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Ready or Not and Astrology Forecast December 13- 19

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

On and around Friday December 11 we received energies that assist us in getting out of stuck places and patterns.

Mars opposed Uranus and then there was New Moon in Sagittarius.

It is a signal that it is time to move forward.  We can begin to move beyond having to concentrate on intensive processing of emotions and thoughts, digging deeper to face our demons and shadows, and feeling stuck and unable to move forward.

It is time to more fully enter a new chapter of our lives here on Planet Earth.

We have been in this new chapter for awhile already, but now we can begin to stop mulling over what we imagine we did wrong,  stop feeling we are the victim to someone or something, and stop going over the same tapes in our minds that keep us trapped.

It is time to embrace the free spirit in us, and to allow the Universe and our Higher Selves to inspire our souls and help guide us.

It is time to let go of the excuses that have held us back, and to more fully take responsibility for our lives and the world we live in.

Indeed so many of us have been traumatized by our childhoods and earlier experiences, and challenged by the wounds we have endured and the karma we have received.

But there are times such as now when we can throw off the chains that have bound us and start to trust our deeper souls and the Universe.

Of course there will still be times when you will face your demons again, when you will need to feel your trauma again; but you can now begin to stop letting those issues Control your heart, mind and life.

What is running your show, so to speak?  Is it love or fear?

Now is the time, as the Sagittarius New Moon has just been experienced, to let the fire of spirit lift you forward in your life.

It has felt like a long time since the Eclipses of September.   We now are in a whole new realm of experience.

The global powers that be are trying to manage grave new terror threats, a weakening global economy, and a Middle East and world that is so susceptible now to some spark of miscalculation that would light a fire of world war.

President Obama, whatever you otherwise feel about the job he has done, has been holding back the tide of overwhelming forces of potential global disaster.

He opened up doorways to better relations with Iran and Cuba; he has resisted the temptation to demonize Islamic peoples; and he has tried to detach from his emotions in order to listen to his “better angels” inside.

Of course he is largely controlled by big Corporate interests and a decaying global  paradigm, as all presidents would be now.

But he at least is walking a thin line that has opened some consciousness and light into the new world and age.

There is the light of Diversity in Unity beginning to shine through his making relationship with Cuba, Iran, and Islam.  And his administration has helped open doors for greater rights for LGBT peoples.

And he has given credence to obvious abuse of African Americans as seen in Ferguson and elsewhere.

And he has taken part passionately in the recent global conference on Climate Change.  That conference has just come up with a plan to deal with Climate Change, a most postive world development.

The Uranus/Pluto square has been aspecting the natal Sun/Saturn of the USA from its birth on July 4 1776.  It has been doing so ever since the Cardinal Grand Cross in April 2014.

The Sun in a person’s or any entity’s of country’s natal chart represents one’s central self and identity, one’s ego, but also one’s higher purpose.

Pluto and Uranus are two powerful transformational planets.   As they make aspect to the USA natal Sun they are trying to get the USA prepared for a Diversity in Unity Age of Aquarius.

As such the USA is needing to let go of its ego of Superpower.  It is hopefully in the process letting go a paradigm that gives license to impose its way of being on others.

President Obama’s time in office has shown some light as we have said before into a transformed USA ego and sense of purpose.

But at the same time there is a collective desire to cling to the old ego.

Is not Donald Trump a reflection of that narcissistic ego?

Can we as a nation rise beyond that ego, and reintegrate the better values from our founding principles.

All men are created equal with certain inalienable rights like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  But now those principles need to be applied to all peoples all over the Earth.

All people are created equal; diverse peoples living together in unity; and freedom to pursue one’s individual or country’s destiny are principles of the Age of Aquarius.

BTW the USA natal chart shows a Moon in Aquarius. The Moon is one’s inner soul and inner values.

If we can return to the core of our values we can be a benefit to humanity, not to dominate but to work in equality with all others.

The Earth and USA have also now more fully entered this new chapter of human life on Planet Earth, on the road to an Age of Aquarius in the 2020’s.

For all of us it is now “ready or not here it comes”.

There is no  more turning back and no more sitting on fences, no more hand wringing with fear.

We have each chosen which fork in the road we are taking, even if that choice is buried within- beyond our conscious knowing.

This coming week has no really strong aspects pushing or pulling us in any direction.

Nevertheless, we are on an “upward slope’ on the way to the Full Moon in Cancer on Christmas Day.  And we are at the same time on a “downward slope” on the way toward the Winter Solstice on December 21/22 (depending on what time zone you are in).

Processing on our lives and emotions and spiritual path will continue even though we are now taking the ride through this new chapter of life.

But that processing will have strong intention now of finding solution, fostering positive transformation, and continuing to awaken or stay awake to the truth and love all around.

Even if you feel some depression with the darkening days, winter coming on, or the state of our world; it is wise to find a way to see the glass of life as half full now, so you do not slip back into old stories and get swallowed up in fear or rage.

We are inexorably moving into the Age of Aquarius, even if events may seem frightening and foreboding.

Till next week,


You can get an astrological consultation with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life. Please write for more info..

Please feel free to find my services on my website  You can sign up for our newsletter there.

Leo Knighton Tallarico has been a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for 30 years.

My life partner Deborah has a blog now that will bring to you a greater sense of life’s sacredness and our human connection to our Earth, Feminine mysteries and that which brings us all together in unity.

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