By Leo Knighton Tallarico
This week October 22/23 the Sun moves into Scorpio, joining previously entered Jupiter in Scorpio. They will be exactly conjunct one another on Thursday October 26.
That is the date we told you about last week, when the files concerning President Kennedy’s assassination are scheduled for release. Trump this week stated that he will allow those files to be released, as he is the only one, as the USA President right now, who could stop the scheduled release.
True to the sign Scorpio, secrets are kept and kept for sometimes a long time, then eventually released in a powerful manner. And usually when these secrets are released there is intense emotional turmoil and expression.
In this case it seems there will be much released we have not known. And besides this Kennedy info, there is so much in our world and government that we are kept in the dark about.
The powers that be always tell “we the people” that for security reasons secrets must be kept from us.
Disclosure of information about UFO’s and extraterrestrials is also kept from us, because “we the people” cannot be trusted with such info?
This is so against the principles of a free society which requires freedom of information.
We are not the children of the authorities, we are the citizens of this supposedly free society.
How about you and your life? Do you hold secrets that you feel need to be expressed soon? Are there people in your life that are holding back secrets from you?
When Jupiter makes exact conjunction with the Sun in Scorpio this Thursday the 26th, North Korea will be at another big turning point.
That Jupiter conjunct the Sun in Scorpio will be exactly conjunct North Korea’s Mars in Scorpio from its natal chart of September 8 1948, its modern founding date.
This week is a big crossroads time for North Korea, and hence for the USA. If it fires another ICBM or tests another nuclear device, it will seriously motivate Trump to act.
Hopefully he will act by making more advances toward diplomacy but that is not likely.
The Harvey Weinstein story of severely abusive behavior toward women has come out of the closet since Jupiter entered Scorpio.
In his natal chart he has Mars in Scorpio, and Pluto (the ruler of Scorpio) makes a hard square to that Mars.
That combination is male energy that is dominating, with great needs of power, and tends to ruthlessness. Of course in a more evolved soul the power of that placement is not “power over” but instead power shared. But with that combination of Mars in Scorpio with Pluto, one would need to be very conscious for it not to turn into serious power struggles or abuse of power.
So at this time of year now, be aware of power dynamics in your relationships, and be aware of your own or others’ abuse of power.
To run counter to the more primal energy of Scorpio, Mars joins Venus in very civilized Libra this weekend of October 21/22.
Libra is balanced and seeks peace, at all costs sometimes. So it will be interesting now how that all shakes out in our lives.
Do you express and assert your deeper truth (Scorpio), or do you give higher priority to keeping the peace (Libra)?
Can you do both at the same time? Yes, if you can state your truth and be in your power in a way that someone else can “hear” and understand. Putting a velvet glove on your fist, so to speak, can help others to see you in a more empathic way.
Have you all noticed how much the world is changing now, especially since the Total Solar Eclipse in Leo?
We have been thrust into a New Chapter of our lives, and we are trying on a New Normal as we cannot go back to what used to be considered normal.
With all the Scorpio energies beginning to come up, and more to come, we are starting to transition through the part of the New Chapter when we must make things real at a deep level in our souls.
We are beginning to climb off of the Libra fence of nicety and/or indecision. It is time to allow for the energies of Transformation to push us out of the nest of safety, and into the passion of this New Chapter of our lives.
Of course you can bury your head in the sand of life and wait for the “storms” to pass, but being not conscious during this time will only injure the vitality or your soul.
Can you stay conscious and still not be swallowed up by disabling fear and rage? If you can that is good, but if not perhaps it is best to bury your head in that sand.
The world’s dramas now can help us to transform and evolve if we can be motivated to stand up for what we believe, in our empowerment.
Next Eclipse Season in January/February the People will speak with their principles leading the way.
The second eclipse that season will be a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aquarius. That eclipse will be closely conjunct with the USA natal Moon in Aquarius at around 27 degrees of Aquarius.
Those inner principles of power to the people, social consciousness, equality, liberty, and Diversity within Unity are meant to then be expressed in a big way.
This eclipse will oppose Trump’s Ascendant and Mars in Leo, opposite also where the Total Solar Eclipse in Leo was last August.
Trump’s desires to be dominant over Congress and the people will be severely challenged then, perhaps with protests and/or impeachment.
Do you not find it interesting that a Plutocracy, with the obvious root word of Pluto; is about dominating governance by the minority of the wealthiest people in a country?
Is that not what is developing under the Trump administration. Many people I know would tell me that has been happening for decades. But if so, now is the time it is flexing its muscles and will be soon opposed by the will of the people with their Aquarian principles.
And of course those Aquarian principles will get stronger and stronger as we move into the Age of Aquarius, which no one can stop, no matter how it may seem sometimes.
Till next week,
The Transformation Astrology Webinar will be on Saturday November 18 at 1 PM Eastern Standard USA Time. It will last until 5 or 6 PM EST. It costs $95, payable through PayPal. We will look at our global world’s transformation, as well as our individual transformation of consciousness for the Age of Aquarius. We will look at individual participants’ natal charts and also look at some of the most transformational times of individuals’ soul journeys. That way we can put into meaningful astrological perspective some of the most difficult times of your life, so everything can be seen as happening for the reason of your growth, your evolution, and your purpose this incarnation. Concentration will be on transformational planets Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Contact me at for more info or to register for the Webinar.
If you want a deep soul based, psychologically and spiritually based astrology session, please contact me at for more information.
If you want perspective and/or counseling about your relationship please write to me at
This was my last video about After the Total Solar Eclipse;
Please enjoy my latest video on Life after the Total Solar Eclipse:
Please enjoy my latest video on Life after the Total Solar Eclipse:
Please enjoy my latest video on Life after the Total Solar Eclipse: