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Goodbye 2012 and Astrology Forecast December 29- January 5

by Leo Knighton Tallarico

Next week we will look at 2013.  This week we say goodbye to 2012.

I am sure for some 2012 did not live up to their expectations.   Especially because of the end of the Mayan Calendar and so much hype and misinformation about that event, many people either expected apocalyptic events- or events that would sweep us into a new dimension of consciousness or a golden age.

The process of transformation is slower than that.   It is true that an old age is dying and horrible events, like what happened in Newtown Connecticut, are part of that process. And yes we are changing our consciousness to align ourselves with an Aquarian Age.

Those who believed an apocalypse was coming were in touch with the inevitable destruction of an old world, its beliefs, institutions and paradigm.  Those who believed a much better world would arrive at the end of 2012 were in touch with the fact that we are leaving an old Pisces Age and in transition to a an Aquarian Age. But we are not there yet.

We need to be more patient as there is much more healing and transformation for our world and for our personal lives on the way.

And yes the speed and intensity of change began to pick up in 2012.  And 2013 will bring a huge spike of change again, even bigger than in 2012.

The old paradigm is barely working anymore.The conditioning and programming we have received to keep us entrenched in the old ways has been breaking down, and people are more and more looking outside their old boxes of consciousness and perception in order to find new and better ways to be and live.

But the Universe is not going to drop a New Age into our laps.  Each of us needs to make the consciousness shifts, change our belief systems, and transform the way we lead our lives.    No matter what planetary alignments come our way, we each need make choices at our personal crossroads, choices that show we trust our authentic natures and trust the Universe.

If at a deep level we cannot shake the fears and negativities that the old world teaches us are true, then no matter what grand openings the Universe provides us with, we will stay stuck.

After John Kennedy was assassinated, we were at a crossroads as a nation.  We could have seen only the pit of darkness, and begin to decay as a nation.  Civil Rights for blacks had been picking up steam during Kennedy’s time as president as Martin Luther King was becoming a beacon of light.

After JFK’s death the ’60s revolution brought us to fight more fiercely for Civil Rights for blacks and women.  We began to challenge the paranoia around communism, and fought to end the Viet Nam war as a result.   We used the transformational crossroads at Kennedy’s death to bring us into a New World, one run more by love and truth and fairness.

After the tragedy of 9-11, we were at another transformational crossroads. But this time we did not choose a high road to travel on. Instead we began to be at war with Muslim peoples, invading Afghanistan, and a few years later Iraq, a country which had nothing to do with 9-11.  We began to take human rights away with Homeland Security and began torture chambers at Guantanamo.   We let fear force us into making protecting security more important than higher Universal principles.

So you can see that countries and people both make decisions and those decisions show the way to what we create.

So in your personal life, the same applies. If you face a difficult event like a divorce or loss of job for instance, it is up to you what attitude you will develop. Of course at first one may get very negative and hopeless. But hopefully, in time one looks to see why the event happened, put meaning to it, and eventually know that it is part of your sacred soul journey.

So do not look for the Universe to provide you with a better world. It is up to you and it is up to us, to use the changes to help us to better align with the frequencies of the Aquarian Age.

Some will devolve and decay, while others will hear the trumpet call of the Aquarian Age and evolve into its golden rays.

Each time there is an Eclipse Season (next one spring of 2013) or an important planetary alignment (Uranus square Pluto 2012-2015), we get our lives and/or consciousness shook up.  What comes to us is not under our control. But how we react, we do have some control over.  We have the ability to choose love and truth and the higher principles of the Aquarian Age, or we can choose to become cynical and fearful.  Our beliefs then produce the reality of our lives.

We are creating our karma, and our world and the world we live in, and the people around us will be affected by our choices.

So yes the end of the Mayan Calendar brought us to another crossroads, as we each chose the direction to move toward. Do you believe we are moving toward greater evolution, toward an Aquarian Age? Do you believe we can become a unified human family, living in Diversity in Unity? Do you believe we are in a major transformation that will help us release old destructive ways and help us to heal our relationship with the Earth and each other?

Do you believe our Universe is a meaningful one, a place of wholeness and connection of all the opposites, like light and dark and male and female, and yin and yang?

If so, then each time there is shakeup of our world and your personal world, use it to release your fears and turn more toward the light of an Aquarian Age.

There is no grand moment when everything ends or when something wonderful has totally begun. Stay present in the process, and move through this transition with as much grace as you can.

This week ahead brings us to the end of Gregorian Calendar 2012. And no one has predicted that calendar’s ending.  2012 brought us a big wave of transformation.

New Year’s Eve, if you are out and about, could be more lively and  maybe even more crazy than usual, with the Moon in Leo and Mars in Aquarius sextile Uranus.

The rest of the week should be energetically tame, with the dark cloud of Saturn/Pluto overhead. That aspect promises to speed up the downfall of institutions that are in decay.

Whichever way the Fiscal Cliff challenge turns, remember we are still looking at a shaky economy and a dysfunctional government. It is all part of the process of ending an old paradigm and age and opening the portals to an Aquarian Age.

See you next week,


Leo Check out this new Youtube video I created:

I will be broadcasting some radio shows on blog talk radio on November 10. You can hear that forecast at any time after the live broadcast.

Please feel free to find more writings and my services on my website.You can get an astrological consultation with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life. Please write for more info.

Leo Knighton Tallarico is a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for over 25 years.

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