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Lighter and Darker and Astrology Forecast May 19-25.

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

As the Full Moon in Scorpio leaves our awareness after the weekend of May 18-19, we get ready to come down another notch into what is real in our lives.

The last half of the current lunar cycle begins this week as we view a Moon getting darker by the minute.  At the same time as the lunar cycle darkens, the solar cycle gives us in the Northern Hemisphere of Earth more light by the minute.

The Moon darkens until June 3, as the New Moon in Gemini that day begins the process of the Moon growing once again with more light every night.

At the same time, the Sun brings more light every day until the Summer Solstice on June 21, when the Sun stops at its highest place in the sky to shine the most light of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.

Symbolically, the Sun represents the conscious intent for humans to shine, create, fully express, and succeed with utmost confidence.

Symbolically the Moon represents an inner, more instinctual intent to give and receive comfort and nurturance, to protect and express inner values of care and empathy.

So this week our inner and outer worlds are moving in vastly different directions.  Our collective conscious desire is to move with “glass half full” intent to get better and better in our relationship with the world.

Our collective soul/feeling desire is to feel what is natural for us to feel, even if that means sadness, grief,  or even feeling sorry for ourselves at times.

In the “world out there” there are many challenges.  The USA is digging in against its so-called enemies: Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, China, and Russia.   The USA has enacted or is a part of sanctions on all those countries. The USA Natal Mars in Gemini is triggered in May and June by Jupiter being directly opposite in Sagittarius.

No matter what is stated as motivation against these countries, the real reason for much of the conflicts is needs for more power and control, domination, and in some cases control over natural resources like oil and natural gas.

When Trump chose Bolton and Pompeo as integral leaders in his administration, most people knew that meant war was likely to come, as both those men are known to be military hawks hankering for a fight.

We are at a big turning point in our country and world now.  The next 9 months of so will  greatly determine the path we take over the next several years in regards to economy and war.

Especially important will be the next two Eclipse Seasons- in the Summer of 2019 and the Winter of 2019/20.

The Saturn/Pluto powerful configuration is getting closer and closer now, with their only exact conjunction being in January of 2020, which is the climax of their planetary relationship at this time.  Of course Eclipses will also be happening in January 2020, as well as July 2019.

This all will have great effect on our personal lives too. I am now scheduling a webinar for Saturday June 22 from noon-4:30 PM EDT.  We will look at Saturn/Pluto, its history and effect on our human condition then and now. And I will give interpretation for each webinar participant concerning the effect of Saturn/Pluto in their own charts and lives. In this webinar we also take a peek at the next presidential election in November 2020, and an outlook on the economy and the condition of our lives going forward: fee $120 with 1 scholarship offered for those most in need. Write me at for more info and to sign up.

Also I will begin a Podcast/Radio show series on Monday June 3 at the Gemini New Moon. Summer Eclipse Season 2019 begins at that new moon, though the first eclipse will still be a month away. 

Yes we now enter a most important time here on Earth, as the condition of consciousness for each of us is most important for the direction, condition, and quality of our entrance into The Age of Aquarius.

Yes this week we have moved into the “downhill” movement of the waning half of the lunar cycle begun on May 4 at the Taurus New Moon.

That next lunar cycle begins at the New Moon in Gemini on June 3. That is when Sun and Moon are conjunct at 12+ degrees of Gemini.

This week the Sun goes into Gemini on Tuesday May 21.  As we stated, the Moon will join the Sun in Gemini creating a New Moon in Gemini on June 3.

This week when the Sun leaves Taurus and enters Gemini, our intentions begin to be more mental and social and less physical and solitary.

Gemini stirs the mind and nervous system into more activity.  Needs to communicate get stronger, which for many means more talking.   But writing can also be a means to communicate now. People tend to both take classes and create classes during Gemini time.

Gemini rhythm is “information in- information out”- just the facts- no opinions, judgments or editorializing.   That is when Gemini is purely Gemini.

Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury, the “messenger of the gods”, and it works often by showing signs and symbols and synchronicites that the Universe sends so people can see what direction to move toward and get clearer information.

The mind can go really fast in Gemini and Gemini seeks much mental stimulation and varied interests.  With not enough mental stimulation it can be bored; with too much it can be overwhelmed.

Gemini is the Twins, and as such it has two distinctly different personalities. Sometimes that may feel like the good angel and bad angel, or like Jekyll and Hyde.  But usually it is not that drastically polarized.  But two distinctly different selves do exist in some form for them.

Mars sextiles Uranus in Taurus on May 22, and that may cause some mostly minor shake-up of same-old, same-old.

In personal lives, I know most of you have been experiencing much change, and/or you can feel much change under the surface and coming soon.

The Old World has one more huge gasp in trying to bring back the past and its old Paradigm (Make America Ghastly Again).

The great hope is that it does not cause too much harm and pain during that time.

Our challenge is to not be sucked up into the black hole vortex it creates.  If we do not allow ourselves to be devoured by too much fear or hatred, we will be fine.

Keep focused on how we are entering the Age of Aquarius.  Keep meditating and getting yourself healthier and healthier. Keep remembering that Love and Truth run our Universe, and be that Love and Truth as best you can.

Till next week,


If you have not had a recent deep and psychologically based Astrology  reading contact me at

If you want a transit  reading, which tells you what changes are blowing into your life and how long it lasts, contact me at

If you want guidance on choosing good dates for weddings and other important events in your life contact me at

If you want transformational guidance with astrology readings and counseling, contact me at

If you want astrological perspective and/or counseling for your changing life, contact me at

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