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Power and Astrology Forecast October 8-14.

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

Last week we navigated through a strong Aries Full Moon.  So therefore this week we are in the waning half of the lunar cycle, and we will continue that downward journey until a New Moon in Libra on October 19.

The big news this week, however, in that expansive Jupiter leaves Libra and enters Scorpio on October 10. It will stay there for one year.

Jupiter has been in Libra for the last year. And as we wrote last week Jupiter has a twelve year cycle and so comes back to the same sign every 12 years.  It was last in Scorpio in 2006.

What was your life like back in 2006, especially in regards to issues of passion, power, and primal instincts.  And what was that year like for personal transformation?  Did you release what needed to be let go, and did you allow those transformational energies to start you on a new path.  That could be in any area of life: work, relationship, home, etc.

Out in the global arena of life in 2006 Israel had a war with Hezbollah of Lebanon, but most especially pertinent to today, in 2006 North Korea tested for the first time a nuclear weapon.

Scorpio is energetically about power, which can translate into war, and certainly into bombs or nuclear bombs.  It is interesting that nuclear weapons are made of Plutonium or Uranium.

Of course two of the three transformational planets in astrology are Uranus and Pluto.  And Pluto which is power, is most like a nuclear weapon.  And Pluto is the ruling planet of Scorpio.

While Jupiter was in Libra, it showed expansiveness in issues of making relationship, creating beauty, finding balance, and keeping peace.

Jupiter in Scorpio takes the gloves off, gets beyond the pretty wrappings, and gets down to real business- at the core of truth and reality.

This year we learn to open up previously hidden secrets, go beyond mere politeness, and tell our deeper truth from a more instinctual place inside.

Passion comes back stronger than before, and shows us what we really desire at a core level of our being.  Sexuality is ruled by Scorpio also, and will tend to expand more fully into your life this coming year.

In the global picture, as Jupiter moves into Scorpio this week,  issues with Syria, Israel, Iran, and North Korea will intensify.

Powerful storms or earthquakes will return.  Power struggles may tend to be more nasty.

People tend to demonize Scorpio, ruled by the guardian of the Hades underworld planet Pluto.

Civil society tends to want to banish Scorpio, religion can make it seem sinful.

In reality it is a darkness, but that darkness is natural- not bad or good.

In the yin/yang symbol there is light and dark, yin and yang, brought together in wholeness.

Dark minutes of the day are equal with light minutes of the day- over a year’s time.

It is like a negative electrical charge, which is neither good or bad.

If that darkness or passion, that depth of powerful emotion is suppressed or repressed for too long, it becomes a monster when finally let out.

Scorpio is about power, and on a young soul that easily becomes “power over” or power dominating others.

In a more mature soul it is empowerment, personal empowerment, an ability to stand strong. It is not about domination, but is about passion.

Both Hitler and Gandhi were prominent when Pluto (ruler of Scorpio) was discovered in 1930.

There is the difference in how power can manifest in a human.  Gandhi used his power to empower the Indian people to stand up peacefully to the Empire of England. This began the liberation of the people of India.

So as Jupiter travels into Scorpio, do not be afraid that you will be like those people who abused their power and abused you.

Go down deep inside and make sure your inner power is not ruled by your desire to hurt or bully someone else.   But if you can use the anger to empower yourself to be a self respecting individual, you will be OK.

A day before Jupiter enters Scorpio on October 10, Mercury and the Sun will square Scorpionic Pluto.  So already you will feel the power want to come to the surface.

Sunday the 8th through Friday the 13th will likely present us with storms, of one sort or another.

An actual storm like a hurricane, or an energetic storm like North Korea flexing its nuclear muscle, or Trump moving toward confrontation with Iran, will likely manifest during that time period.

And speaking of Friday the 13th this coming week, that superstition has its roots in a cultural patriarchal fear of the Feminine.

I believe that connection with Friday the 13th is likely because in many western countries Friday is Venus Day, as in Italy it is Venerdi (Venus day). In English speaking countries it is Friday, named after Venus like Goddess Frieda.

And 13 is known as a number of the Feminine, as there are 13 lunar cycles of the year and 13 womanly cycles of a year, so to speak.

The Power of the Mysteries of the Feminine are feared in this world, as was the power of the “witches”, demonized and abused by so-called christian society. Power of the Masculine and Feminine are meant to be equal, not at war.

Pluto/Scorpio also rules the world of the Occult and Feminine Mystery Powers.  Watch the power of that Feminine increase in strength as Jupiter moves through Scorpio this coming year.

Goddess Kali will be more empowered, so that arrogance and inflated ego can be eliminated.

Open more this year to the mystery of life, as all in this Universe and Earthly world is not governed by logic and left brain linear ego thought.

Surrender to that mystery and observe how transformation gets more powerful, so that the cycles of death and birth can live within that transformational process.

till next week,


Please enjoy my latest video on Life after the Total Solar Eclipse:

This Autumn on November 18,  I will present a class as a webinar for people most anywhere on the Earth.  It will be on transformation of consciousness and lives for an Age of Aquarius.  The focus will be on individual transformation using transformational planets  of astrology.  Astrology of your own chart will be a big part of the process.Contact me at for more info and to sign up. . It will be in late on November 18. I will need your birth date, birth time, and birth place for registration.

I have a new website:  I also still have the website with my life partner Deborah at

I do deep transformational counseling and spiritual guidance to assist people to break out of old consciousness and ways, and stay on their higher path during these challenging times. Of course I use astrology as my lense for insight and perspective, for understanding your true soul identity and its journey this lifetime. You can contact me at or phone me at 207-653-7717 for more info or to set up a session.

Please take a look at the new video I made about Eclipse Season. There will be a follow up video soon.

Please take a look at the video David Lonebear Sanipass and I created a few months ago-

If you need any help with your relationship now, I do couple’s counseling. Do you need to identify and work out old patterns? Do you need to decide whether to stay or go?  I use the astrological model to compare charts to help in the counseling process. We can use Skype if outside New England. Write me at if interested.

And if you would like a personal reading/consultation, please contact me at

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