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Clearing Skies and Astrology Forecast March 8-14

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

There is a big energy shift early this week, as there is a Full Moon in Virgo as well as Mercury going back Direct on Monday March 9.

So much has been brewing since Eclipse Season in December/January, a time period that resulted in such important world developments on the one hand; and an acceleration of personal growth on the other hand.

And most recently, since the New Moon in Pisces on February 23 and Mercury Going Retrograde on February 16; events have greatly intensified.

The coronavirus seemed to sneak into our world and grow so rapidly,   The stock market has been barreling downward during this time period.  Some people are feeling their sense of security beginning to crumble.

You readers of this weekly forecast blog have been alerted for some time now that this was coming.  It is all part of the process of transition from an Age of Pisces to an Age of Aquarius.

The Old Paradigm, based on fear, separation, randomness and disconnections is in the process of ending its reign.  The leaders and their sheep will seek out those who are susceptible to joining in the misery, as “misery does like company.

The more we perceive these changes through the lens of Fear, the greater chance we have of being sucked into its Black Hole of despair and panic.

The more we obsess on all this, the greater the likelihood we will not see the doorways leading to consciousness and direction into the New Age.

Wars are also going to break out, and the seduction to feel revenge, hatred, and demonizing of other cultures, religions, etc. will be very high.

We need to be strongly connected to our deeper soul, to our cleared hearts and minds, and to those whom we have learned to trust.

There can be grace in all this too, if we are able to truly acknowledge, integrate,  trust and rely on consciousness that leads us on the path to a new world.

And it will also be important to be around people and situations that mirror the new consciousness and vibrations we are owning and responsible for.

This week there is a big shift in perception, as Mercury goes back Direct again on Monday March 9 at 11:49 PM EDT.

For many this Mercury Retrograde, now passing, had them question what had previously been decided.

Relationships that appeared to be solid and committed were looked at with skepticism during the Retrograde.

Work that seemed on a good track of progress, during the Retrograde started to seem not resonant anymore.

Places one wanted to move to started to not look too good anymore.

Hopefully you resisted actually manifesting what you were newly contemplating during the Retrograde.

As is always recommended, wait until Mercury goes back Direct, and has been so for a week or more, before making final decisions on anything of importance in your life.

As perceptions subtly begin to shift this week, resist jumping to conclusions too rapidly, or being impulsive.

At 1:48 PM on Monday the 9th, there is a Full Moon in Pisces/Virgo.  Neptune will be closely conjunct that Sun in Pisces and opposite that Moon in Virgo.

With Mercury also changing directions that day, there could be some serious confusion and unknowing.  Do not push an agenda this week, especially early this week.

Do not force your mind to find an answer or fix anything.  Truly trust the process this week, and then slowly clarity and direction will form.

Remember that so much now is changing on so many levels of being.  The old “normal” is transforming into something else.  We cannot cling to what used to give us a sense of security. That is shifting rapidly away.

And please make sure you do not panic about Covid disease or finances.

The Presidential Election we are moving toward is an unknown right now too, and very reflective of the conflicts our culture is moving through.

Do people vote for Biden, which makes them feel more secure as he reminds us of the time President Obama was in the White House? That time seems long ago now, but makes us feel the old normal can be manifested again.

Bernie is supported more by people who are sick and tired of an economic system that rewards the wealthy and privileged. His victory would bring a huge transformation to our world, which would be more aligned with what is actually happening “on the ground” of our reality now.

But with all the current insecurities, his vision might be too scary for some right now.

And with an economy in such turmoil, Trump would not be re-elected.  If it seems much better in November he has a better chance.

Some weeks ago, I let you all know that Bernie, Elizabeth,  Biden, Mayor Mike, and Trump all fit the formula I have used to predict that Obama in 2008 and Trump in 2016 would win.

All of them are apparently out of the race now except for Bernie, Biden and Trump.

I also broke the tie of all those candidates being possible winners by saying Warren would win, though I did not have much confidence in that. I based that on her strong connection to the coming eclipses in June and December this year.

So perhaps she is chosen Vice President, which would fit her being closely tied astrologically with what the USA will be going through over the next 4-5 years, which is a strong basis for my formula.

The next 10 months will be very important in the reality of the changing of Ages.  Much will happen that will give shape to our Age of Aquarius, which will experience a huge Turning Point in December 2020 with two eclipses as well as the telling Jupiter conjunct Saturn  at 0+ degrees of Aquarius.

That to me is a sign that we will “turn a corner” into that Age.  And how perfect it is that the Presidential Election is a month prior to that important Jupiter/Saturn conjunction.

Many of you were born when you were, so you can be a part of these powerfully changing times.  Find out what your purpose is now for being alive, and you will get much fuel for living!

Till next week


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