Leo Knighton Tallarico
The light has turned back on again. Mercury has gone back direct today. If you have been unsure what to do or where to go, some clarity should be returning soon. Sometimes, however, the day of the switch from Retrograde to Direct or even from Direct to Retrograde is a day of confusion.
On election day in November of 2000, Gore and Bush were both hoping they would become President of the United States. Tha night the anchors of all the major media outlets were going back and forth between declaring Bush and then Gore and then Bush and then Gore the winner of the election. It was actually weeks later before Bush was declared the winner and the new President. And even today many still believe Gore was the true winner and the election was stolen.
That night on election day on November 7 of 2000, Mercury was going from retrograde to direct. This planet of mental faculty did not know what to think. So with Mercury going back direct today, it is possible the mind will play tricks on you. If you still feel confused, wait a few days before making any major decisions.
So now with Mercury back direct, the pause in accelerated action forward will be lifted. We felt a strong burst forward and increased confidence earlier in April, at the Aries New Moon, when Mars was conjunct Uranus in Aries the same day. We were empowering ourselves for change, and felt ready to go. But there was a need for more reflection, more time to be sure of our path forward. For some, people from the past came back into our lives or memories to shift our thinking.
Others of us may have changed our minds during this retrograde period, or at least questioned ourselves and what directions we had chosen to go forward in.
After May 2, at the Taurus New Moon, we will be moving forward again, but this time we will be ready to make more manifest what we seeded to do in April. Our plans will be “fleshed out”, we will be more grounded and practical about what to get done and accomplished.
This Taurus lunar cycle, begun on May 2, will last up to the first eclipse of three in a row: A Solar Eclipse New Moon at 11+ degrees of Gemini on June 1. This will begin a most powerful time period, lasting through much of the summer.
If what you have seeded and worked for is in alignment for your soul’s path, during the eclipse season that path will be greatly cleared so you can move more steadily forward on it. If you have chosen something not totally aligned with your authentic self and soul, then events will occur to wake you up to change direction.
Eclipses shake up our consciousness and lives, so change can move through. There are breakdowns of old structures and ways no longer in alignment of our greater growth and evolution. There are breakthroughs that carry us faster forward in our lives.
So now, just after Mercury goes direct, and during this week of a waning moon before the Taurus New Moon on May 2, prepare the ground for more growth soon. Just before that New Moon, around next Saturday April 30, when Mars conjuncts Jupiter in Aries, you should be re-inspired. After May 2 you will feel you are accomplishing toward your goals again. For some the winds of the coming eclipses will begin to be felt then. You will feel more strongly the coming changes. You will be proactive in moving with change. But it will be relatively slow go until the Gemini New Moon on June 1. Then the speed will pick up.
And with that first of three eclipses in a row, there will be more chaotic energies and happenings in our personal lives and in the greater world.
The earthquake in Japan and the revolutionary changes in the Middle east and North Africa were connected to the last set of eclipses last winter. It is likely that the coming eclipses in June/July will set off more huge world events for this spring and summer.
The Middle East is especially vulnerable to change now. The situation in Israel/Palestine will be in the spotlight during the eclipse season. Syria, Iran, Lebanon, and Turkey may be affected also.
The USA and world economies will also experience major shifts then, as we learn more fully that the economic system we all rely on is in deeper trouble than we have been led to believe.
More Earth shakeups will be ignited also.
All is happening to help us to question the current world structure and paradigm. Just as the Gulf oil disaster last year showed us how the oil industry is making our natural world more toxic, so did the Japan earthquake expose the danger of nuclear energy.
We must make major changes in order to clear the blockages that limit the healing and transformational energies from pouring through our collective veins of evolutionary change.
And in your personal life, when something goes wrong or breaks down, it is a message to change your life. An old era is ending. It is time to release and hence clear the path for healing energies and transformational change in your own life.
Just as the the internet has shifted so many of our old ways of living, other new ways to live on this Earth are trying to form. Many of these new ways have to do with how we get along with one another, and how we treat our Earth and natural life and souls.
You in your personal life are also ready to leave the programming of the Powers that Be and our families, and to embrace the coming new ways on this Earth. See the coming changes in your personal life as meaningful assistance to help you to evolve, and to change the toxic and dysfunctional patterns that limit your satsifaction with life.
The generations that follow us need to be shown new ways, so we can create a more loving and truth telling world in alignment with the Aquarian Age on our doorstep.
See you next week,
Please feel free to find more writings and my services on my website.You can get an astrological session with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life. Please write soulus@aol.com for more info. I will have a new radio show broadcast later this spring, closer to the eclipses. I will let you know soon when it will be.
Leo Knighton Tallarico is a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for over 25 years.
He predicted the Iraq War of 2003- in early 2001 when Bush first took office; predicted the 9-11 attacks with an article “The Tower”, written in June 2001. He predicted Obama and McCain would get the presidential nominations in november 2007, when both were low in the polls; and correctly predicted the current economic downturn before it occurred.