By Leo Knighton Tallarico
This past week gave us the Taurus New Moon combined with a strong lineup of Uranus aspects.
It is time to move further forward in a more Taurus practical and solid manner; but we have also just had some wake-up calls that are meant to push us out of limitations, stuck-ness, and the slumber of status quo.
Last week North Korea showed signs it would not just comply with USA demands, on the way to a planned summit in June. Last week we let you know that the date picked for that summit is a date when the USA militant natal Mars will be triggered. It did not make sense last week, but after the North Korean complaints it does now.
Also last week just after the Mars/Uranus square there was another mass murder at a school, the 22nd such event this year 2018.
And not long after, there was a royal wedding in Great Britain. Do you see the connection?
On one side of the same coin, the fantasy wedding that separates privileged “special” people from the rest of humanity was performed.
On the other side of the coin, the dark shadow side, a young man who was supposedly often bullied, goes on a murderous rampage.
Each side of the coin creates the equally distorted other side of the coin. Brutality motivates people to escape into fantasies of a perfect life.
And the separation caused by superiors pushing down others into inferior lives, creates a dark side of people who feel they are “less than”.
High School has always been a time when some kids are made to feel popular and “better than” , while others are often humiliated and made to feel inferior.
So it is time for all of us to realize no one, or no group of people is intrinsically any better or worse in the eyes of the Universe than anyone else.
This desire to be superior to others causes all sorts of separation and conflict in the world. My religion is superior to yours. My country is superior to yours (Make America Great Again). My race or gender or sexual orientation is superior to yours. The money and privilege I have makes me superior to you. My family is better than yours. I am better than you.
This human ego story is quite arguably at the root of so much suffering in this world, so many wars, so much poverty.
The Age of Aquarius is about equality and Diversity within Unity, and that is the antidote to all this separation caused by the paradigm of superior and inferior.
And this last week was meant to wake us up to the need to change the stories that are causing our decay and destruction.
But this decay and destruction is not the end of the world, yet it is meant to be the end of the world as we have known it.
And each of us in our individual lives is also going through this ending of an Old Chapter of our lives, so we can be born into a new more evolved Chapter.
I see this in couples I work with who can no longer continue the relationship the same way it has always been. I see this in people who no longer can live their lives without a renewed sense of purpose. I see this in people who are experiencing a very “dark night of the soul”, not knowing if there is a new Chapter waiting for them after the death of the old one.
I see this in people who are in such despair when looking at the condition of our current world, not believing something better is on the way.
Our personal lives and our collective life is in transition between worlds and ages, and that transformational process has now taken us to the edge, to the place of reckoning.
We need to let die what is ready to die, and often that is a part of us that carries old stories, old beliefs, and an old paradigm for how to live as a human on this Earth.
As we are awakened more and more, we see more clearly how we have been programmed to believe what we are “supposed to believe”.
And that awakened knowledge can be very disconcerting at first, and can have effect on all of our life, our relationships, jobs, families, spiritual perspectives, politics, and how we raise our children.
Then after we are awakened, we often look back and judge ourselves and how we have treated others. That judgmental attitude can be very debilitating and counterproductive.
We can only know what is best to do after we have been awakened, and then we need to develop an attitude of learning from our mistakes, not beating ourselves up for not being perfect.
There are more and more of us being awakened every day, and we need to help each other to stay on this new course. And as our consciousness expands, the Universe helps us by showing us more synchronicities and more and more evidence that all is connected.
This week
And now as we have entered a Taurus lunar cycle since the Taurus New Moon last week, you can make more solid and permanent, your chosen life path. You can now build stronger boundaries to keep protected the sovereign being you are becoming.
You do not need to give yourself away or to become what others want you to be. You do not need to fix anyone else, or to be sure you are doing your life as you “are supposed to”.
You can now more firmly stay on your path with integrity.
On Sunday the 20th the Sun begins its annual dance into Gemini for the next month. Time to shift energy more up to the crown chakra, and to get more into intellectual movements, into wanting to learn more, communicate better, and be more social.
On the 25th Jupiter in Scorpio makes trine to Neptune in Pisces, opening you more to the mystery of life, more to surrendering to a bigger picture.
On the 26th Venus opposes Saturn, bringing us to more focus on relationship and a stronger sense of either relationship endings or commitments.
Next week is the Full Moon in Sagittarius, but for this week we are in the growth pattern of the waxing half of the lunar cycle.
Till next week
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