By Leo Knighton Tallarico
We are still in the throes of the powerful Solar Eclipse New Moon in Cancer opposite Pluto. It has brought up much from the inner realms of feelings, emotions, fears, and old stories ready to be released.
The Aries New Moon conjunct Uranus on April 15 was the wake-up call for entry into a New Chapter of personal and collective life for the human family on Planet Earth.
A portal opened for new energies to flood into our consciousness and lives.
And now with the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Cancer, we are moving further forward into this New Chapter; yet now we are being made more aware of what we need to release in order to truly move further forward.
Family issues have become more important to address now. Who is truly your family? Soul families are also a reality, and it is growingly important to find and connect with members of our soul family.
And of course old family stories, wounds, and traumas are being pushed up to the surface of our consciousness so we can either resolve, heal, or release and let go of them.
Powerful emotions have been opened up at this Solar Eclipse in Cancer, making us more able to work with them, understand them, and to transform them into something that works for us- not against us.
Transformation, which Pluto is helping us with now, requires a death of old stories and beliefs, a death of an old version of who we were, and the birthing of a new version of who we are truly growing into now.
This process is often very painful, as we must feel again that which has caused us pain in the past. Therefore it is important to trace what you are going through now to earlier times of your life when you felt similarly.
If someone has now abandoned, rejected, or betrayed you, go back to when you felt this way before.
If you are currently feeling horrible about yourself now, go back to the earliest time you can remember when you felt this bad about yourself. What events back then triggered your negative feelings about yourself? What has triggered that now?
As you go back to remember and to associate what happened then to what is happening now, get in touch with whatever “story” you have been carrying with you as a result of these hurts or traumas.
Have you told your self you are unlovable? Have you told yourself you never can do anything right? Have you told yourself there is something wrong with you that people always find out about you? Have you told yourself all men are bad or irresponsible, etc.? Or all women are bad, etc?
Whatever the story, learn how your can release it, as it is not true. It was developed to explain bad situations that happened to you. But now you are able to see the bigger picture, see what happened with more insight. And now you can release the old beliefs and stories you have been carrying for so long.
As this Eclipse Season continues, with a Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Aquarius on July 27; and a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Leo on August 11, powers of transformation will continue to be strong.
That means old ways are breaking down, and new breakthroughs and awakenings will appear.
In the greater world, the old paradigm appears stronger than it is really is. Trump represents to many a keeping of an old world and its ways alive and sometimes that seems so powerful.
The new ways, however, have gotten so much stronger over the last several years, with worldwide connections with those who are different from us; inclusive attitudes toward those who were previously considered outcasts likes LGBTQ and people of color; holistic approaches to health and happiness; new spiritual ways of seeing beyond the old limits; an understanding that all is connected in a Universe governed by love and truth; and a knowing that we live in a meaningful world, not one of random chance and survival of the fittest mentality.
We must each keep our eye on the true direction of evolution and transformation of consciousness into an Age of Aquarius.
It is most important to keep from being controlled and defeated by your fears now. There are a large group of souls who are feeling powerless in the face of the world and its leaders now. This attitude gives away our power.
Your destiny is between you and the Universe, not you and Trump or Republicans. If you demonize them you give them more power and yourself less. They will come and go just as did Nixon or even Hitler. I am not comparing, just showing how everything passes. and is not all powerful as it seems.
I know we are in the transition between ages, and that this New Chapter of the transition period is a most difficult one. Much is ready to break down soon, and that break down will open up Pandora’s box of ugly emotions and actions.
Find your connection with the Universe and with your Soul Self now. Those connections will show you all connections and show you what you need to do and the way you need to go now.
So much is changing for all of us, and we are being challenged to keep on our soul’s path and to make changes that are necessary in order to stay on that path- whether that means changing homes, jobs, relationships, etc. Or for some it means giving up ideas of changing homes or relationship and instead settling into what you now have.
It is important now to know what is home and who is your true family. At this Cancer Eclipse, we are pointed to knowing these connections to home and “family”.
It will give us a foundation and place of nurturance needed to hold our growth, evolution, and movement forward now.
In the greater world the American Culture War is getting more intense. We each need to do our best to understand where people who see different than us are coming from. Again do not demonize. Their fears and needs for self preservation are likely driving their choices.
The Middle East is on the verge of being lit up with conflict. Iran versus Israel is at the root of this potential conflict. And both of their country’s charts are triggered heavily by the next two eclipses. Syria, Gaza, Iraq, Russia, USA, and Lebanon are likely participants in the conflict.
This will likely cause many world event dominoes to fall as a result.
Keep in mind that we are living in a world and national system that is so toxic and dysfunctional, and need not long continue. Yet those who are its “guardians” will fight tooth and nail to perpetuate its existence.
And as much is released from all the chaos, the path to a new age gets more clear and open.
We each need to find our place in this transition between ages, and it is necessary to keep the faith and keep up our spiritual practices.
I will have another video made in early August
Till next week,
New video on Summer 2018:
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