By Leo Knighton Tallarico
As I write this week’s forecast, we are still in Eclipse Season. That ends at the New Moon in Aquarius on Monday February 4 at 4:04 PM EST.
But now as I write, I can certainly feel the soul of the darkening Moon.
We have been through a very powerful and challenging Eclipse Season; and now as we grieve for what we are letting go of, we may also be unsure what is ahead of us now.
If you are having difficulty making decisions, or choosing the right path, or even knowing what direction to move toward, you have much company in our human family.
What is going on in the greater world is also quite confusing for many. World events have been showing us that what used to be considered normal, is very elusive and difficult to grab onto anymore.
That “old normal” is leaving us, and that alone can get us feeling insecurities, sadness, and grief for a time period that is beginning to disappear in our life’s rear view mirror.
The Trump era is breaking down old reliable institutions, old ways of relating to other nations and cultures, and old agreements (like on Climate Change, and nuclear weapon production ).
The stock market has become quite volatile and unpredictable. The USA government is now in long term shutdown. An old and important agreement with Iran has been discarded. We are apparently pulling out of old military stances in Syria and Afghanistan. The Presidential administration is in chaos and run by an obviously narcissistic and unpredictable President.
Our relationships with China and Russia are quite arguably worse than they have been recently. Mass murders seem to happen much more than before. The Arab and Muslim worlds are growing farther and farther apart from Western nations.
Fear is all around our collective energy fields, ready to be absorbed by anyone who wants to partake.
Yes we can be quite confused on what to do and where to go in our personal lives too, as they are a microcosm to the macrocosm or our greater world.
The Universe is getting us all prepared for our new world and its challenges, by helping us to release old patterns, old belief systems, old habits, old relationships or jobs that no longer resonate with our true and authentic self.
Our changing consciousness is the most important of all. Old programming and conditioning by culture, religion, family and corporate state, from days gone by, do not serve us now.
And planetary events, like at this last Eclipse Season, mean to speed up the process of growth and help us to transform our minds and hearts into the energies and intents of the Age of Aquarius.
But now right after the eclipses there is some unbalance, confusion, and fear to deal with. Many feel held back from jumping in. But a turning point nudges us forward this week.
The New Moon in Aquarius on the 4th of February is a boost forward for our lives.
It would be good in the two or three days surrounding that new moon, to meditate and make strong intentions, in relationship with the Universe.
We may not know exactly where we are going, but we can trust the process, trust ourselves, and trust the Universe now. We can do this for our personal lives, but also for the world now.
I do not believe we can avoid some really difficult days ahead in America and western civilization. The Military/Industrial (economic) Complex that President Eisenhower warned would endanger our democracy, is making a prophet out of that President.
And so the Military and Economy will need to humble “themselves”, be transformed, and lose Empire status.
Major conflict and major economic challenges are ahead, as is more culture war between differing American cultures, as happened in the Civil War 1860-1865.
The Middle East is a tinder box now, close to exploding.
Important planetary movements to the planets in the natal charts of the USA and Israel will trigger big events in those countries soon
In the USA natal chart , Pluto in Capricorn in its second house will see many powerful triggers to it over the next few years.
Pluto will experience its first ever Pluto Return in 2021-2022, while at almost the same time both Saturn and Jupiter will be making conjunction with that same natal USA Pluto.
The USA Pluto in its second house is representative of the Military/Industrial complex.
Uranus has been squaring the USA Pluto in 2017, 2018, 2019. Pluto returns to itself in 2021/22. Jupiter and Saturn conjunct it in 2020-21.
So you can see how powerfully this will be- a big overhaul of the system, and a downgrade of the Empire.
And this is all part of the opening of a portal into the Age of Aquarius.
Add Jupiter conjunct Saturn at 0+ degrees of Aquarius in December 2020, and we have the ingredients that will help us put our toes into the Age of Aquarius. That does not mean all will be perfectly Aquarian Age then, not at all.
But nevertheless, whatever darkness surrounds us then will have huge beams of light penetrating that darkness and lighting our way forward on the New Age Path.
This week has the Aquarius New Moon on February 4. That will get our mojo beginning to purr.
Then the themes of Aquarius will follow, so we will be “persuaded” to leave our heart’s desires to be seen as special and popular, and instead be pulled more toward our head’s intention to stay with idealistic notions of diverse but equal in value. Making contribution to community or favorite group or organization may be “in the cards” for some of us.
Uranus is the “ruling” planet of Aquarius. It was discovered in 1781, around the time of two revolutions: USA and France.
These revolutions were motivated by desires to replace royalty with democracy and power to the people.
Uranus/Aquarius highly values individual freedom and liberation from that which chains us.
It is the anti-ego sign, seeing all as equals and seeing strength in community and groups.
Even though it is anti-ego, it highly values distinct individuality and uniqueness.
Aquarius also highly values social consciousness, and is very sensitive to culture and group thinking and action.
If a Leo and Aquarius both went shopping for a car, the Leo would tend to want the shiny car that made its heart sing and be a popular model.
Aquarius would want the car that got good mileage and was good for the environment and was from a dealership that was a co-op in community.
After this Aquarius New Moon, the lights go back on again and we strive to move forward, even if we do not totally know where we are going.
And with so many not feeling secure in the changing winds swirling all around, the message is to let go of needs to have absolute answers and direction.
There are coming events that will need to show up before we know what to do and where to go.
The New Moon in Aquarius will open the gates for events that are resulting from what shook up during Eclipse Season.
Be on your toes for change, as it is coming whether we are perfectly “in shape” for it or not.
Check out this beginning of new radio show/ podcast:
Till next week,
Check out the introduction to my new podcast/radio show:
The first actual podcast will be in early February.
Here is video from before Eclipse Season:
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