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Open the Gates of Change and Astrology Forecast February 19-25

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

We are now in Pisces time of year, as the Sun moved into Pisces early morning on the 18th of February.

That means there is only one month left of Winter in the northern hemisphere of planet Earth.  Spring Equinox is on March 20.

So this week, starting on February 18, the Sun is in the last month of Winter while in Pisces.

At the same time this week, starting also on February 18,  we are entering the last quarter Moon phase before the New Moon Solar Eclipse on February 26.

So this week is a week of remembering and letting go of parts of the past.  We can go deeper inside ourselves and process what has been happening lately, and also what has happened in our more distant past.

Pisces is very sensitive and inner directed, and feels more comfortable in dreamy, poetic, and music based consciousness.

There is a desire to leave the conventional, accepted, and more harsh rules of living.  Pisces sees what can be a better world, and finds it sometimes difficult to be in “reality”.

So Pisces can be escapist and seek to avoid situations it is not comfortable in.

So you can use this week, if you can arrange it, to have plenty of time to go inward and to feel deeper realities.

If you cannot because of responsibilities in the “real” world, then find some time for meditation, music, art, spirituality, psychology, being aware of your dreams,  movies that have feelings and emotions, and time with others who are sensitive and deep.

When Spring comes it will then be time to take more direct action.

Most importantly this week however, is the fact that we are in between eclipses and preparing for the stronger of the 2 eclipses:  A Solar Eclipse New Moon in Pisces on February 26.

The first eclipse was on February 10 in Aquarius/Leo.  It was a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon.

Many people have since been shaken out of status quo thinking, and experienced breakdowns and/or breakthroughs of their lives or consciousness.  Change is certainly in the air.

That theme of transformational change continues as we move toward the Solar Eclipse and further into Eclipse Season.

If you were born in late February Pisces especially, you will be affected by this Solar Eclipse.  Those also born in late May Gemini, late August Virgo, or late November Sagittarius will also be more greatly affected.

I cannot state it strongly enough that we as a human family are in the middle of such great change and transformation.

It is not because Donald Trump became president.  It is the opposite:  Donald Trump is the president because of all the change that this world is ready for and needs

What his presidency represents is shaking up and waking up the whole world.   The potential for deep transformational change is greater than it has been in many, many years.

The Universe with its planetary alignments is creating the circumstances and events necessary for the change we are and will be going through.

This summer the changes will be even bigger as we experience in August two eclipses, including a most important Total Solar Eclipse New Moon in Leo that will be the first Total Solar Eclipse to travel over the whole of the United States since 1918.

The way is opening up now, during these current eclipses, for the light of even greater change to pour through this Summer.

But now as we get ready to experience the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Pisces next Sunday the 26th of February, we need to spend more time and energy being awake and present for the new light and love that is wanting to stream through our consciousness and lives.

Concentrate not so much on Donald Trump and how much you love or hate him.   His narcissism thrives on such attention.

Concentrate more on letting go of old stories and mental programs that have controlled your life.

You now have opportunity to release dysfunctional patterns of behavior and relating more than ever before.

Truth is wanting to shine through along with love, and that truth will assist you in your healing and transformational process.

There is ample evidence, for instance, that extraterrestrial visitations have been covered up by governments and former presidents.

There is so much we have been programmed to believe or not believe by our parents, schools, religions, and governments.

When you are ready to know the truth, the truth will be brought to you if you are awake and open-minded.

That does not mean it is right to accept all the crazy conspiracy theories that are out there.  Instead we each need to trust our own inner sources to find what is real and true.

As we let in more truth, love has a greater chance of being real and not just wishful dream-world romaniticizing.

As we let in more love, truth has a greater chance to be hopeful and optimistic, not cynical and hopeless.

Love and Truth together move mountains and allow us to have a healthier life and world.

As we move through this Solar Eclipse New Moon in Pisces, expect the flow of watery feelings and insights to be really powerful and in some cases overwhelming.

Pisces is a soul oriented sign, and as such gets us to experience that which is deeper than our chattering and unfeeling minds.

Our true self is known more clearly from our hearts and souls than our minds.  The mind that is not connected to our hearts and souls is the breeding ground for a controlling ego.

Since Pisces is a mutable water sign, we can best navigate this Solar Eclipse by being flexible and open to change.

That does not mean one should totally surrender one’s control and stability, but it does mean one may get shaken up out of stuck and rigid places in one’s mind or life.

The energy of the eclipse will get more intense leading up to the eclipse, which happens on February 26 at 9:58 AM EST.

On the same day Mars will conjunct Uranus in Aries, which will give us events and/or mind frames that will break outside of old boxes and liberate us from that which has kept us stuck.

That Mars which is conjunct Uranus on the 26th is square to Guardian of the Underworld Pluto on the 22nd.

So the Uranus/Pluto square is triggered again, as well as the Cardinal T-square, which includes Jupiter in Libra in the mix.

All in All, it is time to let go of the old chapter in your life in a much bigger way, and to let in a new and more powerful chapter in your life and in the life of the country and world.

Much of what is breaking down from the past may not feel good, but when a storm comes through a town it does not only break down what is not wanted. “You can’t always get what you want”. But you get what you need.

The way needs to be cleared for new energies, for a new paradigm, for a New Age. And that is what is happening.

Till next week,


Please check out my new forecast for 2017-

And if you would like your own personal forecast for 2017, please contact me at

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