By Leo Knighton Tallarico
As I write this forecast in November 4, we are experiencing the Taurus Full Moon. We have 3 planets in Scorpio now, while the Moon is in Taurus with Venus and Mars in Libra.
So two very opposite energies are inhabiting our collective energy fields now.
Both Taurus and Libra are “ruled” by the planet Venus, and those signs together, yet each in a different way, represent the human needs to make things more comfortable, peaceful, receptive, graceful, and especially in Libra’s case civil.
From a very different part of the energetic spectrum, Scorpio (ruled by Pluto) represents a need to make waves, be intense and passionate, and upset anything not “real” or deeply felt.
Do you let it out or keep it in? Do you make waves or keep things safe and secure? Many are staying on that teeter-totter now, waiting for the call.
We are on the precipice of taking the leap into a vortex of transformation.
Scorpio energy waves so far have opened up previously held secrets, brought out emotions that have been suppressed, and stated truths in unvarnished ways.
But for the most part the Venusian energy waves have kept a lid on Pandora’s box of unbridled passions.
Will we experience the full ignition after the Scorpio New Moon on November 18, or will we need to wait for the next Eclipse Season January-March 2018.
Right now as we move through the Taurus Full Moon, we enter the waning half of the lunar cycle that began at the Venus ruled Libra New Moon. That second half of the lunar cycle wanes down now until that Scorpio New Moon on the 18th.
So then Pluto, that Scorpio ruler and guardian of the energetic underworld, erupts more fully into our consciousness and world at the Scorpio New Moon.
That which the dam has held back will be more apt to break open and break through. Pleasantries will not be sufficient to keep passions at bay.
So it is becoming a good time to empower yourself, to be more bold, to speak truth to power, to share what you have kept in bondage inside your self, to reveal your darker feelings, and in the process to heal your deeper traumas and wounds.
Expression of that which has been hidden can be healing. Working it out with others can be even more healing.
In our global picture, more and more secrets are being revealed of course in the Kennedy files, in Russia-gate investigations, and of course with sexual abuse of power claims which now includes Kevin Spacey as an abuser.
This process has only just begun as Jupiter will stay in Scorpio for the next year.
Venus joins with Jupiter and the Sun in Scorpio this week, while Mercury leaves Scorpio to enter Sagittarius.
Venus in Scorpio shifts the Libra/Taurus vibe into being more provocative. and stirring up of intensity and passion.
Mercury in Sagittarius will bring more ability to see the bigger picture, to think positive, and to trust spirit. So if you have recently felt buried or trapped in your obsessions or darker feelings, you now will have more ability to rise above and see more light.
If you do positive visualizations or affirmations, you will have more of the Universe at your back now to fulfill those idealizations.
I have worked a lot with meditative visualizations in my life, as I was a director of Silva Mind Control, now the Silva Method, many years ago.
When one uses visualizations in creating one’s reality, sometimes it is challenging to find the right balance in co-creating.
How much does one impose one’s will in the process, and how much does one allow for the movement of the Universe in the process?
Each person is different in this regard. Some believe we totally create our own reality, while others believe it all fated already. I believe it is a combination and merging of those opposites to make co-creation work.
Yes astrology has taught me that there are “weather patterns” of energy that come into our lives at certain times, yet we each do make decisions and choices that determine our fate also.
Listening to our better or worse angels is one choice, and seeing the glass of life as half empty or half full is another choice we make.
Yes it is true that we each influence our lives by our belief systems, attitudes, and how we are vibrating energetically; but also certain events and energy patterns come into our lives outside of our individual influence.
And it is how we react to those patterns that influence what our lives will be like after the patterns leave.
And of course the process of transformation and consciousness evolution also determine our reality and future (as well as our past).
When we become more conscious and awake, we stimulate the powers of transformation to bring us beyond what we have been programmed to believe and be.
And in that process we influence and help others and our world.
So do your best to embrace our transformational challenges now. Our human family has had many times before of challenge, hardship, difficulty, and turmoil.
We need to keep moving forward in our transformational process into the Age of Aquarius.
And yet as we move forward, we need to move back to our better values, to our honoring of the Earth and Universe, and to Love and Truth which are the foundation of our human experience now and always.
Without them we are lost, afraid, and alone.
Till next week
The webinar is only 2 weeks away now. Registration will save you a place. There are still some places left. I am giving out 1 scholarship to the class. Let me know if you want one.
The Transformation Astrology Webinar will be on Saturday November 18 at 1 PM Eastern Standard USA Time. It will last until 5 or 6 PM EST. It costs $95, payable through PayPal. We will look at our global world’s transformation, as well as our individual transformation of consciousness for the Age of Aquarius. We will look at individual participants’ natal charts and also look at some of the most transformational times of individuals’ lives. That way we can put into meaningful astrological perspective some of the most difficult times of your life, so everything can be seen as happening for the reason of your growth, your evolution, and your purpose this incarnation. Concentration will be on transformational planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Contact me at for more info or to register for the Webinar.
If you want a deep soul based, psychologically and spiritually based astrology session, please contact me at for more information. If you want perspective and/or counseling about your relationship please write to me at