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Raising Consciousness and Astrology Forecast October 16-22

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

As we move closer to Scorpio time of year, intensity and primal passion are building inside our collective human souls.

The presidential election in the USA is already intense yet will get much more so.

Can you believe how low in consciousness Americans are going during this Election Season?

With so many important issues to discuss, the media and candidates are totally obsessed with sexual issues concerning Donald Trump and Bill Clinton.

Though to some extent it is good to address the women’s issues that have come out, and that are important for us as a human family;  this is more about character assassination and mean spirited attacks on one another.

It is no mere coincidence that Wikileaks is now increasing the email dirt against Clinton, while women have now decided a month before election to suddenly come out against Trump.

This is war- not an attempt to look at serious world and American issues.

As we get closer to the Sun moving into Scorpio on October 22 and a Scorpio New Moon on October 30, there are war drums beating that could potentially turn into World War III.

Russia and the USA are seriously challenging one another over Syria; while North Korea keeps testing more nuclear bombs; and forces gather to try to defeat the Islamic State in important Mosul Iraq.

If one tunes into all that or just feels deep inside the collective human unconscious, it is getting more and more apparent that something very big is about to explode in the world.

The only question in my mind is whether this will happen prior to the Election or after it.

Before the Election we have a Full Moon in forceful Aries conjuct Uranus on October 16;   aggressive Mars conjunct guardian of the underworld Pluto on October 19; Mars square Uranus on October 29; and a New Moon in Scorpio on October 30.

Any of these could be a trigger for an important world event, and at the least they suggest darker secrets to be exposed.

The Full Moon has the Sun in Libra opposing Moon conjunct Uranus in Aries at 12:23 AM October 16.

This annual Full Moon usually brings a conflict between desires to make relationship and make peace (Libra) versus a desire to be frank and assertive and thus potentially bring conflict (Aries).  Uranus conjunct the Moon in Aries suggests more weight toward impulsive forceful assertions.

In world events this brings the potential for serious conflict in the world over the next couple of weeks.

In personal lives this could be a wake-up call (Uranus) to transform old relationship patterns and to balance self empowerment (Aries) with a real listening in relationship (Libra).

Some people are very empowered already and need to be more sensitive to others.

Others are usually very accommodating of their mates or friends but tend to be rather small in asserting their own needs.

This Full Moon gives a real opportunity to strike a better balance and to change old relationship patterns that have proven not to work well.

Uranus gives the possibility to wake up outside the usual boxes of thought and to make the changes.

On Ocober 19 Mars conjuncts Pluto.  Conjunct means they share the same space in a 360 degree circle- in this case both at around 15 degrees of Capricorn.

Conjunct means they seek to bring their energies together and in this case in Capricorn. Capricorn wants to build or maintain solid structures or systems. Mars and Pluto together tend to create much potentially explosive power together. They can be ruthless when together.

This can create world conflicts through the ruthless power of the system, the state. or corporate or militay institutions.

In personal lives this can mean a powerful attempt to maintain or create controls.  Be careful this week not to get into power and control battles with others, as they could get nasty.

Instead use this Mars/Pluto aspect to make your self aware of authority or to assert your own authority.

On Saturday October 22 there is a 4th quarter Moon in Cancer as the Sun makes its annual move into Scorpio.

This may bring a feeling of being “brought down”.   Resist the temptation to get depressed, and instead use it to go deeper inside to see what is real and true for you.

Scorpio helps us to get in touch with deeper soul issues, to see inside the veils of secrecy.  It also helps us to find our passion and to honor our more primal instincts.

4th quarter Moons alert us to “wrap things up” and to prepare for the next new moon- this one to be in Scorpio on October 30.

We are in a collective transition into a whole new chapter of our lives.  The Election here in the USA is an obvious symbol that things are changing.

An important way to change is in consciousness.   If we keep trying to create enemies and keep trying to demonize others we stay locked in old consciousness.

Yes we need to create boundaries betwen what we believe and stand for, and what others believe and stand for.  But we do not need to make us the good guys, and them the bad guys.

It is a difference of opinion and lifestyle, not a reason to hate or destroy.

Till next week,


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