By Leo Knighton Tallarico
We have entered the 2nd quarter phase of the lunar cycle that began at the Cancer New Moon on June 23. So thus we are waxing our way up to the Full Moon in Capricorn on July 7/8.
So this week we are only 3 weeks away from the intial winds of Eclipse Season. Then the 1st eclipse, a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon will be on August 7. The 2nd eclipse, a most powerful Total Solar Eclipse New Moon in Leo will be on August 21.
These Eclipse Seasons usually happen twice a year, with 2 eclipses in each season.
Eclipse Seasons begin two weeks or so before the first eclipse in a season, and extend to at least two weeks after the last eclipse in a season. These seasons are almost always big turning points in world and personal affairs.
The last Eclipse season was from January 27- March 27 2017.
The Eclipse Seasons often have breakdowns of old habits, patterns, beliefs, and sometimes even breakdowns in relationships, jobs, families, and home lives.
But just as frequently there are usually breakthroughs into awakened thoughts and new ways of living, better relationships, jobs and home lives.
Change is quite frequent during Eclipse Seasons, and much of that change can become transformational, and can open one up to healing of old wounds and traumas.
Keeping status quo is difficult during an Eclipse Season, and usually some part of one’s life will show big movement and change, even if it is one’s belief systems or ways of perceiving one’s life.
Often the issues that are ripe for change and transformation show up before the Eclipse Season, but the intensity of need for their transformation heats up appreciably during the Season, and especially so close to the actual Eclipse event.
If a country or person has any of their personal natal planets in close aspect to the sign and degree of the Eclipse, then that country or person will be most challenged with issues that require one’s close attention.
For instance the Total Solar Eclipse on August 21 will be at almost 29 degreees of Leo. Donald Trump’s natal Ascendent is at 29 + degrees of Leo and his Mars is at almost 27 degrees of Leo.
So his rising sign, which signifies how he interacts with his world, and his Mars, which signifies how he asserts, fights, and defends himself, are in self involved Leo.
Leo expresses openly and creatively, but when out of balance expresses in a totally self centered way, which if taken to the limit becomes narcissism.
That Leo part of his disposition will be triggered around the eclipse, and since specifically his Mars in Leo will be triggered, he will be vociferously fighting or defending himself (even more than usua), and not unlikely will be using that aggression as Commander in Chief of the United States military.
If your own natal planets will be triggered, you too will have parts of your psyche and life activated and put in the spotlight for change and transformation.
If you have planets from 26 degrees Leo to 1 degree of Virgo you will be greatly affected by that Total Solar Eclipse on August 21. If you have planets from 26 degrees of Aquarius to 1 degree of Pisces you will be at least substantially affected.
If you have planets from 26 degrees of Taurus to 1 degree of Gemini or 26 degrees of Scorpio to 1 degree of Sagittarius you will be at least somewhat affected.
And of course all of us will be affected by the eclipses as citizens of the world, and most especially the USA where this Total Eclipse will be seen.
World events that are warm now will be much hotter during the actual Eclipse Season, which will begin around the Leo New Moon on July 23.
For now find what nurtures you and helps you to feel safe and loved. Gather yourself and solidify what is important to you.
It is Sun in Cancer time of year when nature is abundant and the needs for nurturance and unconditional love are at their highest. What signifies home and family to you needs to be experienced before Eclipse Season begins.
The most vulnerable in our world will need the most care now: our children, our elderly, our wounded, our innocent animals.
This week begins rather intensely as Mars opposes Pluto on Sunday July 2. Be careful to not emotionally overreact reacting to situations and people.
Also this week, as the Moon gets brighter and brighter on its way to a full moon, Venus will move from Taurus to Gemini on the 4th of July, and will stay in Gemini until July 31.
As Venus moves out of Taurus and into Gemini, it leaves its priority being for physical comfort and care, and for monetary and relationship security.
Its new priority becomes being social and gaining intellectual stimulation, being light and free spirited, and open to being a social butterfly.
On July 5 Mercury leaves Cancer and enters Leo, where it will stay until July 25.
When in Cancer, Mercury’s mental tendencies are to combine its head with its feelings, and sometimes to be confused between thinking and feeling.
As Mercury, the planet of thinking and communicating, shifts into Leo, fun creative thinking and openly sharing of ideas become greater priorities.
And at the end of this week, there is a Full Moon in Cancer/Capricorn on July 8 overnight into July 9 at 12:07 AM EDT.
Nurturance and inner values (Cancer) are needing to be balanced with needs for accomplishment and outer validation of one’s efforts (Capricorn).
Balance is also needed between permissive unconditional allowing attitudes (Cancer), with strict guidelines and rules and clear boundaries (Capricorn).
The actual Full Moon has Pluto conjunct the Moon in Capricorn which increases the emotional intensity and opens things up to transformation through catharsis.
Full Moon have an energetic effect a day or two before full moon, on the date of the full moon and up to two days after. This Full Moon in Cancer/Capricorn can also bring up parental issues and can make clear what iis needed for greater stability in one’s life.
The next full moon will be on August 7, a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Leo/Aquarius.
Time now to nurture and stabilize before the intensity increases in Eclipse Season.
Till next week,
We will do a video in July for the important August Total Solar Eclipse and Eclipse Season. We will have a new website up to view in July also.
There is a video now of my recent talk at the Enlightenment Expo that my friend Jonne Trees has recorded:
The subject is about navigating the planetary changes this year.
Please take a look at the video David Lonebear Sanipass and I created recently-
If you need any help with your relationship now, I have done couples’ counseling for many years. Do you need to identify and work out old patterns? Do you need to decide whether to stay or go? I use the astrological model to help in the counseling process. We can use Skype if outside New England. Write me at if interested.
Please check out my forecast for 2017-
And if you would like your own personal forecast for 2017, please contact me at