By Leo Knighton Tallarico
The New Moon in Scorpio on Sunday October 30 begins the lunar cycle that will lead into the Election on November 8. That New Moon in Scorpio happens at 1:38 PM EDT.
Of course new moons always mean new beginnings, new starts, and energy to get going.
Being in Scorpio this new moon brings emotional intensity, primal instincts, a lazer beam into deeper thoughts and feelings, a revealing of previously hidden secrets, and more passion.
Primal instincts, emotional intensity and greater passion usually translates into more “real” feelings and expressions.
In the Presidential Election process, this will mean that the “gloves are taken off” completely and it will get even uglier than before.
The process of revealing hidden secrets has already begun as the FBI has said it is looking again at Clinton emails, emails that were newly procurred from its investigation of Anthony Weiner’s sexting investigation.
I wrote many months ago that I leaned toward astrologically believing Donald Trump would win this election, especially so if security issues became more important through world events.
So I now believe that if these new emails strongly suggest that our USA security was compromised by the Clinton state department personal servers, then that will fit and Donald Trump will win.
Much can still happen before November 8, and both sides will continue their ugly strategy of ruthless attacks on one another.
Wouldn’t it be great if the candidates concentrated on the issues that are so important for this country now?
The day after the New Moon on October 31 is Samhain, the original reason for honoring that date.
Relatively recently October 31 became Halloween and November 1 is the religious All Saints Day.
Samhain is approximately half way between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice. It was said by our more ancient ancestors to be the day that the veils between the “outer seen world” and the “inner invisible world” are the thinnest.
I am sure you can see how contacting the spirits or ghosts from the unseen world could be scary for some, and hence Halloween.
Around Samhain is said to be a good time to make contact with loved ones who have died, or ghosts trapped on the Earth plane.
It is also a good time during Scorpio time of year to trust your instincts more or to see deeper truth.
People may be more willing to share their secrets or on the contrary to hold more tightly to them.
If you have been holding onto resentments that you have not previously expressed, this may be a good time to let them out and express.
Remember that the longer you hold back strong emotions, the more lethal they become.
It is like putting a mildly anger person in a closet. If you keep them there inside the closet a long time, their emotions will build to something much more intensely rageful than before.
So now might be a good time to “come out of the closet”, to express your feelings or even to reveal your true self or secrets you have held onto.
On the 2nd/3rd of November Mercury in Scorpio will sextile mythological “guardian of the underworld” Pluto.
Expressions of deeper truths will be more likely during that time period.
Scorpio also represents “darker” energies, and here in the Northern Hemisphere it coincides with days becoming darker and colder.
We are all settling into our deeper emotions and deeper realities. Libra sought to turn issues into more peace, more beauty, more civilized behavior.
The next sign Scorpio wants what is real, whatever that turns out to be. It will reject “rose colored glasses” even if it makes things easier to handle.
For spiritual people this time of year is great for seeing deeply with greater insight. It is a good time to express one’s deeper truth and to merge more deeply with others at the core level of being.
Sex can be great during Scorpio time of year too, as we are more taken by our passionate instincts.
In the process of expressing our instincts, we get to the truth we have suppressed or repressed; we then can release old wounds and traumas.
There is a potential healing and then there is a renewal or rebirth.
Scorpio, which is “ruled” by Pluto, represents true transformation at the deepest of levels.
So now you are ripe to go deeper in your transformational process, to raise Kundalini, to shed old skins, to make powerful new beginnings.
Our world is in the same state. We are about to shed the old skin from an old chapter of our collective lives.
As the Obama era comes to end, so does a dying season of our lives.
We are getting ready for whatever happens next, for whatever the results of the election will be.
Remember that how it will look on the surface will not be the same as the deeper reality.
We are in the process of transformation between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius.
And just like when a relationship ends through divorce or death, it can feel so horrible at first.
But then later we may realize how meaningful it was for the disolution of that relationship.
We are ready at a collective soul level to leave an old era of our lives, and to grow and evolve into a new era of our lives.
Life is more a mystery than we realize. And we may not always get what we want, but we do get what it is that we truly need. (thank you Rolling Stones).
Till next week,
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