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Family Matters and Astrology Forecast June 21-27

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

Sunday June 21 brings us an annual turning point.    This year Summer Solstice is on the 21st at 12:38 PM EDT.

Summer Solstice brings us to the zenith of light moments in the day.  After that darkness begins to increase every day- until Autumn Equinox when light and dark, yin and yang are equal.   After that dark yin minutes get greater than light yang minutes- until Winter Solstice when dark has reached its zenith and light begins to increase- until Spring Equinox when all is equal again but moving toward the light.

So now here in the Northern Hemisphere of Earth we get excited for the fact that nature is at its fullness and warm weather has arrived for awhile.

But you may also feel a subtle tug into your feelings and soul.  Summer Solstice brings the Sun into the sign Cancer for a month.

The sign Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and as such it is soulful and feeling oriented, concerned more with inner values than outer striving, and resonates with nurturing and being nurtured.

Society is always pushing us to live up to something, to accomplish, to meet obligations, and to make of most importance our relationship to the material world.

But there is a need in each of us to “just be”, to move with our moods, to protect ourselves from a cold often cruel world, and most especially to care for those who are more vulnerable-  like children, the elderly or disabled.

The sign Cancer is more inner directed with its caring values and values of how we treat one another.   We each need downtime, time to forget the responsibilities out in the world.  We each need time for our personal needs to be met and for more emotional intimacy.

Cancer likes close relationships, often “two peas in a pod” type relationships.  But Cancer is sensitive to rejection or abandonment and if it feels it is being treated badly it will stop trusting and go hide in its crab shell.  It will stay there and protect itself even more, until it can trust again.

Cancer also is a sign of “woman” and of Mother, and ironically this year in the USA it is Fathers Day as the Sun moves into Cancer.

Family issues often get more intense during Sun in Cancer time, so be ready for the dysfunctions to open up, for family drama, but also healthy needs to be with family members.

More and more people are leaving the traditional concept of family as we enter the Age of Aquarius.

For those people bloodline is not as important as connecting with one’s soul family, the people who we feel “at home” with.

On Monday June 22, the day after Summer Solstice, Jupiter in Leo makes an exact trine to Uranus in Aries.  This a very fiery combination that can send some into new adventures and explorations; while others will use this to help them get outside any “boxes” of limitation they find themselves in.

There may be a strong desire to get out of boredom or “same old, same old” and to end patterns of thought and behavior that keep one stuck.

The Sun in Cancer movement wants to feel safe however, so you may face an inner conflict between leaping forward and following your heart and intuition on the one hand- against a need to feel safe and cozily secure in familiar surroundings on the other hand.

Family, whatever that means for each individual, is meant to be a protected resting place where one can feel safe to “be oneself” without judgment or being mocked and shamed.

Then one can feel more able, after such nurturing, to tackle a challenging world.

But  all too often now blood family is a toxic place to be.  Some families put individual family members in rigid roles to fit family needs or to be a convenient scapegoat to load family shadows upon.  Family members compete with one another for favor, and money and material needs become of utmost importance.

Many families are merely microcosms for the society we live in, programming its family members with cultural values that are tearing our human family and Earth apart.

Families often teach that some people are better than others, that competition and winning against others is a high value to achieve.

Families are often pitted against one another and family gossip puts down people who do not live up to the family and societal judgments of how people should be.

Families often teach, as does our culture, that relationships are based on what each person can get from another.     Relationship turns into negotiation for getting one’s needs met instead of letting the love in one’s heart lead the way.

True heart connection does not need to see who is getting the short stick from a relationship and does not keep score.

Of course if you are constantly giving more than receiving there is no real two way heart connection happening.  The two way heart connection happens in love however.

Of course there are times in any relationship when individuals lose heart connection and then can fall into co-dependent ways of connecting.  But if that lasts too long the love leaves for good.

And in the greater world we project our family needs out to larger groups like nation or religion or ethnicity or race.   Our family or country or sexual orientation or race is better than your family or nation or race, etc.

And then that  becomes judgment or making of enemy or hatred to other “families”

There has been so much separation of our American family because of race lately, even as we elected an African American president.   It is as if the civil war from Lincoln’s time is back as an issue in our collective American consciousness.

And the root of this separation began with a “white” attitude that it is superior to the “black” race. That must be so as it was a required attitude for slavery.  America’s high minded value of “all created equal” met the evil value of using those who one feels are inferior for one’s own gain.

No matter where you stand on the race question in America, it is important to know that the only “immigrants” who were forced here and put into slavery are black Africans.

Though many generations have gone past since then, America has never truly consciously dealt with this horrible era in its evolution.

And some people still believe they are superior and are still filled with judgment and hate for the attitudes taken on by uppity inferiors.

Moving into an Age of Aquarius, it is essential that we see all our human members as equal members of the same Family- all different but equal and ONE.  All men and women are created equal in the eyes of God(ess) or Universe.  And this is not just about America.   We all need to KNOW we are members of the same human family, all over the world, regardless of our difference by race, nation, sexual orientation or lifestyle.  And we need to know it soon.

The storms will be getting much stronger, and we either go into survival mode and aggressively grab everything we can for “our family”,  or we come together to heal our separations and heal this Earth and our whole human family.

For now, however, get some protected nurturance as the Sun moves into Cancer.  Go inside and collect your self and heal from such a challenging spring season that has just passed.   Come together with those who you can be your self with, who you feel at home with.  Take care of your personal needs and protect yourself and loved ones from toxic energies and people.  Rest before the winds of change pick up again soon.

Till next week,


I have created a new YouTube presentation for the Spring Portal.

You can get an astrological consultation with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life. Please write for more info..

Please feel free to find my services on my website  You can sign up for our newsletter there.

Leo Knighton Tallarico has been a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for 30 years.

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