By Leo Knighton Tallarico
We are finishing up the lunar cycle begun on June 8 with a New Moon in Gemini. Late Saturday June 29 the last quarter of the lunar cycle begins, with a Moon in Aries. That means that this coming week, until the New Moon in Cancer on July 8, we are winding down and settling in.
Mercury is Retrograde, and will stay there until July 20, so it is not a great time to start any big ventures, make any final decisions, or sign any important contracts. That is because our minds are not thinking as they usually do, even if that is not entirely evident. Our perceptions are shifting, our outlook less clear. This does not mean you need to go in a cave and ride out the Mercury Retrograde period. You can be alive and functioning, doing what you do, just not a great time to come to important conclusions.
It is a better time to process our thoughts and feelings, to try on for size, so to speak, different scenarios and possibilities. Decisions that do not have long term implications are also fine to make during Mercury Retrograde.
I have seen too many instances, however, of some major event or contract or decision made during Mercury Retrograde that sours later, does not last, or stay healthy and sound.
This does not mean to be superstitious about Mercury Retrograde. Sometimes life takes us to a place during Mercury Retrograde where we have no choice but to do something important. If there is no apparent choice but to do something major during Mercury Retrograde, then it is meant to be and you need to surrender to that fact.
There are children born during Mercury Retrograde, for instance, who turn out just as fine as people who were born with Mercury Direct.
But be cautious if you seemingly are forced to make some big decision. Realize your logical mind cannot be as trusted as usual, so go inward with more reflection, and trust your intuition and heart more.
With a last quarter Moon this week in addition to Mercury Retrograde, this is no time to expand or to leap into anything. Saturn is also slowing down this week before it goes Direct on July 8, the same day as the New Moon in Cancer.
So Saturn’s contracting and limiting energies are strong now also, again showing us to get more grounded and real, facing what we need to face, not running away or becoming distracted.
It will be especially good this week to be present and aware, in control and cautious.
Spring Eclipse Season has passed, but its ramifications are still showing. Whatever shook up, broke down, or broke through over the last 3 months or so, is now ready to be made more real.
At that New Moon and Saturn Direct next week, it will be time to begin reaping rewards or facing consequences, as Saturn is also karma.
Saturn is also the hand of time, Father Time, so when it goes direct the “clock starts ticking again” for events and issues that were put on hold or were being previously resolved first.
This does not mean all has to totally firm in place before Saturn goes Direct, because remember that Mercury is still Retrograde. So even though the clock begins to tick, there may still be details to work out, emotions to process, clarity to be found, and final decisions still waiting.
Saturn Direct can also be like a sense of fate, or a feeling like something that is meant to be is happening or is immanent.
That means that there is also a good chance that a serious and meaningful event may occur over the next several days, surrounding Saturn going Direct.
Yet energies for the most part this week will be more Yin in nature, more down and inward. the only exception to this is the fact that the Sun in Cancer will be touching off the Uranus/Pluto square as it opposes Pluto on Monday and squares Uranus on Thursday.
So there is a possibility of world or personal surprises that could shake things up, taking us off balance in some way. Keep in mind that all other planetary issues are about being inward and winding down, so do not leap into anything, do anything impulsive, or radically change directions or opinions.
There is a big turning point coming at or around the New Moon in Cancer and Saturn going Direct on July 8, but this should not require your taking any big actions yet. It will be more like an arrow pointing in a direction, sometimes showing only inside your self as you know something has shifted.
It may take a few weeks or a few months before whatever is shifting totally manifests in your life for you. So best again to be very present and aware over the next week or 10 days, in touch with perhaps subtle shifts of energy.
In the greater world you will see almost frantic attempts to “stop the ship from sinking”, so to speak. There are many endings of old ways coming now, and many people in power will be fighting to keep the status quo. Do not let your self get hooked into the dramas, into the hate and fear.
Keep your eye on the ball of a New Age in Aquarius, the liberation of people from shackles of their minds and hearts. We are not owned by any countries or authorities or institutions or corporations. Our soul belongs to us, we are responsible for it. Our primary relationship is with our own soul self and the Universe it resides within. From that aligned place we find all other relationships and desires for contribution to our human community.
See you next week,
There has been a delay in putting out a new YOUTUBE video. It will be out in the first week or 10 days of July.
There is an old YOUTUBE video Astrology Forecast for Spring Eclipse Season. Check it out if you feel so moved.
I also created an Astrology Forecast 2013 for youtube, part 1. And Part 2.
There will be a new Youtube video coming out within the next few weeks. I will keep you posted.
Please feel free to find more writings and my services on mywebsite.You can get an astrological consultation with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life. Please write for more info.
Leo Knighton Tallarico is a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for over 25 years