by Leo Knighton Tallarico
The important and powerfully transformational Uranus/Pluto square is exact on December 14/15.
Old phases of our life continue to die as we open to the new. We sometimes struggle in the transition.
As I have been writing, I received a call telling me our cat Emily is now in the process of dying today. We are letting her die naturally at home, and the vet said she is very close to leaving this dimension.
She is over 18 years old, and her death reminds me of a whole phase of my life that she has been a part of. This event helps to clarify the chapter that is ending and what may be beginning. As has been for me with Emily, deeper issues may come to us in the form of outer events and/or through inner soul stirrings coming to the surface of our consciousness.
Let yourself feel and go deeper, and let your mind wander where it wants to go naturally in reflection. That allows your soul to join your mind in the experience of a transition.
Uranus and Pluto now are helping us through the transition and helping to transform our lives in alignment with the great shifting tides of change happening in our greater world as well.
Uranus awakens, takes us outside our usual boxes of limited thought or bubbles of escapism.
Uranus can bring events or thoughts into our lives with often lightning like speed and sometimes with shock value. Though at the time it may bring what is seemingly unwanted, it nevertheless has the effect of liberating us from limiting situations and old attitudes. We can connect the dots of our life better as a result.
Pluto causes intensity and primal emotions to be aroused, and brings up issues that may have been previously buried in the corners of our psyche and mind.
Together these two planets may bring crisis of one sort or another. In the process of said crisis, we are usually challenged to let go and release on the one hand. And on the other hand we are being pushed forward in our consciousness and in our lives. The death today of Emily is doing just that, as sad as it is too.
We have talked many times of how this year has been about endings, deaths of old chapters in our lives. It has been also about entering new seasons of our lives, about opening to new ideas, new beliefs and new ways.
This exact square of Uranus and Pluto, the 6th of 7 that are occurring from 2012-2015, are bringing revolutionary and evolutionary times both globally and personally.
If we are still hanging onto keeping things the same or going back to “normal”, we may be quite frustrated or disappointed. There are new beginnings wanting to be born, a new normal on its way.
Uranus and Pluto were in exact conjunction in 1965-66, and this brought on the important shifts of consciousness and ways of living for the ’60s revolutionary times.
It is no mere coincidence that racial issues are being stoked again as in the ’60s, and obviously it is because the job was not completed back then. Women’s issues are front and center also, in part because of the allegations against Bill Cosby and his alleged abusive treatment of many women.
The song “The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius” was popular back in the ’60s when inspiration of a a new and better way to be on this Earth in human community was shining brightly through all the chaos and darkness.
And personal lives were going through so much as well. Relationships were often feeling not right anymore, jobs and careers were losing their sense of purpose. Families were becoming more emotionally volatile as individuals were not always seeing “eye-to eye” anymore about important personal and global issues. The same is happening again for many as we are collectively awakening to Truth and Love.
And now as we experience another exact Uranus/Neptune aspect over the next few days, many are feeling the tides of change. Some are feeling this as their emotions are stronger or more chaotic. Others are feeling these shifts in their nervous systems being more stressed or in their bodies, with various aches, pains, or discomforts.
If so, tune in to the emotional component if you can, the memories and visuals, the issues that need healing or resolution.
This is a turning point period of time, with Uranus square Pluto exact again. And remember that we are moving through darker days now on the way to Winter Solstice 2014. And we are also in the darker half of the lunar cycle, since we moved past the half way point at the Full Moon last week.
Then later this weekend we enter the last quarter Moon phase, as the Moon’s reflected light gets more and more dim.
If you feel the need to be alone and in a protected place, do it. If you feel the need to go deeper into your feelings, do it. If you feel the need to grieve, please do it.
After Uranus squares Pluto during the last quarter Moon phase, and as we go darker toward the Winter Solstice, we are being held by the Great Mother’s comforting arms.
Many tend to feel depressed at this time of year, in large part because of the darkening of the light; but if you can allow the organic process to unfold and can feel the Divine Feminine holding your soul, you may be able to sense the turning to the light that is coming at the Winter Solstice.
The Winter Solstice, which brings the Sun into Capricorn, will be on December 21 at 6:03 PM EST. The New Moon in Capricorn, which brings the Sun and Moon together in Capricorn with new beginnings, will be on the 21st at 8:36 PM EST.
We will be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel then. And to synchronize with that Solstice and New Moon on the 21st will be transformational awakener Uranus going back Direct.
Its energy of awakening is perfect as we also awaken to the turning to more light at both the Solstice and New Moon.
So as you allow yourself to go deeper in your feelings and to perhaps feel some of your own darkness, it is best to do so in some type of meditation or reflection.
If instead during these darkening times you feel seduced by your inner demons or old self-hating stories, let them gently go and replace them with a surrender to the Feminine side of the Divine, one that holds you and reassures you that you are loved for being just who you are, no matter what the circumstances.
Till next week,
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Leo Knighton Tallarico has been a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for 29 years