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Rushing River of Change and Astrology Forecast June 9-15.

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

This week on Sunday/Monday the Moon in Virgo makes a square with the Sun in Gemini.  This makes for a half Moon lit up in the Sky, beginning the 2nd quarter phase of the lunar cycle.  That cycle began on June 3 at the New Moon in Gemini.

Of course this Gemini lunar cycle shows us the importance of communication, yet also shows us the importance of having an open mind that is filled more with questions than answers.

So in your personal life it is aligned now to open your mind up to more possibilities and ideas, instead of closed minded surety of your opinion and ways.

It is also fortuitous now to be present and to make a strong effort to be present in relationships as a true listener.

As a couples’s counselor, I sometimes witness people who believe that if their intentions are good they have done no wrong in what they say or do to others.

Not true! It is most important to truly be aware of how a person will receive what you are communicating. That is one reason that it is important to ask questions so you know where the other person stands in their emotions and thoughts.

Most people in relationship get really concentrated in defending their position and in “winning” the argument.

Really healthy relationships have each person in the relationship having empathy for what the other person believes or feels.  This does not mean sacrificing your needs or opinions to keep the other person happy.

You can be solid in being true to yourself, while at the same time having a true understanding of the other person, their needs and desires.

When each person honors their own self and sovereignty , they are in a potentially healthy position to honor and respect the other person too.  Win/Win is the goal which can be attained most always in most situations.

As the second quarter Moon in Virgo passes through late this weekend, there is the potential for nervous energy, anxiety, and obsessive thinking.   Both Virgo and Gemini are ruled by the planet Mercury.  Mercury operates in the brain/mind and through the nervous system and spine.

Yes it is a prime time for analyzing, logical thought, and information gathering and expressing.   But I am pretty sure you do not want to be in mental overload or obsessive thought, pushing for answers and solutions.

Sunday/Monday, while the Moon is in Virgo, there is an aspect that will offset the monkey mind.

Neptune in Pisces will be in a challenging square to that Sun in Gemini and Moon in Virgo.  Neptune, mythic god of the ocean, does not do well with left brain needs to mentally “figure it out”.

Instead it seeks and expresses the more flowing energies of music, metaphor, art, meditation and connection with everyone and everything. It is best to surrender to the “Kingdom Within” when Neptune is strong.

So it is best now, with the left brain and right brain in battle with one another, to allow the process to unfold without much stress from pushing an agenda, or needing to be right.

Late in the week Mars makes several aspects that should give us a preview of coming attractions.  Mars in Cancer this week trines Neptune, opposes Saturn and gets closer (next week) to an opposition to Pluto.

And all this is connected to where Saturn and Pluto will be for their January 2020 conjunction with one another as another Eclipse Season rolls in.

That is an important time period for our human family, and perhaps some clues from the Universe will soon show us what is coming to our personal and collective lives. Look for the symbols and their messages and synchronicities.  What wants to die and what needs to be born?

From this Summer Eclipse Season that begins at the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 17, to the Winter Eclipse Season 2019/2020; there will be important events, breakthroughs, liberations, revelations and enlightenments.  There will also be disillusions, heartaches, and life challenges.

As a human family we are moving back to, and forward to the purity of the Universe with its pillars of Love and Truth. When each of us is mainly connected to Love and Truth, all else will eventually fall into place.

Look at our world now-  false news is everywhere. It can be really difficult to sift through all the information and opinion to find truth.

And look at the status of love shown out in the world.  Relationships are dominated by struggles for power and control, and negotiating for getting what one wants.  Love brings grace with it and desires for win/win.  Without sufficient Love, we bargain for what we want all the time, and pretty consistently look for wins at the expense of the losers.

This is fine in sports or other contests, but is it right, healthy and satisfying for the rest of our lives too?

Saturn/Pluto is close now to conjunction (only 3 degrees apart) and will stay close during this approaching Summer 2019 Eclipse Season.

In January 2020 they will be exactly conjunct at 22+ degrees of Capricorn- one day after the Cancer Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 20 degrees Capricorn/Cancer- so close to Saturn/Pluto. And Uranus changes direction to Direct then also.

All that is why we are presenting a class and talk on Saturn/Pluto, which will include the eclipses. Class is on Saturday June 22 at noon and lasting till 4:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time. We will be deeply discussing world affairs, the Presidential race and potential impeachment, and most importantly the changes of  consciousness and lifestyles needed to adapt to the Age of Aquarius. In that process we will look at individual charts also to find where the Eclipses and Saturn/Pluto reside in your life and chart.

How might that affect your life? We still have some openings in the class. Write me at for more info and to sign up to attend.

This year’s Summer Eclipse Season rapidly approaches now. The Full Moon on the 17th brings the first strong winds of change. The 21st brings in Summer Solstice with a strong Neptune changing directions. Then July 2 brings us the first eclipse: A Solar Eclipse New Moon in Cancer that also shows us Saturn and Pluto closing in on one another.

Keep an eye out for world events that will open the portals for new light pouring through for our consciousness and lives.

Be open to change in your own life too.  This time period resembles the ’60s and ’70s, when change was overwhelming at times. But it felt so good to have the old status-quo corruptions, injustices, and power abuses challenged and  transformed.

And now we experience the next great wave of transformation. Let go of the shore and allow the river of evolutionary change take you, and bring you to a world of personal purpose and meaning.

Till next week,


I am working on getting a podcast out soon and before the Eclipses.

If you have not had a recent deep and psychologically based Astrology  reading contact me at

If you want a transit  reading, which tells you what changes are blowing into your life and how long it lasts, contact me at

If you want guidance on choosing good dates for weddings and other important events in your life contact me at

If you want transformational guidance with astrology readings and counseling, contact me at

If you want astrological perspective and/or counseling for your changing life, contact

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