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No Problem, Only Solutions and Astrology Forecast November 18-24

by Leo Knighton Tallarico

We are right in the middle of the Eclipse Season Autumn 2012.   The Solar Eclipse New Moon in Scorpio brought increased intensity to our lives, and deeper feelings and passions have been surfacing. If you are like many of us, disagreements came up in our friendships and relationships, some very intense and sometimes even nasty. Hopefully you used these conflicts to better understand your self and one another, to clear the air, to find healing.

But in other cases, deep resentments and bitterness came out, and people realized that their relationship or friendship is not good anymore.  And in the greater world, passions intensified, and conflict blew open into ugly war.

As we have been alerting you, the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Scorpio would bring a most powerful eruption in the Middle East, and that was a war between Palestinian Hamas and Israel.  This can potentially become a regional Middle East war, as Syria, Egypt, Turkey, Lebanon and Iran could become involved.   Scorpio brings primal passions, New Moons bring fires of ignition, and Solar Eclipses bring at least 10 times more power than the usual New Moon.

CIA director Petraeus has also became involved in a Scorpionic drama of secrets, sex, and perhaps a cover-up in the Libyan murders of 4 Americans, a drama that blew up big around the Scorpio Eclipse.

And as we also alerted you, the economy has shown much trouble- with low corporate earnings, a fiscal cliff to deal with, and a rapidly falling stock market. These issues, along with the problems in Europe, make it clear our world wide economic system needs deep transformation.

The natural disasters I warned about did not happen in any big way last week, but we can definitely expect to see more of them before the eclipse season ends. Of course Hurricane Sandy brought in the first big waves of the Eclipse Season.

All these events are bringing us through the transition between ages, and setting us up for a potentially big shift as the Mayan Calendar ends on December 21, 2012.

We also have written the last couple of weeks about the culture wars in the USA, which seems like a brewing Civil War, with state participants similar to those during the Civil War of 1861-1865.  Lincoln was president then. Obama, who may be his reincarnation, is president now. Whether he is or isn’t, the similarities are striking, even little things like both came from Illinois and Obama insisted on using the same velvet covered Bible that Lincoln used for his presidential inauguration for his own inauguration.

And of course you noticed all the states that have made petition to secede from the United States since Obama was reelected?   Over 700,000 people from mostly southern states have already signed, and states like Texas already have enough signatures to bring their petition to the President. What happens after that I do not know. But with an African American President now, knowing that states during the Civil War were seceding because they wanted to keep slavery in the south, does it not at least seem like some kind of repeating of history or coming full circle is going on?

We in the USA are obviously at a major crossroads in our collective journey.   As we leave an old age to enter an Aquarian Age,  what will happen to our nation?   With our natal Moon in Aquarius, we have a Bill or Rights, Constitution, and core set of values that are about  liberation, equality,self determination, and Diversity in Unity, which resonates with the sign Aquarius and the New Age.

But superpowers are not equal members of the world body, and all peoples- not just Americans- need to be free, and equal, and self determining.   And our whole world needs to be honored as diverse, yet equal and in Unity.  And invading other nations, colonizing and dominating, and wanting them to have our same democracy, capitalism, and way of life is against our core principles.

And haven’t our big Government and Big Corporate institutions taken away our individual freedoms and power of the people here and around the world?

The big changes coming our way are meant to help all of us to release the toxins and blocks that hold us back from fully embracing our New World.

As events swirl into your own life during this eclipse season, open to new consciousness.  Sometimes every way one looks there are apparent stop signs and no potential choice seems right.   But first of all one needs patience and trust, and to believe there is a way, even if it does show yet.

John Lennon sang in one of his last songs, ” no problem, only solutions”.  Meditate on that, there is much truth in that statement in new world consciousness.  When we come up on a challenging situation or event, it is best to look at it as the Universe bringing us a situation that is meaningful for us. It is bringing up issues that need to dealt with, so we can release what is no longer working for us, and open us to new possibilities.

Sometimes we think we are stuck because we are having difficulty letting go of something or some ingrained idea in our head.  Perhaps it is time to let go or release, but our fears and practical concerns hold us back.  Can you trust that if you make a decision based on where the signs and symbols are pointing for you to go, that all will turn out for the best?

” No problem, only solutions”, so there is a way to go that is right for you, and not only right for you but for all concerned.  But that way may not satisfy our ego controls, selfish desires, or security fears.

So when you visualize or pray, ask that you will be shown- by symbols, signs and synchronicities- to the way that is best in the bigger picture for ALL CONCERNED. And the answers you receive might not be what tradition or conventional world “wisdom” believes.  Go outside the boxes and straight to your deeper soul and the Universe.  There true wisdom lies.  There is a way to go that is in the best higher interest of everyone, though in the little picture it may seem bad.

And keep in mind that mind and heart integrity is essential, as sometimes people can see symbols and signs and synchronicities through rose colored glasses or perhaps through the lens of fear.  It is essential that you look with an objective vision, without attaching to any certain way. This does not mean you cannot make intention and co-create with the Universe. But it does mean you respect what is eventually determined by source and deeper soul.

So be flexible during this Eclipse Season, and “listen carefully” to what your deeper soul is showing you that you are ready to listen to.   Let go of old ways that are ripe to be picked off your tree of security.  There are many new ways of seeing and experiencing life now.

In the greater world dramas and in your personal life, new revelations will bring dis-illusion, so you can see the truth.   Though painful at first, these truths will set you free from the old paradigm, and open you to the consciousness and ways of the Aquarian Age.

We have another Eclipse coming on November 28, the week after Thanksgiving here in the USA. It will be a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius/Gemini.  It will also be quite strong, especially so because Mars will be conjunct Pluto then, triggering the Uranus/Pluto revolutionary square.

We are in powerful revolutionary and evolutionary times, more powerful than the ’60s.    All is meant to get better and better, though pain and ugly world events are part of the process sometimes.

This coming week, in between the two eclipses, will be still powerful; but hopefully a bit more tame.  The Sun moves into Sagittarius this coming Wednesday the 21st bringing rising spirits, inspiration, a renewed sense of higher meaning,  and a stronger need to find solution. On Thursday the Sun squares Neptune helping us to surrender, go with the flow, and enter deeper soul realms.  

On Friday Mars squares Uranus, breaking open anything that has been closed down, and taking us outside any boxes that limit our view and experience. This also triggers the Uranus/Pluto square, and brings all the world events to another level of intensity.

And please keep in mind that Mercury is still Retrograde, until November 26, so stay centered and aware, and do not jump to conclusions. Making major decisions is more precarious now, and signing contracts can go bad.  The eclipses are bringing energies that can take us off our normal balance, and making bad decisions while Mercury is still Retrograde.

This does not mean you should be superstitious or fearful; it only means you should realize that perceptions can be off.

See you next week,


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