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Mercury Direct, Mars soon too, and Astrology Forecast August 19-25

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

As I write this week’s forecast, Mercury is stationary, getting ready to shift from Retrograde to Direct at 12:25 AM EDT on Sunday August 19.  All other USA time zones have Mercury going Direct late on August 18.

When Mercury has slowed down and shifts to Direct, the mind is in flux, and things may feel more confusing or unusual or strange.

This will continue until around Monday the 20th, when our mind should again begin to feel more stable and clear.

Then for some it may take another week or so before they feel more back to normal mentally.

Waiting to make big decisions is a good thing now as Mercury’s trickster self often comes out to play when it shifts direction.

Keep in mind that Mars, however, remains Retrograde this week. It goes back Direct on August 27.

So clear direction, needs for willful action, and needs to know what you want now, are still on hold.

What do you really want for your life now?  What needs to be let go of in order to leave room for what you truly want?

At first do not think about it being practical or not. Get in touch with your “wants” from a pure or core place inside of you.

Once that is clear, then you can start your inner dialogue about how those desires can be grounded in reality.

And also while Mars is still Retrograde, get in touch with how these desires must be connected to your Soul or Spirit self, not just material desires.

You have been growing and evolving, finding your purpose and authentic Self in this world and Universe.

All your choices now can be connected to both your “higher self” and “lower self”. It is like telling a higher power, “make my will be thou will”.

Picking a home or relationship, for instance, that is connected to your True Self is just as important or actually more so, than price, image, and practical reality.

Are paying your bills or making your ego satisfied the reasons you came to the Earth?

Do you have a purpose? I do not mean a grandiose purpose necessarily, but rather a function in the human collective for the new world.

And a homemaker or mechanic, for instance, contribute to and service our community,  Earth and Universe- IF that is truly their function not just what they had to do to survive.

And one’s purpose or function can change over the course of a lifetime. The homemaker decides she will best serve and be deeply satisfied as a lawyer after her kids are mature enough or gone from the home.

But the point being made is that it is important to know what you want and what purpose is right for you at a deep level.

There are too many doctors or lawyers or CEO’s that took those careers because they gave them status or wealth. I am not now saying it is necessarily wrong to want those things in a career. I am saying that those reasons are best not being the main reasons for wanting the career. Being “called” to be a healer or doctor is most important to the professions in the medical or healing world.

Our world would be best served if everyone was doing what is deeply connected to their true purpose and function first and foremost.

The Age of Aquarius has Diversity within Unity as its signature, so finding your unique and authentic self and its place in the whole is most important.

I can tell you from experience that the Universe will help support you if you are in alignment with Your Truth and its contribution to the Earth, human community, and Universe.

The walls of the old ways of being separated and disconnected are leaving us now.

Yes the ways of separation inside ourselves is being broken down also. That does not mean all is unified in a way that each person must wear the same uniform as everyone else and hence losing of one’s individuality.

We are breaking down the walls of separation and at the same time opening the way for each person or entity to find and honor their true authentic Self and from that place contribute to the Whole Universe, Whole Earth and its creatures, and the Whole human community.

But first each of us must actualize our true whole Self by accepting our own inner diversity.

We cannot judge harshly or seriously repress any part of our multi-faced and multi-dimensional human Self.

We can keep each facet of ourselves alive and accepted, and expressed in the best way for our whole and unified Self.

As we accept all our many facets of self, we are doing what is needed in the world and human community within our own soul.

If your parents or other authorities shamed you for your passion or kindness or slowness or forcefulness, for instance, you tend to dislike that part of yourself and suppress it. Or rebel and force it on others.

The same is done out in the world. If someone is gay, for instance, they may be programmed by society or family or friends to judge themselves, be ashamed of themselves, and may suppress how they naturally express themselves or act out in the world. Or they stay in the closet. It takes real courage and self honoring to come out of judged boxes.

And each of us has been told who we are “supposed to be” in order to be accepted and not judged.

So we may then be ashamed and hide certain parts of our selves, keeping those traits boxed in our own inner closet.

Now the walls are coming down, we are each awakening, and knowing from a deeper place than ever before, that all in its essence is good, and all is connected.

Eclipse Season is still alive, but the energies are not as intense now. We are kind of seeing where all is at as the dust settles. Then later we will be ready to act in accordance with our collected soul wholeness and true function or purpose in this New Chapter of life on the way to the Age of Aquarius.

Mercury goes Direct at 12:25 AM EDT on August 19. And within two hours of the beginning of Mercury going Direct, Jupiter trines Neptune.

This is a potentially very spiritual combination, one that can take us into other dimensions or realities.  Your meditations may have more magic, as can be in your consciousness and life with synchronicity and meaningful symbols from the Universe.

But that same combination of Jupiter with Neptune can bring confusion or chaos. There are no boundaries with Jupiter/Neptune, so you could either fly into mystical dimensions or be in situations or mind frames that have you feeling disoriented.

Heads up this week, especially from late Saturday through Monday. Keep alcohol or drugs in moderation this week.

On the 22nd/23rd (12:09 AM EDT) the Sun goes into Virgo for its annual 30 day trip.

This can be a rather sobering time of the Virgo virgin needing things pure, ordered, efficient, and with discerning eye.

Virgo seeks perfection and can easily focus in on whatever is stopping things from being perfect or ordered.  So it tends to find what is wrong, and then sets out to fix, heal, and perfect.

Virgo time of year opens the doors of schools and the gathering of the harvest. It seeks simplicity and order, and can get rather obsessed with what it is thinking or doing.  It is a natural analyzer and wants everything to be real, warts and all.

When the Moon catches up with the Sun in Virgo on September 9th, it creates a New Moon in Virgo. After that we will be even more focused on fixing what needs to be fixed, healing what needs to be healed, working harder, and making things real and manifest.

Summer Eclipse Season will pretty much end then, and it will be time to get down to reality, but also to make real all that was merely concept or idea before.

Much has happened in the world during this Eclipse Season, and now as the Sun in Virgo will tend to sober us up beginning this week, we will look from a very real place at the condition of our world, country, and personal lives.

Yet being sober and real will also help us to come up with plans to fix what has gone wrong so we can move forward in the best way.

Till next week,


Take a look at this video about Summer Eclipse Season 2018 :

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