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Chaos and Order and Astrology Forecast November 22- 28

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

Since the New Moon in Scorpio on November 11, there have been a lot of violent events that have occurred:  A brutal attack on Paris and another brutal attack in Beirut Lebanon.  Both of these attacks have been identified as being perpetrated by the Islamic State or ISIS.  Another horrible attack happened at an international hotel in Mali, Africa.. This one may have been done by Islamic State but that is not known yet.  And in Israel violence has continued and even grown since the New Moon in Scorpio.

These events are all outgrowths from the Eclipse Season this last September and alert us all to the grave need for vast transformational change in our world.

It is easy to attribute all this violence to Radical Islam, and then believe that if we can eradicate ISIS and other groups of Islamic terrorism that the problem will be solved and all will then be fine.

And though we certainly need to  solve this problem and work to end the onslaught of brutal attacks perpetrated by Islamic State, Al Queda and other such groups; more importantly we need to change some paradigms we have given allegiance to for thousands of years.

These old paradigms give fuel to the fires of “might makes right”,  survival of the fittest, greedy desires to take as much as one can,  and just generally a philosphy of every man for himself in competition with others for power, money, and privilege.

These paradigms have brought us world wars, colonization, invading of countries that have not attacked you first, extremely uneven distribution of wealth, weapons of mass destruction, and just generally a violent society that creates separation between peoples and a lack of empathy for those we see as different from us.

The transformation we are moving through can feel and look awfully bleak in a global sense, I know.  But we have to go through this dark tunnel in the transformational process before we can experience the Aquarian Age light at the end of that tunnnel.

And of course even as these horrible events are happening many of us are also experiencing spiritual awakenings, transformed health habits, magical experiences of synchronicity, desires to help heal our human family and Earth, a greater honoring of our authentic selves, a turning more and more to our higher self instead of our ego, more empathy and compassion, more personal empowerment, shedding skins of programming from society and family, and healthier relationships.

So remember the bigger picture of changing ages and moving into a world of Diverity within Unity.  Nothing will stop that movement except our human negative instinct for self destruction because of a “dog eat dog” mentality.

Just saw on the news last night how someone slaughtered two innocent cows in someone’s pasture.   Was that because of the Islamic State?  Or was it because we live in a violent society? Movies, video games, etc. show us such depraved butchery, blood guts and all.  This did not exist 50 years ago.

We need this transformation into an Age of Aquarius. And what each of us can do is to work on our own consciousness and lives, and help those who we come in contact with who also wish to transform themselves and our world into a more evolved one.

This coming week shows us three planetary highlights: Sun goes into Sagittarius; Full Moon in Gemini; and Saturn square Neptune.

Saturn square Neptune is exact this Thursday November 26, but its effect on our world is many months before and after.

Saturn is limits, rules, and boundaries.  Neptune is openness and flow with no boundaries.

If you look at what is happening in our global scene, this is playing out in a big way.  Look at the refugee issue. There are many peoples leaving their homes and state for a new home. Mostly European countries are debating whether to put up strong boundaries against their entry or whether to let them in.

On the USA southern border the issue of immigration and illegals is getting more and more intense.

And Islamic State has wiped out old state boundaries of Iraq and Syria, and is crossing boundaries for attacks in other countries.

In 1988-1990 the Saturn conjunct Neptune aspect started the current Saturn/Neptune cycle.

At that time the Soviet Union was breaking up and countries were becoming sovereign entities outside the control of Russia.

This of course greatly affected our world and most especially the USA.

In your personal life this issue of rules and boundaries versus more permissiveness can play out in many ways. One that comes to mind is how we raise our children.  Seems like the balance between permissiveness and more strict rules has been shifting or needs to shift.

There has been a much greater permissiveness over the last 40 years or so.  Is there a need to get back to more firm rules and guidelines? Or not?

And also Saturn represents security and groundedness. Neptune is nore chaotic by nature in its watery flow over and around all boundaries.

So watch how the world and our personal lives try to balance allowing for change which can bring more feelings of confusion and chaos on the one hand- with more security and safety on the other hand.

As there is more change, rebellion and attending chaos, police and military can get more oppressive in trying to keep order. Witness the race issues this past year or two.

Also this week the Sun moves from Scorpio into Sagittarius on Sunday November 22.  So energetically we move from primal intensity and passion to desires for upliftment, inspiration, joy, and adventure.

And on Wednesday November 25 at 5:44 PM EST there is Full Moon in Sagittarius/Gemini.  This Full Moon should be very lively with desires for communication and relating.  Gemini brings in facts and information and delivers to others those facts and information. Sagittarius seeks to take this information and make meaning, find solution and understanding to it all.

This will carry into the next day, which is Thanksgiving Day here in the USA.  It should be a very lively, talkative atmosphere to be in that day.

Till next week,


You can get an astrological consultation with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life. Please write for more info..

Please feel free to find my services on my website  You can sign up for our newsletter there.

Leo Knighton Tallarico has been a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for 30 years.

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