By Leo Knighton Tallarico
This coming week should bring a deepening into one’s body and soul. Water and Earth signs are strongly represented this week. Water and Earth together bring energies “down and in” instead of “up and out”. Together they represent Yin instead of Yang.
There is a Full Moon on Tuesday the 27th at 8:05 AM EDT. That Full Moon has the Sun in Scorpio and the Moon in Taurus. Scorpio is water and Taurus is Earth, both Yin signs.
Both are “fixed” signs as Scorpio is fixed water and Taurus is fixed Earth Water is feelings, emotions, and soul. Earth is nature, practicality, and the body.
Since Scorpio is fixed water there is a tendency to hold onto feelings and emotions.
Since Taurus is fixed earth, it tends to want to hold onto that which gives it a sense of physical security.
At a Scorpio/Taurus Full Moon, as this one is, there can be “tugs or war” between people who stubbornly hold onto their position or agenda.
Taurus does not like too much emotion or intensity, and Scorpio does not like anyone who lacks emotion or passion.
So there can be a conflict between people who represent each of those positions.
Be careful this week not to let your “buttons” get pushed or to push someone else’s buttons. If it does happen, then it must be because emotions need to be expressed in order to clear the stale air of suppressed feelings.
All week there will be a pull downward into that which is real. There is a strong emphasis on the signs Scorpio, Taurus, and Virgo. That leaves little room this week for escapism or avoidance or over romantacizing.
There is a need to make real now, to go deeper to know the truth.
Finding the truth may take you down into the dark corners of your psyche. In fact you may also be able to go even deeper than that.
Saturday the 31st brings us into Samhain, an annual energetic passage that our ancestors celebrated.
Modern pop culture calls it Halloween and in religion it is called All Saints Day.
Samhain is approximately half way between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice. It is a time when the veils between worlds are very thin.
As such one can, with meditative effort, get in touch with the spirit world and with those who have passed through death into other dimensions.
Try this through your meditation or through ceremony and ritual or even just staring into fire and making a soul intention to contact spirit.
It is easy to see why, as a result of this easier contact with the spirit world at Samhain, tha tHalloween was created. The more easy contact with spirits must have brought some fears of ghosts and monsters to people back in the day.
So use this time of year to let the spirit world into your consciousness. Allow the increasing darkness at this time of year to help you to go deeeper into the soul.
To foster this process we turn our clocks back overnight from October 31 to November 1. It is time to be more inner directed, with less energy put into striving and set outer directed agendas.
Getting more in touch with mysteries, and with opening up previously closed secrets is in order now. Also doing more introspection and delving more deeply into one’s unconscious is in order now.
After the Full Moon on Tuesday the 27th we enter the last and waning half of the lunar cycle. The light of the Moon will begin to dim, prompting us even more to go deeper.
It may be helpful at this time of year to be able to process your feelings with someone. That will help you to gain objective perspective. Do your best to not allow yourself to get into dark dramas inside your self or with others.
There is still alot to process, sort through and make sense of from all the storms of the eclipse season.
After the New Moon in Scorpio on November 11, it will be time to get more fully immersed in the new chapter of your life.
In the greater world, the eclipses took us into a faltering economy and stock market; major upheaval in Jerusalem and elsewhere in Palestine and Israel; Russia beginning to bomb in Syria; and China and the USA daring each other in waters near the South China Sea.
For now most of these issues have settled down in intensity. But the fact that they all erupted during the Eclipses in September strongly suggests that these matters are important ones that will come back to haunt us- excuse the pun.
The transformation of our old world and its institutions will continue. There will be much more powerful changes on the way. The events during the recent Eclipse Season “set the table” for what is to come.
So it is likely that around and after the New Moon in Scorpio, world events will intensify again, especially those that are connected to the events that erupted in September.
In your own life, you continue to be ripe for awakenings, deeper realizations, and generally big breakthroughs into new lands of consciousness. We are each evolving, through personal transformation, into more authentic soul beings. As we transform we become more attuned to the energies and realities of the Age of Aquarius.
These breakthroughs also help us to shed the weight of EGO, the part of each of us that has allegiance to needs to dominate and control reality in service to the laws of separation and chance. As we trust more, we let go to our soul self, our “higher self”, the part of us that is connected to the Universe, nature, and that which connects everything and everyone together with meaning.
We give allegiance to the flags of Love and Truth and the birthing of a New World of stewardship of our Earth, its creatures, and our human family. We can sense more and more the tone and frequency of a world of Diversity and distinct Individuality connected to the Unity of greater Community.
Till next week,
You can get an astrological consultation with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life. Please write for more info..
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Leo Knighton Tallarico has been a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for 30 years.