By Leo Knighton Tallarico
We are collectively now residing in the new land that was created as a result of the tremendous power of the recent planetary configurations, including the Eclipses, Venus Retrograde and Venus Passage, and the first pass of Uranus square Pluto.
No we are not anywhere near being anchored in this new reality, but nevertheless we are moving forward into it. Many new and important events have swirled into our lives.
So many are looking at new, changed, or changing relationships since Venus Retrograde and the Venus Passage. Others have made decisions or have had life events that have greatly shifted their lives in other ways since the Eclipse Season. Many people are now unsure about many parts of their lives, whether it be relationships or work or health or where to live. I have been witnessing more change over the last few months than I have seen in a long time.
Even those who have not yet experienced great change in their personal lives, they are still feeling the strength of the winds of change and are preparing for transformed lives to come soon.
Make no mistake about it, transformation is powerful now and will remain so for quite some time. Old patterns and ways that have become stale or toxic are ripe to be released, and each time there is a powerful planetary time period, the winds come and take more of these old patterns away.
This leaves many in a sort of limbo, waiting for the new to be born to replace that which is leaving. Others have found new relationships or jobs or homes or attitudes already, but they are walking with baby steps into the new, with unsure legs into these new zones of life reality.
All of these changes are aligned with bigger revolutionary and evolutionary shifts in our Universe and Earth human reality. Especially the Uranus/Pluto square is pushing us faster forward into global and personal transformation in alignment with our collective movement into an Aquarian Age.
There was the first pass of this aspect on June 24, and there will be 6 more passes leading us into 2016. Then over four years later Jupiter will conjunct Saturn at 0+ degrees of Aquarius in December of 2020, which symbolically promises us a huge passage into the Aquarian Age.
The last time Jupiter was conjunct Saturn was in May 2000, just before George Bush was elected President. That conjunction was square Uranus in Aquarius, giving a 20 year signature for old forces digging in to keep the status quo (Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Taurus) versus transformational change into an Aquarian Age (Uranus in Aquarius).
So the 20 years- 2000-2020, which gives us the usual 20 year cycle of Jupiter/Saturn, has been bringing us the see-saw years of pulls back into status quo old patterns, and conversely great waves of change into Aquarian Age consciousness.
Each of us is learning to release the old patterns while embracing the new ways that are aligned with Aquarian Age consciousness.
Of course this plays out in a big way in our greater world. Power and control for privileges and superiority still has much influence over the ways of the old world and paradigm. Dog eat dog competition runs so much of our economy and military domination in the world.
Yet at the same time so many of us are connecting to soul consciousness that brings us into ways of equality and unity and respect for one another and our sacred Earth. We want to be liberated from controls over our hearts, souls and minds by the established societal systems. We want to honor our individualized and authentic selves and make relationship with others all over the world in order to bring health and harmony to a soul suffering human family.
We want to live in consciousness that knows the spirit of the Universe and the higher meaning it radiates through its signs, symbols and synchronicities, showing us we are always safe in its bosom of love and truth.
So now as you get used to navigating your new world, seeking clarity, perspective, and direction; trust that what you need and when you need it, the Universe will be there for you. Maybe not the way you always planned or willed, but just what is right for your soul and what you need.
Our life on Earth is not just about a material search for security and pleasure. It is also about deeper issues, and higher concerns. Our deeper souls are what drive our life vehicles, not our egoic desires. So if you learn to surrender more, while still feeling empowered and centered in true self, you will be guided.
Now this week we are in the waning half of the lunar cycle begun at the Gemini New Moon on June 19. Going past the Full Moon in Capricorn this last week has brought us to the downside of the lunar cycle. It is time to wind down, to go more yin-ward and not so boldly forward. The next New Moon, in Cancer, will not be until July 18/19.
Adding a curve ball of shifting mental energies and perceptions this coming week is Mercury going retrograde next Saturday June 14 at 10:16 PM EDT. It stays retrograde until August 7/8. The previous day before Mercury goes Retrograde, on Friday the 13th, liberating and change-evoking Uranus goes retrograde also.
Also around that time and lasting into the next week, Mars in Libra will be making aspect to the Uranus/Pluto square, creating a cosmic T-Square, a strong astrological configuration. This touches off the Uranus/Pluto square and shakes things up some more. In the greater world keep watching the Middle East, Global Economy, and American Presidential election process where the big changes will be soon erupting.
So beginning late this coming week, energies will be shifting again. Be alert for this potential turn of events. What you have been developing and getting used to could be challenged. It is best to stay on course, unless the messages or events overpoweringly push you otherwise.
At the very least allow your perceptions to shift. Do not let your mental paradigm to be too crystallized now. Be open to new information that changes your opinion or shifts your viewpoint or perspective. Mercury retrograde is not to be looked at superstitiously. It comes into our life 3 times a year and brings with it a meaningful shift in perception.
It is true that sometimes that means going into a Twilight Zone of consciousness or putting up with glitches in machinery or communication devices or thinking, but not always. During the retrograde period it is best to go into more reflective thinking and more right brain creativity. Decisions do need more time to make sure they are correct; yet some may even choose to put off those big decisions or delay signing contacts till Mercury goes back direct.
Uranus going retrograde on Friday the 13th seems meaningful, and could go along with the aforementioned shifting of thinking and a turning point of events.
Friday the 13th is an interesting human date, one that many superstitiously associate with scary or bad events coming into one’s life. I am convinced that a fear of the Feminine is at play in the fear of Friday the 13th.
13 is a sacred feminine number associated with the 13 lunar cycles in a year, as opposed to 12 solar cycles of the year. Friday in many cultures is Venus Day. It is Venerdi in Italian, or Venus Day. It is Freya/Frida day in other cultures or Friday, Freya being another name for Venus, Frida being a Wiccan lady.
So 13 and Venus are both related with Feminine, archetypal Feminine, not cultural feminine, which often tries to make females “sugar and spice and everything nice”. The fear is more of the power of the Feminine, which has brought great fear to Patriarchal paradigms, who have burned and killed “witches”.
So late this week and into next week, there should be a shifting in line with what has been changing since the powerful Eclipse Season that has just passed. Keep your self centered and aligned and on track. All is happening meaningfully.
See you next week as Mercury goes Retrograde.
There is a new radio show broadcast live on Saturday June 2 at 1 PM EDT on blog talk radio. You can listen to it anytime afterward also. And here is the the link to YouTube talk I gave recently at Spiritual Renaissance Center.
Please feel free to find more writings and my services on my website.You can get an astrological consultation with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life. Please write for more info.
Leo Knighton Tallarico is a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for over 25 years.
He predicted the Iraq War of 2003- in early 2001 when Bush first took office; predicted the 9-11 attacks with an article “The Tower”, written in June 2001. He predicted Obama and McCain would get the presidential nominations in november 2007, when both were low in the polls; and correctly predicted the current economic downturn before it occurred