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Letting Go of the Baggage and Astrology Forecast June 12-18

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

Life is on hold until after Mars goes Direct on June 29. This does not mean you can do nothing in the interim;  it just means there is a feeling and reality that efforts to direct one’s attention to big steps forward are difficult if not impossible.

While we are waiting for the gate into a new phase of life to open, many of us are facing some real challenges. In fact for many their most sensitive and diffcults wounds or traumas have been triggered.

They are caught up in emotions that have been overwhelming their usual stable sanity.

Seems to me that we are cleaning up as much baggage as we can before we face new challenges and opportunities on the other side of the gate.

So go to your healers and counselors now to assist your journey or spend more time in meditation or spiritual practices now.

I know the world seems crazy now, but it is really a result of changing tides from one age to another.  We  are collectively and individually in transition and working to heal, release and let go of old tapes and conditioned programs in our heads and hearts.

On the contrary some of you are enjoying the ride into this new chapter of life.   Emotional baggage has not surfaced in any difficult way as of yet and the world’s troubles and confusions have not caught up to you yet.

But make no mistake, world craziness will accelerate soon, with important world events screaming for attention.

The Middle East will very soon erupt explosively, with emphasis on Israel, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, Iran, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.

The political presidential landscape will get even crazier as scandals,  illegalities, corruptions, and secrets break out in the open.

Our global economy will face great challenges soon also.

At the same time protests and revolutionary energies and actions will increase exponentially.   Spritual enlightenment, synchronicites and awakenings will multiply.  People will have a much stronger sense of unity with their fellow human, as we all are motivated to change the world for the better.

The astrological reflection of this current change sits mainly with Saturn square Neptune which is good for this whole year but exact this week Friday the 17th of June.

As we have stated in previous forecasts,  Order and boundaries and status quo (Saturn) are challenged by disorder, open boundaries, confusion, chaos and change (Neptune).

We have mentioned immigration issues and redrawn state boundaries as part of this Saturn/Neptune process. And to add to this theme, later this month, Brits will be voting on staying or leaving the European Union.  That vote will greatly affect the economic stablity of Europe and beyond.

So much is changing, yet some like Donald Trump are wanting to turn back the clock  to the ’50s in America, before civil rights breakthroughs or globalism.

Do we need to stop to turn back the clock for awhile, or is it time to go further with revolutionary and evolutionary progress.

Voters in the United States will be letting us know their feelings on the matter come November.

In addition to Saturn/Neptune and Mars Retrograde, we are approaching Summer Solstice with a Full Moon joining it on June 20. We will talk more about that next week.

This week Neptune ( as it is squaring Saturn) changes directions to go retrograde on Monday the 13th.  This puts Neptune vibes in the psychic airwaves.  Neptunes is inner directed, aligned with the inner spiritual plane and rules psychic insights, insights in general,  fogginess and confusion, gentle poetic feelings, drugs, alcohol, chaos, and escapism.

If you are taking the Higher Self route of spiritual connection, it wil be best this week to let go and surrender to that which is greater, to trust the Universe, and to allow the process to play itself out without needs to control or dominate or think too much to figure it all out.

The Sun makes “minor” aspects to Uranus and Mars on Tuesday putting emphasis on independence, self expression, and empowerment.  It is time to stop being a doormat and to speak up.

Venus moves into Cancer on Friday the 17th.  It will stay in Cancer for about a month.  As it leaves Gemini, heart energies shift from light and lively to Cancerian softness and nurturance.

It is time to go deeper in your intimacies with loved ones, to open your heart and trust again.  This trust will allow you to be more vulnerable, which will open you up to greater nurturance from others.

It will also open your heart up to those who need care and concern from you, so you can give them the nurturance they need also.

Mars makes a quincunx (150 degree) angle to Uranus on Saturday the 18th. Time to break out of the box and let more assertive revolutionary energy into your consciousness and bones.  Life is changing and so are you.

Late June and July are lunching pads for new beginnings and startups.  Best now to heal your wounds and traumas as best you can, so you can have less baggage to haul around in this new Era of our lives.

And then in the 2020’s The Age of Aquarius comes into its own.

Till next week,


Transformational Astrology with Leo Knighton Tallarico webinar series will begin on Saturday August 6 at 1 PM  EDT.  The series will continue Saturdays August 13 and 20th at 1 PM to finish up the series.   Each class will last approximately 1-1/2 to 2 hours. Fee is $120 for the complete series. I will reserve two scholarships for those truly in need who have great interest.

We will be discussing the deep layers of consciousness needed during this important time in human evolution.  The class will provide a wider perspective and deeper insight.

I will explain the significance of Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in the process of transformation. I will include Chiron into the mix also.  I consider Uranus, Neptune and Pluto as ambassadors of the Age of Aquarius.   They provide us with what we energetically need in order to transform our consciousness and lives aligned with the Age of Aquarius.  As such we will explore a person’s natal aspects with those planets. We will also , its explore in depth the transits of these planets, as they signify times of intense transformation and change.

We will also look at the possibility of newly discovered planets in our solar system, including Nibiru and Dr. Sitchen’s ideas of what that planet signifies for the human family.  This theory if true changes how we view our origins and our human condition.

We are at a very important phase in the transition between a Pisces and Aquarius Age.   World changes through important world events  will be discussed as well as a viewpoint of what and when we can expect of the Age of Aquarius.

We will also find the time to look at class members’ natal charts to see the natal dimensions of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto in personal lives. And we will look at transits and times of change in individual participant’s lives as seen by the transits of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

If interested please let me know through a reply to my email at  Fee is to be paid prior to the classes.

 Recordings will be available for those who cannot make the live broadcast.

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