By Leo Knighton Tallarico
Until Thursday May 9 this week , when the New Moon Solar Eclipse gets the ball rolling forward, we are moving down through a darkening moon time period. Let your self come down into your body and soul now, nothing too elevated is recommended.
As you come down and have been coming down into your body and soul, you may experience discomfort, anxiety, difficult feelings. The eclipses and other strong planetary aspects are shaking things up, urging us to transform and heal. The discomfort is an urging to get out of comfort zones, as the old plateau you have been living your life on may not be quite right anymore.
Your body and soul feelings are wanting to be noticed and nurtured as things are shifting. The body of your life, the material and physical parts of life are calling for attention.
This is because there are 4 planets in fixed earth Taurus now: the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. And at the New Moon Solar Eclipse this Thursday there will still be 4, as the Moon will join the Sun in Taurus, but Venus will leave Taurus to enter Gemini.
So your body, your home, your finances, your land may be issues to concentrate on now. The practical grounded side of life is calling us more. Yet, since there is so much shifting beneath the surface, such deep transformational change, being grounded may feel uncomfortable for some.
Extremely sensitive people may now be feeling shifts in the Earth if there are earthquakes coming soon, which may very well be the case. They also may be feeling all the building turmoil, especially now in the Middle East and Korea.
There is a growing possibility now that the Middle East will have a huge breakdown of its current structure and power balance. Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Iran, and other countries may soon be drawn into a big conflict. The USA could then be motivated to engage its military strength there also. This could all occur during Spring Eclipse Season or just after in the early summer. It is truly a tinder box in the Middle East, and even a small match of conflict can ignite a huge fire of war. Korea is also a tinder box now.
If something does happen soon, remember that this is all part of a disintegration of the world’s paradigm and structure, as we move from an old Pisces Age to a new Age of Aquarius.
The western world and America especially are in the process of losing their dominance over world affairs. The years of colonization have ended, and many of the countries who were controlled or dominated during those times are fighting for independence and freedom to find their own destiny without outside influence.
And each world citizen, including those of us in the western world and America, is wanting to break the chains of programming from the paradigm created by society. We want to be free of corporate and government corruption, dominance, and dysfunction.
In an Aquarian Age we want to own and honor our true individuality, not to be what will fit into the needs of the state or corporate interests. We want our purpose to come from the voice of our soul, the calling from the Universe, the needs of our Earth and human community.
The challenge is that we need to make a living, have a roof over our heads, and feed ourselves and our families. That societal structure that needs to disintegrate and transform is, on a practical level, providing much of our semblance of security. So it is easy to be tempted by fear, as the familiar world we have relied on for our stability, is in big trouble.
Our government is really dysfunctional. Our economy is presented to us through smoke and mirrors, as in reality it is being held together with scotch tapes of printed money. We are trillions of dollars in debt, much of it owed to a thriving China.
Our military is spread thin over much of the world, getting out of two wars, but ready now to start new ones, as we continue to get involved in the business of other countries, cultures, and peoples.
In an Aquarian Age, as is aligned with the sign Aquarius, we will build a multi-polar world free of empires and superpowers. We will build a world of equals born into a paradigm of Diversity in Unity. As is written in the founding documents of the Moon in Aquarius United States, “all…are created equal, with certain inalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” And of course self determination is also a value from those documents. Those values come from the Universe, for all peoples, not just Americans.
Aquarius is also about power to the people, not kings and queens, or dictators, or governments, or corporations. We are each free and responsible for our selves, our role in our human family, our Earth, and our connection and alignment with the Universe.
So as these Eclipses bring more and more disruptive energies, remember they are meant to help us to untie the knots that control our soul’s true path, not the path programmed into us.
When you begin to feel the anxiety from the shifting in our world and your personal life, remember that we live in a meaningful Universe. As such the changes are meant to be, meant to help each of us to evolve, to move more fully into our authentic self and soul.
Each of us is safe in the arms of the Universe, and as we find alignment and centeredness, connection with source and soul, we will find our way, no matter what is changing around us. Meditation, spiritual practices, spiritual guidance, therapy, healing, nature, inspirational people and readings are ways to keep you on your path.
Being with people or in situations that breed fear, lack of trust, cynicism, co-dependence, or attachment to rules and judgments that keep you controlled, are not good for you now. Keep your self surrounded with people and situations that help you to stay on your path.
So this week Thursday May 9 brings in the second of three eclipses this spring, a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Taurus at 8:28 PM EDT. What was begun or conceived last month, will want to be made real this lunar month. It is time to manifest what you were motivated to do last month. If something broke down recently in your life, this new lunar cycle begun at the Solar Eclipse this Thursday will help you to move forward to new horizons.
It will help you to make real what you have been visualizing or intending. Remember the winds of change are strong, so know the Universe is supporting your efforts, especially so if your heart is leading you and your mind has agreed too. Let your heart lead, but make sure you are covering the practical concerns too.
One more eclipse will follow on May 25, a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon again, as there was on April 25. This time the Lunar Eclipse will be in Gemini/Sagittarius.
See you next week,
I recently put out a YOUTUBE video Astrology Forecast for Spring Eclipse Season. Check it out if you feel so moved.
I also created an Astrology Forecast 2013 for youtube, part 1. And Part 2.
Please feel free to find more writings and my services on mywebsite.You can get an astrological consultation with me during these changing times to help you on your path and with your life. Please write for more info.
Leo Knighton Tallarico is a full time professional astrologer, spiritual guide, counselor, and writer for over 25 years