By Leo Knighton Tallarico
Labor Day here in the USA brings a strong new moon with it.
At 8:52 PM EDT on September 6 there is a New Moon in Virgo. Uranus in Taurus brings a very close Trine to that New Moon.
The New Moon in Virgo is at 14+ degrees of Virgo; Uranus is a 14+ degrees of Taurus the same day.
With a New Moon in Virgo, the message is get back to work or school, which is what happens during Virgo time every year.
Virgo brings humility and simplicity to what it touches. And it seeks what is simply real and true. But often it carries a “glass half empty” viewer that it does not recognize as such.
So now at this Moon in Virgo be careful not to get too negative. Perhaps you have not been real enough with your self or others, so you need to readjust. But be careful so that the trip down into “making it real” does not become a too negative “wake up call”.
And with Uranus part of this Virgo New Moon configuration, a wake up call is being made in some way. And that way is likely to be about grounding, simplifying, making more real.
Virgo coming right after the sign Leo metaphorically is like early relationship shifts. The first period of time for a romantic relationship is usually fun and somewhat carefree.
Then maybe months later comes the first argument, the first openly expressed fart. The “honeymoon is over” and it is time to begin a more serious phase of relationship, seeing if the relationship will be good long term.
Also on Monday, besides the New Moon in Virgo, Mars trines Pluto, bringing more power of intensity to the day, actually a few days surrounding Monday’s planetary events.
The Mars/Pluto aspect triggers the passion of Biden’s Sun in Scorpio, so he may be faced with something that gets him more riled up than usual.
Remember overall that Monday is a New Moon, so there is a sense that life is .moving forward, but that summer is coming to an end.
Autumn Equinox is just a couple weeks away now, and so we know that the “Sun is coming to a sunset time of the year” so to speak, Light and dark energies are in process of being equal at the Equinox, but dark minutes grow stronger every day after that.
The Stock Market has been in manic mode for a long time now; reality will soon begin to set in. The housing market has also been manic and that is soon to settle down too.
The leaving of Afghanistan was long overdue, which is the real reason it broke down as it did. Backlash toward the USA for its recent and long ago colonizing is overdue and approaching.
Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya are recent adventurisms. Iran was some time back but still remembered. The Middle East is beginning to implode and will get much worse soon.
September is about beginning to face reality and cleaning up and fixing up.
October has Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter back Direct, pushing us forward whether we are ready or not, That forward movement sets us up for a new Eclipse Season in November and December. That Eclipse Season will be very important and very meaningful. and memorable.
Till next week,
Next Radio show on September 25
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