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Getting Ready and Astrology Forecast May 26-June 1

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

It must be pretty obvious now to most everyone that we are on the cusp of enormous change and transformation in the United States and in the greater world.

Countries are becoming more nationalistic and self serving;  religions are at war with one another; liberal and conservative cultures seem to have little middle ground of connection between them.

These countries that are becoming more nationalistic are beefing up their militaries and rapidly finding enemies and allies. They are sending out messages of aggression to one another. This is how major wars have always begun. The Middle East is a tinder box susceptible to being ignited. Iran is heating up as it is in the cross hairs of the USA and Israel.

The economy is gearing up for major declines in the stock market, and there are trade wars that keep heating up, especially between China and the USA.

The Old World has a paradigm of “every man  for himself”, “dog-eat-dog”, “survival of the fittest”  separatism.   This belief system all too often sees making relationship, love, empathy and compassion as weaknesses or naivete.

It sees compromise as losing one’s toughness; giving in as “blinking first” and losing.

And right now those old world beliefs are strong in the minds and hearts of so-called leaders in the world.

It is easy to be made to feel like a “snow-flake”, illogical dreamer, or an innocent child for believing in the connections, believing we live in a sacred and meaningful world, believing we humans are all members of the same family, or believing we are in transition between ages.

But anyone who is evolving and has seen the light knows that those who built and believe in those old age ways of separation are the ones who don’t get it. They are pushing us all to mutual destruction.

But we also know that the Old World is taking its last gasps of dominance on this planet, soon delivering the members of that old world into an historical container that is already inhabited by dinosaurs and the like.

Our survival is now dependent on humans evolving into a consciousness that knows we all need to come together as ONE in order to survive.  We each need to find our distinct authentic individuality and from there find unity: Diversity within Unity.

We have no more time to take for granted the Earth Mother who has brought us into the world.

We can no longer see the Sky Father as merely a scientific material combination of unrelated stars and planets and galaxies in a “governed by chance” Universe.

We are ready for the coming challenges, ready to co-create as our worlds open up; moving  out of our status-quo cages that have been built by the programming of an old paradigm and age.

Mid June will bring us the first winds of Summer Eclipse Season 2019.  Saturn/Pluto will be getting closer in their conjunction with one another.

Mid December will bring us the first winds of Winter Eclipse Season 2019/2020.

That second season will bring us the exact conjunction of Saturn/Pluto along with two powerful eclipses.  There will then be a most rapid acceleration of transition between ages.  (I am now scheduling a webinar for Saturday June 22 from noon-4:30 PM EDT.  We will look at Saturn/Pluto, its history and effect on our human condition then and now. And I will give interpretation for each webinar participant concerning the effect of Saturn/Pluto in their own charts and lives. In this webinar we also take a peek at the next presidential election in November 2020, and an outlook on the economy and the condition of our lives going forward: fee $120 with 1 scholarship offered for those most in need. Write me at for more info and to sign up.)

This week we move into the last quarter of the lunar cycle that began at the New Moon in Taurus on May 4.

This last quarter Moon begins in Pisces on Sunday May 26 this week.  That Pisces Moon seeks inner reflection and connection with one’s sensitivity and need to “go with the flow.  The fast mind and nervous system of Sun in Gemini will challenge that flow.

This last quarter lunar cycle this week shows us a Moon getting slimmer and slimmer, bringing us into the dark inner star-studded sky of surrender.

It is time to let go this week of attachments, and get ready for new beginnings next week at the Gemini New Moon on Monday June 3.

Mercury and Venus this week both connect with Neptune and Jupiter, helping our relating skills if we are high-minded and looking for meaning and magic.

The Trump voyage to impeachment gets more real each week, as at the same time the USA connections with the world around it get more and more separating and distant. But it has some new “friends” now.

One of the USA’s best national “friends” now is Saudi Arabia.  Saudi Arabia treats women like dirt. Women only recently are being considered for the right to drive a car..

A female women’s rights activist there was jailed a year ago and flogged, electrocuted,  rape threatened, and water-boarded. Her  crime was being an activist for women being able to drive and to overhaul the Male Guardianship over women in Saudi Arabia.

Why is there no outcry for human rights and women’s rights in Saudi Arabia?

There is such a need for revolution and evolution now in alignment with Age of Aquarius values.

As the old world shows its ugly head now more and more, the cracks in its foundation create more space for the light of a New Age to shine through.

Concentrate on that light in your meditations, feel it penetrating your body, mind and soul.  It is as bright as the old world dramas are dark.

Release that darkness and decay from inside your old world programming, and open more and more to the light of the Age of Aquarius.

Love and Truth are its foundation and nothing can be stronger than that.

See you next week,


Also I will begin a Podcast/Radio show series on Monday June 3 at the Gemini New Moon. Summer Eclipse Season 2019 begins at that new moon, though the first eclipse will still be a month away. 

If you have not had a recent deep and psychologically based Astrology  reading contact me at

If you want a transit  reading, which tells you what changes are blowing into your life and how long it lasts, contact me at

If you want guidance on choosing good dates for weddings and other important events in your life contact me at

If you want transformational guidance with astrology readings and counseling, contact me at

If you want astrological perspective and/or counseling for your changing life, contact

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