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Ruminating in the Cave and Astrology Forecast November 16-22

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

This coming week is the last quarter of the lunar cycle begun at the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on October 23.    We are passing through the second Eclipse Season of 2014, and quite a ways past now from the Cardinal Grand Cross that was earlier this year.

Much of the dust should be settling from the intensity of the stormy winds of change this year.  As we enter the last quarter lunar cycle, Neptune is changing directions on the 16th also.  As it shifts from Retrograde to Direct, its inner directed soulful flowing water waves take us deep inside.  It is time this week to ruminate and reflect and heal.   Venus moving into Sagittarius brings some upliftment through human interaction, but the overriding energy this week drives us inward and yin-ward.

Whether you are totally aware of it or not, you have entered a new season or chapter of your life this year.  Just look back at where you were in February of 2014, and look at where you are now.

For many these last several months have been earth shaking with change.  For others the change has been more internal, with their attitudes and belief systems. And maybe also they have been awakened to dysfunctional patterns of behavior or relating that they are in the process of shifting and transforming.

You may not yet know exactly where you are going yet, but you should know by now where you do not want to go or do anymore

The greater world has also gone through immense changes this year.  Back in February there was no Ukraine/Russia issue that threatened old world security.  ISIS had not yet overtaken Mosul, the second biggest city in Iraq, and alerted the world that they were a grave danger to the structure and security of the world and its paradigm.  Ebola was not a great scare yet, and the Palestinians and Israeli’s were still at a plateau of pretending to get along.

Now it should also be even more obvious that the USA governmental bodies, including the Supreme Court, are bought out or at least heavily influenced by Big Money and Big Corporations.  Many fear just how much further we will stray away from our liberty and freedom, but also from our most cherished human values like care for those who are vulnerable or respect for the dignity of all human beings.

How much have we learned to bury our heads in the sands of our electronic devices or busy outer directed lives?   There is so much that is shaking up and changing, yet the media, government and other institutions, though quite obsessed with all the troubles, nevertheless show little promise for showing the way into a new paradigm for living with each other or being in sacredness on this Earth.

But in our own lives, in our own hearts and souls, we are making the changes.   We are coming to realize that leading a life of authenticity is not only desired but essential.  We are learning that our souls and hearts are as important as making our practical lives work well.  We know that we can no longer be OK with being robotic conformists to a world that is not aligned with higher and deeper values, in fact a world that does not see meaning beyond blind loyalty to country, family, and perhaps religion.

Loyalty is a valued trait, but it is an empty structure if not connected to our free hearts, souls, and minds.   Should we be loyal to a country that is driven by Big Corporations and uses the police and military to keep that system intact, even if unfair? Should we be loyal to families that do honor our authenticity or even see us?  Should we be loyal to religions built mainly on empty rules or guilt?

Should not your loyalty be to that or those who are true to deeper values, to love, compassion, fairness and truth?  Should not your primary loyalty be to your authentic soul self and the Universe/God/Goddess?

If these past several months have mainly served helping you to return or further commit to your true and deeper values, to your free mind and heart, to what you know is aligned and with meaning, then you have done well, regardless of material circumstances.

That old chapter of your life is dead and almost buried now, and death is a reality of life.  We may fight its reality with anger, denial, or any of the other stages of accepting death or endings.  There is no going back to how it used to be, to what was considered normal.  It may thus bring sadness and grief, but it also eventually brings renewal and new life.

So now as we enter the last quarter moon cycle, one that moves to a dark moon this week, we let go even more that old phase of our lives, not only on a practical level, but also on a deeper level in our hearts and souls.

If you have been remembering days gone by lately, you are doing what is natural now.  The darkness is stronger this time of year and even more so at a last quarter Moon that brings the end of the Autumn Eclipse Season.  And with Neptune also strong now, most of this week is best experienced with inner reflection.

But next Saturday November 22 brings a big energy shift.  There is a New Moon in Sagittarius on Saturday November 22 at 7:32 AM EST.

Sagittarius requires faith that all is happening for a reason, happening with meaning.    Sagittarius is the centaur with the top half being a human being archer shooting its arrows up to the heavens, searching for that which uplifts, with what has meaning, with what inspires, with what brings joy and maybe new adventure.

In your life and in the greater world, there will be more fire (Sagittarius is a fire sign) to raise a flag for doing what you believe in.  You will have more faith to do what you feel is right to do.

In the greater world, this will mean that countries or leaders will move beyond indecision and do what they feel is best to do.    It will be time to act on one’s beliefs. Watch for events in ferguson Missouri.

Keep in mind that Sagittarius is driven by a strong intuition, and sometimes that intuition can bring with it an impulsiveness to act.

Just check the facts and details before going full blast in a new direction.  Yes it is time to move forward, but you do not need to go all the way all at once.

And also here in America we are close to beginning what is a holiday season for many, and that alone may bring more Sagittarian joy into people’s lives if they do not become too immersed in consumerism and materialism and stress.

There is another exact Uranus square Pluto aspect to experience this year on December 15 and an unusually strong Winter Solstice after that.

See you next week,


The new Autumn Eclipse Season Forecast is ready to view .

You can get an astrological consultation with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life. Please write for more info..

Please feel free to find more writings and my services on my website.

Leo Knighton Tallarico has been a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for 29 years

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