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Family and Astrology Forecast July 3-9

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

With Mars going Direct, we have moved through an important turning point.   A decision has been made by most to move forward no matter what.

Even if all i’s have not been dotted or t’s crossed in our life journey, we nevertheless are ready to choose life and being alive in this new chapter.

Many people have faced important crises over the last several weeks, having core issues come up to be faced and worked with.

Some people and pets have died over that same time period. It is very sad and painful to let them go along with the old chapter of our lives

For many this shift into a New Life Chapter is sublte but clear.    No more going back and forth in our deeper soul to choose direction.   We choose our higher self as our life giuide, with the ego its servant not leader.

For some more definition will come later, it is enough to know the shift has happened.

For others their new self and world is defined already, though certainly not fully established.

The New Moon in Cancer on Monday July 4 is an impetus to move forward. It is the first new moon since Mars went Direct on June 29.

We let you know last week that the Mars turning would bring powerful world events, and there were two terrorist attacks- in Turkey and Bangladesh around the Mars turn.

A powerful event or events will soon happen in the USA, and it feels rather big.  Do you feel it too?

Much has been feeling rather insecure with recent world happenings, but my sense is that there is much more to come.

The next 3-5 years are the true transition years into the Age of Aquarius which begin more fully in the 2020’s.

Much will happen in these next few years that will shift our sense of reality and our paradigm for living here on Earth as a human family.

The New Moon in Cancer has the stamp of “family” on it.    The sign Cancer represents wholeness and the wholeness of what family means to each one of us.

Family can mean the wholeness of our “blood family” or extended blood family.  It can mean tribe.

Family can be extended out to one’s religion or nation too and many people then limit their sense of human family and determine that other families or nations or religions are the enemy.

Cancer is about feeling safe and there is a feeling of safety in one’s home or home life or whatever one determines to be family.   Others who are ouside that safety zone are often  seen as threats.

So we have nations and religions at war with one another.

When we evolve to know we are all part of the same family of human, we will no longer need war and we will work to make things better for all in our human community together.

In our healthy blood families, we love the menbers of the family no matter what- unconditionally.  What if we did that on a bigger scale.    We would still have rules and limits and laws and consequences but we would not demonize or hate or fearfully judge those who broke the laws.

Sometimes I think it will take an invasion by alien creatures from somewhere else in our Universe to bring all of us here on Earth together as one family.

But maybe we can find another way to evolve our consciousness to know we all have the same needs and desires, the same hopes and fears.   We are not meant to fight over everything to get more than others, to have more power and privilege.

We have been taught is it just “human nature” to be greedy and power hungry.   It is not just human nature, it is the worst part of human nature, something that can be controlled or transformed.

The New Moon in Cancer is July 4 at 7:01 AM EDT.  It begins a new lunar cycle devoted to Women, to Mother and Mother Nature.

Cancer is about feelings,the Moon and women’s menstrual cycles, and changing moods.  Cancer seeks intimacy, close intimacy like a child and its parent.   It seeks to take care of and to nurture, especially those who are more vulnerable.

It is about feeling safe and taken care of.  It represents inner values like care and kindness.

When Cancer is out of balance it is too lenient and permissive.  It can also have little respect for boundaries, especially emotional boundaries.

So at this New Moon in Cancer enjoy nature and home and whatever feels comforting and nurturing to you.  Be with those you feel unconditionally appreciated by. Open up your feelings and trust you will be accepted when you are being your self.  Be true to your inner values more than values of success and accomplishment and money.

On Thursday July 7 Mercury and the Sun will oppose Pluto while Venus squares Uranus.

These aspects will trigger the Uranus/Pluto square and trigger your personal needs to transform and change out of status quo staleness.

The world is changing; we are changing, and no matter how bad it may look sometimes, have faith and trust that we are in the middle of labor pains on the journey to a New Age of Aquarius.

Till next week,


Time to start thinking if you want to be involved in the webinars in August. Those of you who have already told me you want to be a part of the webinar series and who have not paid need to let me know if they want to pay through Paypal or personal check. I also soon need your birth information, including time and place of birth.

Transformational Astrology with Leo Knighton Tallarico webinar series will begin on Saturday August 6 at 1 PM  EDT.  The series will continue Saturdays August 13 and 20th at 1 PM to finish up the series.   Each class will last approximately 1-1/2 to 2 hours. Fee is $120 for the complete series. I will reserve two scholarships for those truly in need who have great interest.

We will be discussing the deep layers of consciousness needed during this important time in human evolution.  The class will provide a wider perspective and deeper insight.

I will explain the significance of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in the process of transformation. I will include Chiron into the mix also.  I consider Uranus, Neptune and Pluto as ambassadors of the Age of Aquarius.   They provide us with what we energetically need in order to transform our consciousness and lives aligned with the Age of Aquarius.  As such we will explore a person’s natal aspects with those planets. We will also , its explore in depth the transits of these planets, as they signify times of intense transformation and change.

We will also look at the possibility of newly discovered planets in our solar system, including Nibiru and Dr. Sitchen’s ideas of what that planet signifies for the human family.  This theory if true changes how we view our origins and our human condition.

We are at a very important phase in the transition between a Pisces and Aquarius Age.   World changes through important world events  will be discussed as well as a viewpoint of what and when we can expect of the Age of Aquarius.

We will also find the time to look at class members’ natal charts to see the natal dimensions of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in personal lives. And we will look at transits and times of change in individual participant’s lives as seen by the transits of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

If interested please let me know through a reply to my email at  Fee is to be paid prior to the classes.

 Recordings will be available for those who cannot make the live

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