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Love and Truth and Astrology Forecast April 23- 29

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

We are moving through the 4th and last quarter of the lunar cycle that began at the Aries New Moon on March 27.

Important events that could lead to more explosive events erupted during this Aries lunar cycle.

Russia, Iran, North Korea, United States, Syria, and Israel are all very triggered by these recent events.  Actually the whole world may be affected ultimately by these events.

So during the 4th quarter we review what has happened during the Aries lunar cycle, and get ready for new beginnings at the New Moon in Taurus this Wednesday April 26.

What has opened up for you personally since March 27?   What are you needing to move into more fully, or move on from? What still needs to be healed and transformed?

Mercury is still Retrograde and Venus was Retrograde during much of this lunar cycle, till April 15 when Venus went back Direct.

What has been happening in your important relationships?  Have you been taken back to old patterns you thought you had moved beyond.

Do you now have more clarity about those relationships?

If not keep in mind that Mercury is still Retrograde until May 3, when it goes back Direct. Total clarity may have to wait until then or more likely a week or so after it goes back direct.

Big decisions that will importantly affect your life would be better off waiting until then.

More pull to “how it used to be” may continue for you.  Do your best to resist feeling your old reality is your reality again.

You may be revisiting old places in your Old Chapter of life, so you can better know what your New Chapter needs are.

There is a process of integration of the past going on, so you do not forget “where you came from”.

There will be a feeling of moving forward more at the New Moon in Taurus on April 26 at 8:16 AM EDT.

Taurus takes in, manifests in reality, and then holds onto tightly.

So whatever was begun during the Aries lunar cycle will tend to take hold after the Taurus New Moon.   If that which began in the Aries cycle has no real “life” to it, it will not take hold.  It will not be made manifest.

Looking at the recent world events, look closely at what has unfolded from them, especially after the New Moon on the 26, and even more so after Mercury goes Direct on May 3.

Are those events merely the past coming back for a look-see again, or are those events more indicative of what is truly brewing in our world.

Taurus is fixed Earth and when it grabs something it does not let go.

So if you have started something recently, if it is aligned and alive, the Taurus New Moon will tend to make it more real and grounded.

Taurus likes to make things more secure and comfortable.  That is why money and other resources like real estate are under the umbrella of Taurus.

Taurus is the Earth and our earthly bodies.   It wants to let us know that our bodies can be a pleasurable experience, and it does so in part by enlivening our senses.

Tasty and healthy food therefore is important for Taurus as a result.

During Taurus time we also can usually calm down from the fiery energy of Aries. Everything seeks to slow down and relax.   But you may then feel rather bored if you seek a lot of passion and intensity.

Those recent world events that brought conflict will now either calm down appreciably or be made more real and manifest.

This summer, especially near the August Eclipses, we will experience the fallout from some of the recent events.

We are truly in a new zone now and sometimes you will feel confused or “out of sorts” and unbalanced.

Your body may go through some temporary shifts too,  shifts that feel like you might be sick or that something might be wrong with you.

Let whatever it is play out to see if it stays or not. In most cases it will be temporary, as we are all being shifted in our minds, souls, and bodies by new energies.

Stay open and present as much as you can now.  Realize old wounds and traumas may tend to be triggered, so please do your best to not be carried away by overreacting.

These new energies want to move into you, and when they confront the blocks in your system, the ones that developed from your old wounds and traumas, they may trigger old reactions.

Remember that these old traumas can be transformed.  You can then see that what has happened to you in the past can be a motivation to empower yourself, to improve yourself, and to have empathy for others who have suffered.

You may have been victimized but you are not a victim.  Victim consciousness disempowers people and is part of the old age, not the new age.

Everything that has happened in your life is meaningful and meant to help you to transform and evolve, and to potentially assist others who have been suffering.

The more explosive world events that are coming are part of the process too, as Nature has earthquakes and tornadoes and tsunamis.

Life will go on, and an Age of Aquarius in dawning.  The transition will be better if each of us stays aligned and lives their life according to the nature of the Universe.

Love and Truth are the pillars that hold up the divine realms of the Universe.  Allowing them to be an integral part of our Earthly life paradigm and the Age of Aquarius is quite important now and going forward.

Each of us can make strong intention to let those values be the engine of our life, not materialism, greed, or power.

Please take a look at the video David Lonebear Sanipass and I created recently-

Till next week,


If you need any help with your relationship now, I have done couples’ counseling for many years. Do you need to identify and work out old patterns? Do you need to decide whether to stay or go?  I use the astrological model to help in the counseling process. We can use Skype if outside New England. Write me at if interested.

Please check out my forecast for 2017-

And if you would like your own personal forecast for 2017, please contact me at

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