by Leo Knighton Tallarico
We have moved through two powerful and meaningful eclipses while Mercury was retrograde. The intensity has lessened and we have turned a corner, but we are still in the Eclipse Season for a little while longer, until perhaps the New Moon in Capricorn on Christmas Eve December 24.
For now as we slowly release the pressures and emotions from that frequency that held our attention, we move down into the Winter Solstice this week.
Running around frantically shopping and partying is not in alignment with the coming Solstice. It is true that until the Winter Solstice we are still in Sun in Sagittarius time, so there is fire energy at our disposal. But we are moving toward a solemn and sacred turning point of the year this week: The Winter Solstice. It synchronizes appropriately with the true meanings of Christmas, which is deeply soulful, yet promising hope for our human family.
The Winter Solstice is a time of greatest darkness of the year, but is the turning point for a return to the light. There are more dark minutes of the day at the Winter Solstice, but after its passing each day is lighter until the Summer Solstice, which has the most light in a day.
So if you are feeling sadness or grief or being drawn down emotionally, you are in alignment with the yin movement now.
It is wise now to find time to be alone, to find your inner compass, to contemplate, to reflect. Running around and being manic is all too often what people do at this time of the year, and it pushes us out of the sacred space necessary now.
Of course we need to prepare for Holiday meals and family get-togethers, but if we can stay present with the natural tone of this time of year, we will appreciate the season. Gratitude is more natural as we face the darkness, as we recognize that life can sometimes be diffcult or painful. We appreciate more than ever the people who we love and who love us.
The actual Winter Solstice is this coming Thursday December 22 at 12:30 AM here on the east coast USA. In the rest of this country the solstice is on Wednesday December 21.
The Winter Solstice brings the Sun into Capricorn for the coming month. Cancer is the opposite of Capricorn and happens for the first month of summer. It brings with it the abundance of nature and Sun and light. Capricorn teaches us that we must do what we have to do, even if it is not in the flow of nature. The resolutions of New Year happen during Capricorn time of year, and it is then we often decide to do things we do not feel like doing. We instead choose to do things we need to do or should do. We know we need to discipline ourselves more and that it is time to “get it together”
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which is like Father Time. Time is what gives us limits. It tells us we need to do things before we run out of time. It tells us we age and that we only have so much time. So Capricorn can definitely feel like a “downer”, but if used properly brings us accomplishment and success. It helps us to plan and organize, and build. Though it can feel confining to free spirits, abiding by its lessons can bring a feeeling of groundedness and security.
We are getting closer now to ending 2011. In the greater world there was liberating change with the Arab Spring, the OWS movement, and Wikileaks. There were the painful challenges of the Earthquake in Japan with its nuclear reactor tragedy, and the continued suffering for so many with a weakened economy.
2012 will bring us even more greater change. Its highlight astrologically will be the square of Uranus and Pluto, which will last for a few years. Their first exact pass will be during the next Eclipse Season in May/June 2012. That promises to be a time of enormous change.
The last time Uranus and Pluto made an important aspect with one another was in 1965/66 when they were c0njunct in Virgo. This conjunction brought in the ’60s era. It was a time of Revolution and consciousness Evolution. Life as knew it would never be the same. Our old paradigm for living was thrown into upheaval and we were flooded with waves of new consciousness and ways of living for humanity on the Earth. People began to sing about the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius.
And now 46 years later, as we meet Uranus and Pluto again, we are closer than ever to realizing the Age of Aquarius, in my estimation opening up at the end of 2020. The amount of change we now need to release the old paradigm and age is enormous. The degree of new waves of consciousness coming in is greater than ever. 2012 promises to be a roller coaster ride of transformation and healing. And the world as we know it, will be getting dimmer and dimmer in our rear view mirrors.
For now, however, allow yourself to be present for the passage of the Winter Solstice and the holidays.
See you next week,
I broadcast a new radio show for October 15 at 1 PM. If you did not catch it live you can still hear it on that link.
Please feel free to find more writings and my services on mywebsite.You can get an astrological session with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life. Please write for more info.
Leo Knighton Tallarico is a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for over 25 years.
He predicted the Iraq War of 2003- in early 2001 when Bush first took office; predicted the 9-11 attacks with an article “The Tower”, written in June 2001. He predicted Obama and McCain would get the presidential nominations in november 2007, when both were low in the polls; and correctly predicted the current economic downturn before it occurred.