunday the 14th,  Trump has ordered immigration officers to round up immigrants who are seen as invaders breaking the law by being in the country illegally.

I am sure these issues will play out over the next few days, and other issues with the same theme of energies out of control being challenged by boundaries and rules of law.

Put in simpler terms, this can be seen as Chaos versus Order, and at its worst can be experienced as Anarchy versus Fascism.

It sure does feel sometimes as if we are on the verge of a much more intense version of chaos versus order than we are witnessing now.

In your own life, do you need more rules to follow with more discipline? Do you need to assert stronger boundaries and learn to say no more often?

Or do you need to loosen up more, be less judgmental, and allow more freedom of expression around you?

Cancer can be very lenient and unconditional. Capricorn can be a strict taskmaster.

Opposites are not meant to be at war with one another.  They are meant to compliment one another and, to offer different viewpoints,  and like a magnet be drawn to connecting with one another.

Can you see “hot” being at war with “cold”? Should “up” go to war with “down”? Should night be fighting against day?

Opposites are joined by the circle of a Yin/Yang symbol. We have been breaking apart that unifying symbol, and creating war.

Men versus Women is certainly playing out in a big way in our culture now.  They are instead meant to join as one.

But since they have been distorted for such a long time from their natural expression, and programmed to act in overly defined roles,  they are needing to be liberated from those chains of control.

And in so doing, they each have needed to be free to find themselves, their authentic expression.  And that authenticity needs to adjust itself to a rapidly changing world, to a New Age.

So is it any wonder we have women becoming men, men becoming women, and such uncertainty  and fluidity with gender and sexual identity?

Remember that this Eclipse Season is a mere appetizer before the main meal of December 2019/January 2020. There will be two eclipses again with Cancer/Capricorn staying as themes. And also then in January 2020 Saturn and Pluto will make an exact conjunction with one another, and their conjunction will be conjunct the Cancer Lunar Eclipse in January.

And all this is happening in the same section of the zodiac- between 19 and 25 degrees of Cancer and Capricorn.

That means that if you have natal planets between 19 and 25 degrees of Cardinal Signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn you will be going through powerful transformation over the next several months.

This Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Capricorn on July 16 is at 24+ degrees of Cancer/Capricorn.

The USA natal Mercury is at 24 degrees of Cancer and opposite natal Pluto at 27 degrees of Capricorn.

So the USA is experiencing a powerful transformation of its liberal (Cancer) and conservative (Capricorn) sides to itself.

This theme is powerfully playing out now, and will continue to do so through January 2020.  This is a true culture war similar to the Civil War of the 19th Century in America. Now we have Blue and Red states playing out the same general themes.

America is finding itself, finding its values.  Who are we now? And how do we now relate  to the rest of the world and to the consciousness of the Age of Aquarius we are transitioning into?

The current inflammatory issues with Iran and China and Russia are of utmost importance now. The issue of having an economic system fair to all is of utmost importance now. The issue of taking care of our Mother Earth is of utmost importance now.

As we move through this important week of the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon, while Mercury is Retrograde; it is important to keep our view to the Big Picture.

And that picture shows us that inside all the wars and separations is the truth that all is connected, whether we recognize it or not.  Under the surface lies spirit and soul that fuels and energizes our experience.

Being a part of that connectedness shows us magic, solutions where none could be previously found, signs and synchronicities that show our Universal connections, and of course the Love and Truth that holds us all in its embrace.

If you are having a difficult time making those connections, you know that regular meditation is the best way to take you there and keep you there.  So also can being immersed in Nature, or opening your heart with music and dance, or spending time with babies and puppies and kitties.

Life in this Universe and Earth realm runs on seasons and cycles.  The planets in the heavens run in predictable cycles, here on Earth each season passes into the next.

And amazingly, the Sun and Moon both show up as perfect circles in the heavens, as viewed from Earth.

Straight lines begin and end; circles show continuation.  And only relatively recently did we know that the Earth was round, an important symbolic discovery.

And now we in the process of experiencing one of the biggest cycles: changing of the ages.  That now is a Pisces Age changing into an Age of Aquarius- a 2160 year cycle.

The election in November 2020 leads into the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius in December 2020.  This is a turning point toward the Age of Aquarius, not all perfect, but nevertheless a solid sign all is progressing as it should.

Till next week,


I am working on getting a podcast out soon, during Eclipse Season.

If you have not had a recent deep and psychologically based Astrology  reading contact me at

If you want a transit  reading, which tells you what changes are blowing into your life and how long it lasts, contact me at

If you want guidance on choosing good dates for weddings and other important events in your life contact me at

If you want transformational guidance with astrology readings and counseling, contact me at

If you want astrological perspective and/or counseling for your changing life, contact

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