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Saturn not a Demon and Astrology Forecast for January 23-29.

by Leo Knighton Tallarico

We have entered the last two weeks of the lunar cycle begun at the Solar Eclipse New Moon in Capricorn on January 4.   The Lunar Eclipse Full Moon was on the Winter Solstice on December 21 2010.   This current eclipse season, an especially powerful one, is slowly coming to an end.

People have been taken out of their “normal” rhythms and patterns and have been dealing with issues in a most intense manner, in many cases.    Now for many clarity, direction, and resolution are apparently beginning to form.   The week ahead may bring a challenge to that newfound definition for some. For others it may bring a feeling of finality or limitation that may be difficult to handle.

The last quarter Moon, in Scorpio, is on Wednesday January 26.  It intiates the last week of the lunar cycle begun at the Solar Eclipse New Moon on January 4.   Saturn changes direction and goes retrograde on January 26 also. It is time to “get down”, and deal with issues that one cannot avoid anymore.

Whenever a planet changes directions, from Direct to Retrograde or from Retrograde to Direct, it slows down and its “energy” permeates the energy field.

Saturn is serious and prompts us to “get down to business”.    It alerts us to the fact that sometimes we have no choices.  Sometimes it feels like fate or merely that “it is time”.    Saturn was also called Kronos, which brought us the word chronological.  Saturn makes everything seem more real and sometimes heavy or grave, as it rules gravity.   We get more in touch with our duties and responsibilities.

At its best it helps us to feel grounded, to get more disciplined and ordered.  It helps us to take responsibility for our self and our life.  It helps us to create better boundaries and to limit our emotions if they are out of control.

So this week ahead is a turning point on these type of issues.  There will be more of a sense of definitiveness, of doing what needs to be done because it is time.

Saturn also rules Karma, which has a bad name for some.   Actually karma (and Saturn) is also about reward for a job well done.  It is about reaping what one has sown, whether good or bad. Many people have good experiences with Saturn for this reason.

Many “free spirits” tend to run away from Saturn because they cannot take its firm hand of limitation. Saturn is the rules and regulations of life that can feel like a limiting of heart and creativity.  It feels like death to them or imprisonment.    But Saturn is an important tool for all of us.   It helps us to build and accomplish and be successful.     If a free spirit learns to harness their wildness, they can meet their dreams.   Saturn tells us what the “real world” is like, whether we like it or not.  This knowing of the real world and its rules, fair or not, can help us to do what is needed to make those dreams come true.

Of course as we move now more fully into an Aquarian Age, the rules are changing and during the transition we have more ability to choose and create.   But Saturn will not die or be abolished. We will always need to work within certain parameters, always need to have certain boundaries and rules to live by.  Even as we merge more into Oneness, we need to develop an integrity and individual definition, and respect for others’ boundaries.

So use this coming week to make better friends with Saturn.   Saturn is not another way of saying Satan.  It is not our demon.  As you make friends with it, it will help you to build what you envision and give you the discipline and order to do so.

Expansive Jupiter is also important this week, as it leaves oceanic and soulful Pisces for straightforward and direct Aries. Jupiter in Aries suggests it is time to move forward, to assert your self, to empower your self, to ignite new fires inside your self, to get ready for new ventures and greater action in your life.

But with Saturn so strong this week, and while we are still in winter here in the northern hemisphere, for most it is time to merely rev up your engine with new ideas for the future, but to hold off on pushing them forward.   Saturn, however, can help you to make a plan, in some cases a long term plan and ways to organize and implement those plans.  After Uranus also goes into Aries in mid March, the energies of action and change will get even stronger.

In the greater world this week, as Jupiter goes into Aries and Saturn changes directions, while we are still in the last vestiges of our current “eclipse season”, watch the news closely.

In so doing you may get a better sense of what is collectively coming our way.    Watch especially the economic news as Saturn going retrograde may show us what is “fated”.

The Middle East is heating up to a boiling point now. Watch especially what happens in Lebanon, as it is in conflict now between having allegiance to Iran and Syria or having allegiance to the western world.   Events may be close to erupting there.

And talks between Iran and the world powers broke down this week, with no agreements. It is looking more and more like there is an inevitable clash ahead between Iran and its allies and the western world and Israel.  This conflict, when it breaks out, will start all the dominoes in the world to fall.  The transition between Ages will intensify.  Gates will open up and chaotic creativity will pour through.

Revolutionary energies gained more strength ths week as Tunisian people overthrew their oppressive goverment, and Algerian people are now protesting to gain more freedoms in their country.

Saturn’s turning and Jupiter moving into Aries this week will show more evidence of what is to come.

The winter has more suprises in store for us, as the Lunar Eclipse on the Winter Solstice of 2010 gave us a signature of a most intense and changeable winter season.   Expect the unexpected and for more big world events on the way.

See you next week,

Leo Knighton Tallarico

Please feel free to find more writings and my services on my website.You can get an astrological session with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life.  Please write for more info. I have a new radio show on the air on December 4 at 1 PM EST. It can be accessed after the live event also.

Leo Knighton Tallarico is a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for over 25 years.

He predicted the Iraq War of 2003- in early 2001 when Bush first took office; predicted the 9-11 attacks with an article “The Tower”, written in June 2001.  He predicted Obama and McCain would get the presidential nominations in november 2007, when both were low in the polls; and correctly predicted the current economic downturn before it occurred.

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