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Co-Creation and Astrology Forecast December 9-15

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

We are now facing the first winds of change from the new Eclipse Season. The first actual eclipse this Eclipse Season is a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Capricorn on January 5, 2019.

Since Eclipse Season began last week at the Sagittarius New Moon, a few important world developments have intensely unfolded:

1)  The stock market is barreling downward rapidly, more significantly than many people understand

2) Mueller’s investigation has revealed information that strongly suggests Donald Trump’s presidency is in a very precarious position now.

3) Paris is experiencing  well attended rallies from its people that have gotten extremely intense in its battles with the police. These rallies were against the proposed increased gas taxes, but even after significant compromise from the government, the rallies have continued.

We can expect these issues to intensify in January, as others will capture much attention as well.  Israel is hot and close to major battles with Hamas and Hezbollah.  Russia is fanning flames of battle with Ukraine. The power of the Feminine is growing more and more every day in contrast to the old world’s paradigm and privileges.

All this shows us more evidence of a USA and Western world in the beginning stages of deep change and transformation on the road to the Age of Aquarius.

We can now see the light of that New Age beginning to shine through the darkness of these aforementioned troubles.

People are beginning to build up the muscles of “power to the people”; an unfair economic system is beginning to crumble to an eventual transformation into something more equitable; corruption of the old world ways is being challenged; and the Diversity Within Unity structure of a new Age of Aquarius world is beginning to show itself.

But I am sure you can see how this process of transformation will temporarily get darker and more intense soon.

That first eclipse on January 5 is a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Capricorn 15+ degrees.  Pluto and Saturn will both be conjunct that Solar Eclipse.  That strongly suggests this Eclipse represents a big turning point in time concerning structures and institutions, old rules and regulations, responsibilities and outer world material issues.

There is a potentially destructive piece to the energy of this planetary event.  That is so because both Saturn and Pluto conjunct that Solar Eclipse.

In personal lives, there is a need around this Solar Eclipse to question your status quo; to look more closely at the rules you have been answering to; to be more in touch with your ambitions and what you want to accomplish in life.

There is a weighing of whether to keep old ways or instead to purge those old ways from your life and consciousness.

This is merely the beginning of added attention to the issues of Capricorn.  Already both Saturn and Pluto are in Capricorn for an extended stay. Then in 2020 Jupiter joins up with them as they do a threesome of conjunctions with one another.

That year brings us to both Jupiter and Saturn exactly conjunct the USA natal Pluto in its second house.  Pluto will conjunct itself (a Pluto Return) 2021-2025. 

This will be the first Pluto Return for the relatively young country of America.

With Jupiter and Saturn and Pluto all making conjunction with the USA natal Pluto over the next few years, we can expect massive change in the USA power structure of its Military/Industrial Complex.

That means the Economy and Military will be big-time transforming right before our eyes.  And all this synchronizes well with the important Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at 0+ degrees of Aquarius on the Winter Solstice December 21 date in 2020.

This symbolizes a portal opening into the Age of Aquarius. 

We do not want to view it as people did with Y2K or even more so with the end of the Mayan Calendar (even though amazingly that December 21 day is the same day predicted for 2012 as the ending of the Mayan Calendar).

We do not expect anywhere near a perfectly Aquarian World to magically appear that day.  Nevertheless there will be some obvious Aquarian Age symbols to be seen then, even as we will continue to view more intense struggling in transition between the ages.

It is best to see that time period as a “turning the corner” into the New Age, never to go back (so to speak).

It is no mere coincidence that there will be an important Presidential Election date in November 2020, preceding the Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius in December 2020.

Between now and then there will be many more birth pains and contractions, as we let an old age die as a new one is being born.

There are many similarities now with the stock market crash of 1929 and its subsequent economic Depression, compared to what is brewing now as Trump/Hoover preside in America.

And the similarities between Nixon/Watergate in the 70s,  with Trump/Russiagate now are even more startling.

And overall the similarities between the ’60s/70s revolution and what has been happening over the last few years now is also rather obvious.

Many full circles are playing out and Transformation is alive and well.

Later this week we enter the 2nd quarter of the lunar cycle that began at the New Moon in Sagittarius on December 7. That second quarter begins on Saturday December 15- in Pisces.

So we continue moving onward and upward toward climax on December 22 at the Full Moon in Cancer just a day after Winter Solstice 2018.

It is a great time now for positive intentions, prayers, and positive visualizations. There is more chance of actualizing what is visualized during a Sagittarius lunar cycle, especially this year with Jupiter also in Sagittarius.

Co-creation with the Universe may be especially productive now.

Mercury moves into Sagittarius this Wednesday the 12th, adding an even more conducive energy for positive visualization and affirmation.

Remember however that alignment with the Universe is essential when using positive visualization, as the relationship between you and the Universe is what creates the magic.

There is one more significant planetary movement this week.

At the beginning of the week, on Sunday December 9, Chiron shifts from Retrograde to Direct- at 28 degrees of Pisces.  

Chiron is a bridge between realities.  As such it is a significant bridge between the divine and human- between Higher Self and Ego Self.

It sits in the heavens between Saturn and Uranus, between the more traditional gods closest to Earth, and those of the more distant heavens, who were not known about until after 1781.

Saturn is representative of an Old Testament God of punishment for transgressions of not abiding by the rules (like the 10 commandments).

Uranus is representative of an awakening and liberation from the chains of old conditioning.

In between Saturn and Uranus is where Chiron always resides in the heavens.

In 1977 when it was discovered, Close Encounters of a 3rd kind and Star Wars were both showing for the first time in theaters.

The heavens were closer than ever before in our collective human consciousness.

Now as Chiron goes back Direct and soon into new day Aries, our “planet” of building bridges connects our ego self to the divine realms.

What better time to make positive visualizations that are in co-creation with the Universe?

Till next week,


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