By Leo Knighton Tallarico
This upcoming week brings us the 3rd and last Eclipse of the Summer of 2009. It is a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Leo/Aquarius. On the west coast of the USA it is at 5:56 PM on Wednesday the 5th of August. On the east coast at 8:56 PM, and in places east of the USA the eclipse happens on the 6th of August.
A Lunar Eclipse occurs because the Earth is between the normal Full Moon opposition of the Sun and Moon, and hence its shadow blocks the Sun from shining on the Moon- from our vantage point on Earth. It is a penumbral eclipse which means the Moon will not be as darkly covered as in a total eclipse. The eclipse will not be so obvious. And its complete eclipse process will only be seen in South America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The eastern half of the USA, at Moonrise, will see the end of the eclipse process.
Remember that eclipses, both Solar and Lunar, are much more powerful versions of New Moons (solar) and full Moons (lunar). Solar Eclipses, at new Moons, bring powerful new beginnings. Lunar Eclipses, being Full Moons, bring powerful resolutions or dramatic merging of opposites.
At this Lunar Eclipse Full Moon, with the Sun in Leo opposed by the Moon in Aquarius, there is a dichotomy between personal ego (Leo) with group consciousness (Aquarius). An example of something that happened on the journey to this Lunar Eclipse Full Moon is what happened in the case of Professor Henry Gates.
Dr. Gates was arrested by Officer Crowley in mid July, a few days before the Solar Eclipse New Moon on July 21. He was breaking into his own home because the front door was stuck. A woman called the police and Detective Crowley came to the Gates residence to investigate. After an argument between them Mr Gates was then handcuffed and arrested.
It is quite likely that his being African American contributed to his arrest, but it is also obvious that his ego and arrogance (“Don’t you know who I am?”) also contributed to his arrest.
Later President Obama said the Police Department acted stupidly. Three individual egos expressing their viewpoints of the incident.
But this week they all got together at the White House, with Vice president Biden, in a small group to bring the varying egos and viewpoints together. And this happened less than a week before the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, which has the Sun in individual ego Leo and the Moon in group consciousness Aquarius.
Look at your own life now to view where this drama is playing out. Where is there a need to bring together individual egos in collaboration with others in a group? Where can you combine your heart’s desire for what you want or want to express, with a social consciousness or community understanding?
Overall, during this eclipse period, which has its greatest intensity between mid June and mid September, look to let go of that which needs to die in your life, and open up to the breakthroughs, which open new doors of opportunity for you.
It is best to see your life in meaningful ways when you encounter doors closing for you in life. Relationships end as seasons end; a job loss opens your mind to changing your career, which never suited you anyway. Life is really not random, unless you see it that way.
In the Greater World look for events to surface and intensify close to the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. These events will blow up into bigger events later in the Summer and into the Fall. The places most conducive to change surrounding this eclipse: Pakistan, India, Israel, Iran, the Baltic region, Jamaica, Egypt, Bolivia, Eritrea, and Sri Lanka.
Please keep in mind, however, that all regions of the Earth can be influenced by the changes that eclipses bring with them.
And remember that we are all changing our consciousness and lives in alignment with a movement into an Aquarian Age. The eclipse periods push us faster forward in our growth, helping us to let go of that which needs to be released, and bringing new ideas and opportunities aligned with our personal and collective evolution into the new age.
We are thinking more “green”. We are seeing us all over the world getting closer through mass transportation, communication, and commerce. It is a “smaller” world, one we all need to get along in together, through all our diversity. We need to be individually and collectively liberated from dictators, corporations, and governments that oppress and control our hearts, souls, and minds. We need to take responsibility for own lives and our Earth and human community. We need to find solutions to the many problems that face us for our future, by thinking outside the boxes of programmed minds.
We are ready, more and more every day, to move out of a rigid paradigm for living on this Earth, to heal what separates us, to create new ways to be on this Earth and with each other.
We also need to look to the skies for other peoples of the Universe who will greet us before too long, to forever change our perspective about our selves and our lives. Remember that people were once sure, relatively not that long ago, that the world was flat.
Our world is changing rapidly now and so are we.
Astrology Forecast for August 2- August 8
On Sunday the 2nd of August, the Moon moves from excitable Sagittarius to serious and grounded Capricorn, and later in the day Mercury moves from sunny Leo to work oriented Virgo. So on Sunday and Monday it would behoove you to keep your feet on the ground and not be too wild. Serious discussions are possible.
As the Moon goes into Aquarius late on Tuesday, where it will be for the Lunar Eclipse, the vibrations for the eclipse get stronger. Watch your life and the greater world for signs of change. See big egos inflate. Watch other people who care about changing our world to a better place come together. Watch the interaction unfold. Remember that it is natural and essential to have an ego, to want to express your personal truth and have a life that you personally desire. It is not, however, “natural” to make your self essentially a lot better or worse than anyone else. It is natural and essential to care about what is best for your human community, but unnatural to not also care about your self.
On the 5th at 8:56 PM EDT is the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Leo/Aquarius. This is a powerful Full Moon, where you may feel out of balance as your “normal” life is being disrupted. Use the disruption to move with change. getting out of “same-old, same-old” helps us to dance with a new personal rhythm, one which helps us to grow.
The 6th through the 8th are also within the rays of the Eclipse Full Moon. Remember there can be real magic at full moons, and especially so at Lunar Eclipse Full Moons.
Leo Knighton Tallarico
Our next forecast will post next Saturday afternoon the 8th of August.
Please feel free to make comment or ask questions on this blog.
And remember it is a good time to get a reading on your life changes now. Go to my website to find out how. Press the Services button to find one hour or 90 minute readings. If you have questions write me at