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Staying on the Path and Astrology Forecast September 4-10

By Leo Knighton Tallarico

The Solar Eclipse New Moon in Virgo has now passed, but we are still very much within the Eclipse Season. There is another eclipse on September 16: a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Pisces.

I know many of you noticed that right on the day of the eclipse on September 1 Hurricane Hermine hit Florida; there was a 7.2 Earthquake in New Zealand; and there was a terrorist attack in the Philippines.

The intensity was very strong leading up to the eclipse. Now as we are a few days past it, the intensity has lessened.    But that does not mean that powerful world events will stop too.  We can expect big world events to continue all the way through September at least.

In fact there was a 5.6 earthquake in Oklahoma on Saturday the 3rd of September.  The USA can now expect many important and potent events to occur in the country between now and August 21 2017, especially close to the actual date of August 21 2017.

On that date there will be a Total Eclipse of the Sun in Leo.  That eclipse will “travel” exclusively across the USA and will closely oppose the USA natal Moon in Aquarius.

The parts of the world that an eclipse travels over are the places most apt to experience the important events. The Moon in any natal chart is the planet that provides feelings of safety, comfort, and emotional well being. Those feelings will be challenged here in USA.

So expect our country to go through great change over the next year or more.  And of course the Presidential election will bring big change no matter who is elected, especially so if Donald Trump is elected.

Remember last year when I predicted with my planetary formula that Trump would win the Republican nomination, even though at the time he was one of 17 candidates and not even remotely considered a favorite to win.

I also wrote that Trump would likely win the Presidency if there were major events that would erupt in our country prior to the Presidential Election, events that would severely threaten USA security- like terrorist attacks or market crashes.

I believe that because Trump’s natal chart is closely tied to the USA natal Mars and Pluto, symbols of its power and strength in the world.

Eclipse season will either bring us such events or will at least give us some clues as to what to expect between now and the election.  And whomever becomes the next president will inherit a USA that will be going through major and difficult transformational change, especially leading up to the Total Eclipse on August 21 2017.

The structure of our world for an Age of Aquarius requires a world of equality and Diversity within Unity.  Many world changes will occur in order to make that happen.

We each individually will also be challenged to grow and transform during that time period.  All of this is a part of the accelerated change happening on the way to the Age of Aquarius.

This acceleration began in the early Spring 2014 when there was an eclipse that formed with other planets to become a Cardinal Grand Cross.

In the world at that time Islamic State invaded Mosul Iraq and declared itself a state and Caliphate in conjunction with its captured land in Syria.  This was the beginning of seeing the strength of Islamic State.

Also Russia at that time invaded Ukraine, upsetting the settled boundaries. This began a rift between western countries in Nato and Russia.

And China around that time was declaring land around the China Sea as its property against the beliefs of Philippines, Viet Nam and other Asian countries

Also soon after the Cardinal Grand Cross, there was a police killing of an unarmed black man in Ferguson Missouri that set off major riots.

All these issues are still unsettled and promise more potent events and transformational changes.

In our own lives most of us have entered into a New Chapter of our lives since March 2014. We have gone through much change, and in the process a letting go and releasing of that which represented the passing chapter in our lives.

The Universe is helping each one of us to transform our consciousness and lives in alignment with the Age of Aquarius.

We are being shown the way to our more authentic Self and more authentic lives.  Homes, relationships, schooling, and careers have been changing as a result.

So now in the continuing process of transition into a New Season or Chapter of our lives, we become challenged to let go and release some more of what no longer fits who we are becoming.

And we will receive more magic, more synchronicity, more signs and symbols to inspire us on the path into our new consciousness and lives.

As we are still in Eclipse Season, while Mercury is Retrograde (till September 22), it is important for each of us to be flexible, to be more open in our hearts, and to not let our left brain logical minds to stress too much in order to squeeze out answers and solutions.

Let the process unfold over the next few weeks and be patient about receiving clarity  and direction.

This week we add a few new important planetary events.

The biggest is another exact square between Saturn and Neptune. As we explained in previous forecasts, there is a conflict between needs for security (Saturn) and desires for transformational change (Neptune).  Saturn is boundaries, rules, and regulations. Neptune is borderless, with needs to have more empathy and to trust and “let in”.

Issues in the world about immigrants and strict boundary control plays out within the USA and also within Europe, as well as with Islamic State changes of boundaries in Syria and Iraq.

In our personal lives our boundaries may be threatened by others; emotions may be out of control; ; conflicts between being firm and being empathic; and conflicts for following rules and being responsible versus wanting to escape so much anxiety and stress.

Also this week on Friday September 9 Jupiter enters Libra for a year, after having been in Virgo this past year.

Jupiter in Virgo is inspired by more order, efficiency, and logical analysis.  Jupiter in Libra is inspired by balance, equality, fairness, beauty, peace and most of all relationship.

This coming year is a good year to work on relationships of all kinds, and to find the connecting links between people and between all things.

Stay on your path this week no matter what is going on around you and inside you.

Till next week,


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