By Leo Knighton Tallarico
Planetary movements in March and April signify the opening of a major portal into the Age of Aquarius. Last year at this time, as we approached the Cardinal Grand Cross in April 2014, another major portal was beginning to open.
As these portals open, the energetic atmosphere intensifies. New frequencies of light, love, and truth are wanting to enter collective and individual consciousness, in order to help us evolve in alignment with the soul intentions for the Age of Aquarius.
Of course there are blocks in the way of receiving this love and truth- blocks from old conditioning; blocks from attachments to familiar ways that feel safe and secure; blocks from old traumas and wounds; blocks from a resistance to letting go of our ego’s need to control; blocks from attitudes and beliefs ingrained in our minds and hearts from the old paradigm.
Just as with individuals, these blocks fight against the influx of these new energies and hence can cause dis-ease, conflict, upheaval, and challenges to the potential gracefulness of the process.
So it is best as this portal opens to stay present and aware, to look at your self and life from a more detached perspective, with spiritual lens and deeper soul connection.
Meditation; being in nature; spiritual practices; being aware of the Universe’s signs, symbols and synchronicities; and just generally staying aware beyond our more mundane agendas are ways to stay connected as energies intensify and world events gain in importance.
This coming week March 1-7 may bring some early winds of change prior to the coming storms of change as Venus in Aries triggers the Uranus/Pluto square; but I believe the real intensity of these winds will not be felt by most until the week of March 8-14. That is when Mars triggers the Uranus/Pluto square just days before the actual exact square on March 16.
That will be followed by a Total Solar Eclipse New Moon in Pisces on the day of the Spring Equinox on March 20 and then by a Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Aries/Libra on April 4.
That will be followed by Jupiter going Direct on April 8; and then by the spark of the ignition turning for more outer directed changes on April 18.
Deep transformational movement as the portal opens will mainly occur between March 8 and April 18.
Then what results from all this transformation will be sparked after April 18.
I not be writing on my usual day next week Saturday March 7. I will be celebrating my March 6 birthday while on vacation in the the Southwest USA.
Therefore my next post after this one will be on March 14. And I am scheduled to create a new YouTube video for this great portal opening on March 12, to be posted on March 14 also.
This coming week March 1-7 has some spark to it from a Jupiter/Uranus trine on Tuesday March 3 and with Venus in Aries triggering the Uranus/Pluto square on March 4.
The Jupiter/Uranus trine also triggers the Uranus/Pluto square and it will tend to bring enlightenment and inspiration. It should bring issues in the world that help us to see from a broader perspective, outside the usual mental boxes
Netanyahu, the leader of Israel, will be speaking to the American Congress on or around the 3rd, and that talk will break open into collective awareness the issues that are so important to resolving the nuclear issue with Iran.
Netanyahu went behind President Obama’s back to set up this meeting, outside normal protocol.
President Obama is trying to find a peaceful resolution in regards to Iran, a resolution that to his way of thinking would make the Middle Easy safer and maybe ultimately set up a foundation for settling the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and the ISIS threats.
Prime Minister Netanyahu does not believe Iran is sincere in its efforts to stop its supposed path to a nuclear bomb and instead wants more pressure put on Iran including the threat of war.
This is a most important world issue in the transition into an Age of Aquarius. Some of the first seeds for world civilization and major world religions were planted in the Middle East.
What happens there during these several years of transition is most important.
And as this portal opens up this late winter and spring, what happens with Iran and Israel will greatly determine the amount of pain our human family will suffer as the wheel turns into a new age.
Of course other early civilizations and religions were in China and India. And what happens in those parts of the world now will also greatly influence the portal opening now and the transition into a new age.
India and China and surrounding regions are having growing pains and there are old resentments there between those two countries and other countries in Asia. North Korea holds a special key to the potential for a world of Diversity in Unity, as right now it is so isolated from the rest of the world, even as it hold nuclear weapons.
We are at a huge turning point as this major portal opens. We are each important in how the tide turns, as we work with our deeper consciousness in transformation and evolution.
As we each evolve, so does our collective consciousness.
So Jupiter trine Uranus this coming week will help us to wake up and see greater truths.
Venus in Aries sparking the Uranus/Pluto square will bring shifts in our relationships, so we can better navigate the changes.
Who is in your heart now? What are they bringing to your life? Who is not in your heart now as you are growing and changing? And what does that mean? Do you need to let them go or at least change the form of your relationship? Of do you need to go through some relational and emotional work with them, so to bring back that connection?
The week of March 8-14 should bring much more intense winds of change, personal and global issues and events that wake us up even further to what is happening and where things are going.
This week will bring the forces that shake any fences of indecision we may still be sitting on.
Mars is forceful and focused, intent on moving things forward, in taking on any challenges with courage and integrity of self. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday that week should be the most intense and filled with events that open up issues and tend to make us act not just talk or ruminate.
And on Saturday the 14th of March Saturn changes direction from Direct to Retrograde. In so doing, in the days surrounding this Saturn slowdown and shift, its energy and intent will be experienced.
Saturn is contracting energy, limiting possibilities, sometimes to the point of knowing fated events or at least a sense of “it is what it is”, nothing I can do about it except accept and make the best of it.
This Saturn turning point will bring us into the spell of Spring Eclipse Season 2015. The last of seven exact Uranus/Pluto squares happens on the 16th, followed by the Solar Eclipse on Spring Equinox the 20th of March, then the Aries/Libra Lunar Eclipse on April 4.
World events including events that will be affecting the world economy and including natural Earthly and weather events will be more likely at this portal opening.
Those of you who have been bored, wanting more movement and change will be pleased for sure.
Talk with you again on March 14
If you would like a reading/consultation for this time period, write me at