By Leo Knighton Tallarico
This week follows an opening up last week of the Greater Feminine on Earth, as we experienced magical Friday the 13th. Friday (Goddess Freyja) is another face of Venus. Italians call it Venerdi (Venus Day) Many other cultures and countries also recognize that same day of the week Venus or another Venus-like Goddess.
Our ancient brothers and sisters named each day after a God or Goddess or “planet”.
Thursday is Thor’s Day (Jupiter/Zeus); Friday is Frejya (Venus); Saturday is obviously Saturn Day; then Sun-Day; and Moon Day. Tuesday in Italian is Martedi (Mars Day); and Wednesday is Mercoledi (Mercury). The English Tuesday and Wednesday I do not. know the root of. Readers help me out on those days.
But overall take a good look at Friday (Venus Day) the 13th (Lunar number representing 13 lunar months a year and not the Solar 12 months a year that we use for our calendars.
Fear and superstition surrounding that day have roots symbolically of fear of the Feminine. This showed itself through witch burning and other atrocities committed against women.
The Greater Feminine is mysterious, sometimes dark, psychic/intuitive, is Love, circles and cycles, ceremony and ritual. It has a Free Spirit that cannot fit Patriarchal needs for control, rules, logic, and predictability; hence the fear and superstition and needs to dominate.
Remember however, that the Yin/Yang circular symbol shows the opposites joined in the Unity of the Circle.
Look out and see all the circles in the sky like the Sun And Moon. And realize that some 6 or 7 hundred years ago the human family mostly agreed the Earth was round not flat, and we would not fall off if we just kept walking.
Straight lines, so male, check out our organ. Circles, so female, check out her organ.
Circles are meant to contain and Unify the opposites. And Age of Aquarius is meant to be Diversity within Unity- the Circle holding the differences.
This week energy eruptions ensue as Hurricanes Fred and Grace threaten east coast USA. Last week there was a mammoth earthquake in Peru: 7.2 on Richter scale.
In that regard the second quarter of the Lunar Cycle that began on the Leo New Moon of August 8, is bringing us to a deeper emotional experience.
That second quarter Moon is in Scorpio on August 15, making an intense exact square with Sun in Leo.
The Solar flares of Sun in Leo go into conflict with the dark mysterious Moon in Scorpio. Culture has mostly programmed us to believe light is good and dark is bad. Prejudice against darker skinned peoples is part of this mind-frame.
Sun in Leo brings symbolically hope in the charming light of day. Moon in Scorpio largely brings deep soulful feelings that darken the Solar Light.
But the opposite might not feel any better for some: Deep inner exploration brings insight, understanding. deeper intimacy and potential passion. The harsh light of day will not feel as deeply satisfying and safe as that.
Extrovert meets introvert, Can they merge as One and still keep their individual integrity?
Intensities increase as we go further into the week. Luckily Venus leaves sometimes nit-picky Virgo for balanced graceful relational Libya on Monday the 16th. That Libra energy will help us to find some peace and balance as energies intensify later i the week.
Sun in Leo quincunx Pluto in Capricorn on Tuesday the 17th. Planets in a quincunx have no energetic connection with the other planet in this formation.. Again the light (Sun in Leo) Meets up with dark Pluto in Capricorn.
Do not pish too hard for the light. Allow this process to unfold on its own. Deep insightful Truth will help with transformation out of old patterns that keep us stuck.
Integrating the deeper Truths makes staring at the sunny garden much less interesting and satisfying.
Toward the end of the week, energies needing outward connections and a greater breaking away from stuck ways of perceiving and interacting, explode in our awareness.
On Thursday the 19th the Sun in Leo opposes Jupiter in Aquarius, close to the same time as Uranus stops and changes direction from Direct to Retrograde.
The power of the people is gaining more confidence and is breaking open to the call of the Age of Aquarius.
Uranus, ruling planet of Aquarius, was discovered in 1781. Synchronistically the American and French revolutions were bringing down the royalty and singing the tune “of the people, by the people, and for the people”.
Time now to open to ways of thinking and intuiting that are outside the old confining boxes of “just accept reality and get out of your Pollyanna dream world”
The old “face reality” has become deluded pessimism and cynicism.
Pollyanna is no longer so naive and unrealistic. She learned that seeing the “glass as half full” takes you a long way into dreams becoming reality.
Israel/Palestine/Iran gets hotter, as does Afghanistan/India/Pakistan.
Our world is getting hotter in so many ways. And the heat of Transformation into the Age of Aquarius grows stronger every day.
As Mars trines recently Retrograde Uranus on Sunday the 22nd, the Full Moon in Leo/Aquarius brings some climax, while the Sun moves out of sunny Leo and into critical discerning Virgo the same day.
Wil tell you all about it next week
Next show is on August 21 at 1 PM PDT
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