By Leo Knighton Tallarico
We are in the waning half of the lunar cycle this week, as we move past the Full Moon in Libra last week. This lunar cycle began on April 5 at the Aries New Moon. Effectively, that was the beginning of Spring Season 2019. New lunar cycle begins on May 4 at the Taurus New Moon.
That April 5 New Moon in Aries was a time of important new beginnings, but at the same time Saturn and Pluto squared that New Moon in Aries and represented major blocks in the way of true new beginnings.
Saturn/Pluto will take on greater and greater importance in our personal lives and collective world lives until January 2020 when the extremely powerful conjunction of Saturn and Pluto is exact.
And one day before that conjunction there will be a major Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Cancer that makes close opposition to that Saturn/Pluto conjunction. And Uranus, on the day of that eclipse, stops and then moves Direct.
We will be talking a lot about this event as we get closer and closer to it. I am seriously thinking of doing a class on this subject this year sometime. Please let me know if you might be interested by writing to me at
In the class I will speak about how that will affect our world and our personal lives and the next presidential election. I will look at the USA and other countries charts as well as each individual class participant’s chart. I probably will be ready then to make a prediction on our next president.
Saturn and Pluto have an approximate 35 year cycle.
The last time they were in exact conjunction was in 1982. (Ronald Reagan started his presidency the year before and soon thereafter, there was a failed assassination attempt on Reagan. That failed attempt broke an ominous planetary pattern’s effect on the death of USA presidents during Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions. More on that another time).
Saturn conjunct Pluto in 1982 was only a few months after Israel invaded Lebanon. In part this attempt seemed like an effort to destroy the lives of Palestinians then living in Lebanon. The USA invaded Lebanon a few months after the conjunction. 200 USA Marines died and the USA then left Lebanon. This was an important spark that ignited future major conflict with “terrorists”.
Saturn and Pluto were in exact opposition to one another in August 2001. Very soon thereafter the USA experienced the devastation of an attack on the Twin Towers in New York- 9-11. That opposition was right on the USA Ascendent/Descendant line of 11+ degrees of Sagittarius and Gemini.
The Saturn/Pluto opposition that preceded their conjunction in 1982 was in 1965/66 when the first USA troops were sent to Vietnam, effectively starting the Viet Nam war; and when Martin Luther King led the March from Selma Alabama, effectively starting the Civil Rights movement
In the previous conjunction in 1947, India and Pakistan declared independence from Britain; and the Roswell incident brought to collective human awareness the presence of extra-terrestrials on the Earth.
So at this current Saturn/Pluto conjunction we can expect a turning point in the conflict between nuclear powers India and Pakistan (which has meaningfully been triggered this year).
We can also expect USA and Israel getting more involved with the Palestinian issue, as Trump unveils his “peace plan” in Spring/Summer 2019. More Middle East dominance and by USA and Israel is quite likely also, as they get into more serious conflict with Iran.
We can also expect a need to go to another level in our Civil Rights movements, as we deal with white supremacists now.
And I truly believe we will also experience some grand appearance or disclosure around Extra-Terrestrials and UFO’s.
Remember also that the USA will be experiencing over the next few years its first Pluto return; while Saturn and Jupiter make conjunction with the USA natal Pluto.
And that USA natal Pluto is the symbol of USA Empire and Industrial/Military Complex.
Donald Trump’s natal Venus/Saturn conjunction in Cancer is beginning to be triggered by the transiting Saturn/Pluto conjunction, as that formation has gotten much closer to it.
His sense of security and well being and of having loyal friends will all be more and more threatened in the months ahead.
Enormous transformation over the next few years for us all as we move more surely into the Age of Aquarius.
This week, as we move through the waning half of the lunar cycle, we also experience the Sun conjunct Uranus; Pluto changing direction to Retrograde; and Saturn slowing way down as it also changes directions into Retrograde early next week on April 29.
This Monday April 22 shows us the Sun conjunct Uranus on Earth Day. There will be an increased chance of a large earthquake this week; but also rebellious feelings of not accepting conventional rules of society will get stronger this week.
On Wednesday the 24th intense, passionate, sometimes primal Pluto (the guardian of the Underworld) changes direction to Retrograde. As it slows down in its shift, its energy is stronger than usual.
With Saturn also beginning to slow down now, it is a good time to acknowledge the Transformation we are experiencing. What in your life do you need to let go of from the “old you” and “old chapter” of your life? What are you ready to embrace of the “new you” and “new chapter” of your life?
Pluto/Saturn can be a very destructive force of that which is holding onto life beyond what is natural. But it is also a very constructive force for building for a New Chapter of your life.
This summer’s Eclipses will also bring much more change and transformation, in anticipation of the greatest change and transformation in the winter of early 2020.
Take a good look at our world, and know how much we need transformation. Look at our current administration. Look at the deteriorating values and corruption. And it is not just about Trump and republicans. Our government has been selling out to corporations and special interests for a really long time now- both parties.
We are ready and in need of big change. The Age of Aquarius awaits us. Love and Truth have open arms for those who want them and believe in them.
Till next week,
Please watch new video:
Check out the introduction to my new podcast/radio show:
Here is video from before Eclipse Season:
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