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Relationship Balancing and Astrology Forecast March 5-11

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

Last weekend we passed through a powerful Solar Eclipse New Moon in Pisces, while at the same time experiencing a “breaking things open” aspect: Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries.

As Jupiter in Libra was exactly opposite that conjunction, relationship issues come more strongly into our awareness.   And the Cardinal T-square of Uranus, Pluto, and Jupiter was triggered in the process, motivating Transformation in the world and in our personal lives.

We are truly 100% over the hump and now into a New Chapter of our lives, collectively and personally.

Collectively, the presidential election in the USA was the first signpost showing us a new path we are taking.  Eclipse Season this winter of 2017 has been bringing waves of change that are sweeping us faster forward on our journey.

As we look out into the greater world we can see many great challenges ahead.   There are two very different USA cultures that are clashing quite hatefully with one another.

Neither represents by itself what we need to move toward on our journey into the Age of Aquarius.

“Conservative” and “liberal”, or in reality all opposites, will need to find a way to join in circular unity, for the greater good of the community, in order to have a healthy and whole human condition in the Age of Aquarius.

And we are a long way from that condition.  And this is not just in the USA.  All over the world a new paradigm must be realized.  That new paradigm is about all the distinct parts of a whole being recognized and honored. All the opposites are valued in their intrinsic nature: male/female, yin/yang, dark/light, etc.

And in so doing we are building a Diversity within Unity world.

That means that even in our personal relationships we need to move beyond the idea that one person’s way is superior to someone else’s way, that someone is inherently better than someone else in value.

We will disagree of course, but respecting  the other person and their viewpoint is important. If you cannot do that, then that relationship is not one you should be in.

And now we get help with relationship issues as Venus is now Retrograde, and will stay that way until April 15 when it goes back Direct.

Yes that means that relationships and heart matters will be in the spotlight of your life, and you can expect some reflection on how relationships were in your past.

You may have strong memories of those people who used to have importance in your life,  and those memories may come from waking thoughts and feelings about people, but also may come through dreams and “in the flesh” appearances.

You may also have strong memories of how current relationships used to be back in the day.

And you will be working on relationhip issues more than usual.

But there are other parts to this Venus Retrograde.  Venus is a strong symbol for the feminine principle, and in Aries the feminine is bold, forceful, and stands up strong and brave for what it believes.

Athena is an archetypal Goddess who is very Aries in nature.  She is a warrioress, a woman born from the head of Zeus, and the head is the part of the body that Aries “rules”.

Venus in Aries does not bow down to anyone, and now in our world it seems like women are being called upon to assert themselves more and to not take abuse or “second class citizen” treatment.

Degrading of the Feminine is most prevalent in other cultures where women cannot attend school or vote or drive a car, or are sold into sex.

And even in America, women are often not yet paid equally for doing the same jobs as men, and they are also often not treated as equal in value to men.

But keep in mind that many women have bought into the old paradigm too, so the transformation of belief systems and values is for all.

Instead of putting blame on one gender or another, it is important to realize that we all “signed” onto a paradigm contract that now needs to be torn up and a new one realized.

In the old paradigm, so-called male values have been more highly honored in cultures all around the world.

The building of big militaries, the ambition to get rich, the “dog eat dog” mentality is of great importance in most cultures of this world.

“Survival of the fittest” mentality has dysfunctionally grown into power abuses, domination, war, and “us versus them” belief systems.

There is arguably not enough empathy, compassion, or sense of connection in our collective consciousness and cultural models.

True spiritual values that are not mainly based on rules and commandments and superiority are not valued enough either.

There is fighting or going to war for one’s God that is happening in many parts of this world too.

Being in survival and outer directed takes up so much energy in our world.

And the greatest of all “feminine” values, Love is sadly lacking in so much of life.

So it is time to reflect on and act on bringing the Feminine values to a stronger place in our cultures and hearts now.

And Venus in Aries represents the power of the Feminine and standing up tall for Feminine values.

All of us, male and female need to incorporate more love and care and connection into our lives now.

The proliferation of nuclear weapons, bombs, pornography and electronic devices show us the lesser priority shown for  love, intimacy and true deep connection in our world and daily lives.

This week after the big Solar Eclipse New Moon, we are led up to a Full Moon in Virgo on Sunday March 12.  We will look at that more closely next week.

So we are now still moving through Eclipse Season and will be until March 27 at the New Moon in Aries.

So now we process what has been happening this Eclipse Season, keep our eye on the New Chapter and what it is unfolding into. And we keep releasing that which was part of that old chapter that we will not be taking with us going forward.

With Venus being retrograde in Aries till April 15, in the process of improving our relationships, we also will need to strike better balance between independence and being true to oneself on the one hand, with being in relaionship and united on the other hand.

Doing so brings us more into Diversity within Unity in our own lives, as it is important to be true to our authentic self while also being unified in relationship.

Neither person should sacrifice their integrity of being in order to make a relationship work.

Till next week


Please check out my new forecast for 2017-

And if you would like your own personal forecast for 2017, please contact me at

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