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Lunar Eclipse Full Moon and Astrology Forecast for July 5-July 11

The week ahead brings us our first of three eclipses, on Tuesday July 7 at 5:21 AM EDT.    It is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.   A Lunar Eclipse can only happen at a Full Moon, whereas a Solar Eclipse can only happen at a New Moon.

A Full Moon happens when the Moon is exactly opposite the Sun.   At a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth is exactly between the opposition of the Sun and Moon, effectively blocking the Sun’s light from the Moon.

For this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse the Sun is at 15+ degrees of Cancer and the Moon is at 15+ degrees of Capricorn.

This is only a partial eclipse and will be barely visible even to those who are in its path.    The next Eclipse, a solar one on July 21 will be a total eclipse and visible to some parts of the world.  We will tell you more as we get closer to that one.

Eclipses come at times when events are shaking things up.   The time period of most intensity from these three eclipses is from mid June to Mid September.   The actual eclipses occur on July 7- a partial lunar eclipse, on July 21- a total Solar Eclipse, and on August 5- another partial Lunar Eclipse.  The fallout from the eclipses can last years.

The last time there were three eclipses in a row was in the summer of 2000, nine years ago.  It was that summer when the world got the closest it ever has to making a lasting agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, seeking to give the Palestinians a state of their own.

The 3 eclipses were in July, and on July 9 the Israeli government of Ehud Barak failed because the rightist parties left the government because of concessions that were being made to the Palestinians. 

On July 25 the talks completely broke down, foiling President Clinton’s strong intention to make lasting peace in the Middle East before he left office.  Two months later the Palestinian Intifada began, creating a war-like atmosphere between Israel and Palestine, from which they have not recovered.

At the end of July George Bush was nominated president and named Dick Cheney as his running mate.

These events, happening during the 3 eclipse period of 2000, set the stage for the tragedy of 9-11 a year later.  Osama Bin Laden has often referred to the injustice perpetrated against the Palestinians as a primary cause of Al Qaeda’s rage against Israel, America, and western nations.  

George Bush’s presidency quite arguably changed America and its image in the world in enormous ways.

So as we come to our first of 3 eclipses in the summer of 2009, probably the weakest of the three, we face many challenges that have come our way during the eclipse period of Mid June to mid September.

North Korea used the USA birthday of July 4 to set off 7 missile tests across the pacific ocean.  This was an obvious message. 

Iran has arrested British employees of its embassy in Tehran, has effectively stopped the insurgency against the government, and has threatened with imprisonment Mousavi, who challenged the accuracy of the election of Ahmadinejad.

I also expect events to intensify greatly concerning Pakistan, especially toward the third eclipse.

I expect Peru to have greater protests against government attempts to use resources and oil in indiginous areas of Peru, including the rain forest.  

I also expect the Iranian, Israeli and North Korea situations to intensify and become more clear what direction we are moving in with them.

We could see war between Israel and Iran, with the USA involved, before year’s end.  We could see more serious threats between North Korea and Japan develop.

And more clear signs of the direction of the economy can develop before the eclipse period is over, letting us know if we have reached bottom of the recession or if we are in for another Great Depression.  After the second eclipse we will know more.

In our personal lives it is time to say goodbyes and to allow our lives and consciousness to go through greater transformation on the way to an Aquarian Age.  If you have planets from you natal chart that are closely influenced by the eclipse positions, you will be greatly affected.  If you are now having your life shook up, you are quite possibly one of those people.

Please contact me for clarity, direction, and an astrological reading during this time of transformation. I can be reached at or you can contact me be going to my website and pushing the Services button to find out the type of sessions I provide.   For those in financial crisis I can provide a sliding scale of fees for you.

Astrology Forecast for July 5-July 11

This is a very eventful week, including a Lunar Eclipse and Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Aquarius.

The week begins on July 5 with Goddess of Love Venus leaving soft and sensuous Taurus for lively and sociable Gemini. Go out and have a good time with friends now and for the next month as Venus remains in Gemini approximately that long.  The Moon is in Sagittarius till late that night, again making it conducive for high spirits and a good time, even with the intensity of the eclipse getting stronger.

Things feel more glum and serious on Monday the 6th of July as the Moon is now in Capricorn.  On Monday into early Tuesday, Mars squares Neptune and Jupiter and sextiles Uranus.   There is lot of action and movement today as we move into the Lunar Eclipse at 5:21 AM Tuesday morning.    

Family and domestic pressures are up against pressures from obligations and work.  You may have arguments over being lenient or strict with children or others, and have a challenge between doing what you feel like doing or being disciplined.   Emotional boundary issues may also be important to deal with now.

Remember eclipses are times when it is good to let go of what is ready to be released, and to let into your life what is right for you now.    Shake up times at eclipse points are times when we are assisted by the Universe to enter new phases of our lives.

Adding more energy to the eclipses is the second of three conjunctions in a row between Jupiter and Neptune.  This second conjunction happens on Friday the 10th.    Chiron also has been making conjunction with Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius. It has been thousands of years since this has happened.

Since it is all happening in Aquarius as we are on the cusp of an Aquarian Age, Aquarian themes prevail.  It is time to think about equality of all peoples, of self determination, of liberty and freedom.   These all all values from the founding of America as the USA has its moon (inner values) in Aquarius.

Also now keep looking at the skies, as times of UFO and extraterrestrial viewings proliferate during Jupiter conjunctions with Neptune or Uranus in Aquarius.

As this conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius plays out you may experience more magic and synchronicities, more progress spiritually, more desire to be involved in socially conscious groups that have lofty ideals that inspire you.

I will write a new blog/forecast as usual next Saturday/Sunday.

Please feel free to contact me at or visit my website

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